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About acrono01

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  1. 7th Guards Airborne Division Established September 2014, 7th Guards Airborne Division is a US-based unit thatfocuses on milsim in a fun albeit realistic manner. Our unit attempts to emulate the types of operations that Russian paratroopers participate in in the real world. Founded by members with over fifteen years of combined ArmA milsim experience, we have the knowledge necessary to foster an entertaining and enjoyable milsim environment. Checking ego and pride at the door we strive to create a tight-knit group of players looking to better themselves and the community they play with. Organization: 7th Guards Airborne Division is structured in a way the emulates the organization of Russian infantry platoons. Each platoons includes a platoon leader, an assistant platoon leader, a platoon sergeant, and two squads. Each squad is comprised of one squad leader, one assistant squad leader, and six additional infantrymen. Each soldier in the squad has training in one of three occupational specialties (Automatic Rifleman, Grenadier, and AT Specialist). The infantry platoons is also assisted by a Military Transport Aviation Squadron that provides rotary transport as well as close air support. We also anticipate opening up an armored section to support ground forces with IFV's and MBT's in the near future. Primary Roles: Desant (Dismount Rifleman) - Open Platoon Medic - Open Radio Operator - Open Rotary/Fixed Wing Pilot - Open Training: New recruits in the 7th Guards Airborne Division will go through a comprehensive three phase training regiment. Our training ensures that new recruits have the skills necessary to perform as valuable and effective team members within their squad. These three phases cover basic topics like squad tactics and formations, weapons familiarization, radio operation and procedures, as well as working with aviation assets to complete air assault and static-line jump operations. Additional courses are also available that include training as a Forward Air Controller or armored crewman. The multi-phase training serves as test of not only the recruit's skills but also their ability to conduct themselves maturely and responsibly within our unit. Operations: Our operations consist of realistic pre-deployment training exercises and campaign deployments to various countries performing direct action and counter-terrorism missions. Joining Requirements: Must have ArmA 3 Must have TeamSpeak3 Must have a working microphone and be willing to use it Server Details: We provide our own TeamSpeak and ArmA 3 server hosted on our dedicated server. You can find more information on our website: 7thguardsvdv.com Or join us on TeamSpeak!
  2. That buddy pod feature sounds great. The same goes for fully animated landings on the carrier. I can speak for myself and the pilots in the realism unit I fly with when I say we're really excited about these features. :D
  3. Indeed there is. After a bit of searching and experimentation I was able to achieve the same results in my earlier post with the weapons that are already on the aircraft. The gravity and air friction values used below are the same ones used by ACE for the Mk82's on the bottom of the A-10 and AV-8B. After doing a series of bombing runs in the editor they all appear to function properly and hit their targets perfectly. CfgAmmo class js_a_fa18_MK82: BombCore { ACE_CCIP_GRAVITY=5.6866498; ACE_CCIP_AIRFRIC=-0.000203; and class js_a_fa18_GBU12_LGB: LaserBombCore { ACE_CCIP_GRAVITY=5.6866498; ACE_CCIP_AIRFRIC=-0.000203; CfgWeapon class js_w_fa18_Mk82BombLauncher: RocketPods { ACE_HUD_WeaponType="bomb"; and class js_w_fa18_GBU12LGBLaucher: BombLauncher { ACE_HUD_WeaponType="bomb"; Note that this has no effect on GLT weapons. I am not sure how one would change the values for GLT weapons from the GLT mod, if it is even possible. If it is possible I am sure that adding the same lines in the same places would generate the same successful result. Definitely noted. I'm sorry that I went ahead an opened up your mod without getting your permission to do so. I was wrong to do so and will be sure to follow these rules in the future.
  4. Yes. I went ahead and tested it myself by opening up your config file. By simply adding that line under the JS_FA18E class and deleting the vector on the HUD I was able get a functioning ACE HUD. The ACE HUD change looked like this... class JS_FA18E: Su34 { ACE_HUD_ENABLED=1; The section I deleted... class PlaneHeading { clipTL[]={0,1}; clipBR[]={1,0}; type="line"; points[]= { { "Velocity", {0,-0.0189189}, 1 }, { "Velocity", {0.014,-0.0132432}, 1 }, { "Velocity", {0.02,0}, 1 }, { "Velocity", {0.014,0.0132432}, 1 }, { "Velocity", {0,0.0189189}, 1 }, { "Velocity", {-0.014,0.0132432}, 1 }, { "Velocity", {-0.02,0}, 1 }, { "Velocity", {-0.014,-0.0132432}, 1 }, { "Velocity", {0,-0.0189189}, 1 }, {}, { "Velocity", {0.039999999,0}, 1 }, { "Velocity", {0.02,0}, 1 }, {}, { "Velocity", {-0.039999999,0}, 1 }, { "Velocity", {-0.02,0}, 1 }, {}, { "Velocity", {0,-0.0378378}, 1 }, { "Velocity", {0,-0.0189189}, 1 }, {} }; }; And as a result I achieved... ( the TVV vector can be hard to see in embedded version) That was just a quick test I did. I'm sure similar results could be achieved with the two seat model. Unfortunetly the ACE CCRP function does not work with the "js_w_fa18_GBU12LGBLaucher" and associated "js_m_fa18_GBU12_x4" because, to my knowledge, it is not compatible with custom weapons and ammo types. I was able to achieve the CCRP in the video by adding the "BombLauncherA10" weapon and "4RND_GBU12" weapon to the aircraft. The only problem is I was having trouble getting the bombs to mount onto the proper hardpoints on the aircraft. I will look further into how to get the fuel lines to match up properly in the next day or so.
  5. To my knowledge the ACE HUD is triggered when the player gets into the vehicle when it checks if the plane is enabled to support the ACE HUD. @ACE's ace_sys_air_hud.pbo and fnc_getIN.sqf therein checks if (player == _player) then { _isHud = getNumber(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _plane >> "ACE_HUD_ENABLED"); if(_isHud == 1) then { GVAR(ccip_plane) = _plane; _hudDisplay = (uiNamespace getVariable "ACE_HUD_RSC"); if(!isNil "_hudDisplay") then { _hudDisplay closeDisplay 1; }; 93563 cutRsc ["ace_ccip_hud_dialog", "PLAIN"]; That's just something I found through a bit of (failed) trial and error I did myself. I don't know if there is a way to define the F/A-18 as an ACE HUD enabled vehicle.
  6. Are there any plans to add the CCRP function for GBU-12s and MK-82s to the F/A-18? I love flying your jet in conjunction with the USS Nimitz, but it is not always the favorable choice compared in terms of accuracy when compared to the AV-8B or the A-10A because of this ACE function that they have.
  7. Collecting evidence is not necessary to receive a good ending to the game. The evidence does come in handy towards the very end of the game though: So, as you can see, the evidence isn't required, but certainly makes your mission a heck of a lot easier.