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Posts posted by old_painless

  1. Nimrod_Z, while I do follow your point, the video tells nothing about in-game choices of difficulty, various choices of AI levels, what type of team he was up against, what were their ranks and so on and so on. Did they have waypoints and what were they? It makes sense for BI to only chase the problems (backed by video) that they can make happen at their end as well.

    Edit: Heh, that is what happens when you go AFK during a post. A lot of agreement, all is good.

    On the issue of repro missions, is the PBO really a complete set of information? I mean, I could still change config files and play on Veteran or Regular which would make the mission play out very differently ?

  2. I liked that bit and to be fair there was a hint on what region he would be in. I thought it was more a waste of time to have to stand at the exact correct spot in front of some warehouse in order for some cutscene to start playing. 10 feet to the left and you were screwed. HR had some really good elements to walk you through the weaponry while keeping you busy with some good old firefights

  3. Here is the promised blog explaining details regarding the campaign and other important decisions :)

    Please take a moment to read it.

    To paraphrase an Indiana Jones movie: "You chose wisely!"

    For those who bitch about want to play the entire thing at once, wait for all 3 episodes. Sure, it will be a longer wait, more time for you to play through some of the excellent missions already available. Or work the AiA universe

  4. As for the campaign quality they have hired some big guns. not worried about its quality. The delay alludes to a high standard. Altis will appear on the development branch, but somewhat late given the scale of this feature. As for better MP I assume that the current situation with fps problems is not suitable for the finished product. Therefore must be improved before final

  5. I am generally an optimist and have faith in BI to deliver a good game in the end. What worries me a bit about the Q3 deadline, is that Altis and presumably better MP will have to be in that release. And we have tested neither of them. As someone who tests (and develops) software for a living, this worries me. Two really big features coming up shortly before release, sofar completely untested by the community

  6. The houses that he refers to drywall, isn't drywall. It's either reinforced poured concrete, cement blocks or bricks with an outer facade. Drywall isn't a very popular construction material, I suppose across Europe, as it is in the US. I've yet to come across a drywall home in the Balkans.

    Fascinating video, indeed (Jester got himself a new subscriber). I agree that the outer walls must be concrete. I was a bit surprised however, that the last rifle (50 cal?) could not penetrate the post and the engine block. Would that not be expected?

  7. cobrastrike, it is very hard to assess if your gaming PC is powerful enough from an MP setting in Arma 3 at the moment. So much depend on the particular server you connect to.

    Your card is just fine, test out your entire system in a SP setting, if that is fine, then look for a good enough server to play MP, ie. one that won't give you bad fps.

    View distance and object detail are the two main fps killers, which also means that you can improve fps the most, by turning those down.

    And absolutely right about the shadows, with a 2 GB card they should be at High or better to become computed on the GPU (video card)

  8. I'd also add that fleeing behaviour greatly affects the impression of the AI. In the repro mission, if I kill two of the fireteam, the remainder will flee. When fleeing, they completely ignore the player, meaning that even if I shoot at/around an AI - even run with one holding hands while fleeing - they will not choose to engage me.

    If only - and this ought to be "simple" in comparison - the AI could signal more clearly that they are indeed fleeing/surrendering (hands up, kneeling etc). That would clear up a lot of misunderstanding of what the (hell) the AI are doing, could probably explain some issues raised on the tracker

  9. Tyl3r99 above is right. They are working hard on AI atm, so put your observations to good use in that thread. And i agree, this is what a mod-free game should provide, ideally.
