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Everything posted by Fudgeblood

  1. Fudgeblood

    Demolish of body parts [Feature request to BIS]

    This.Also, please stop making so many threads, put all your suggestions into one nice post instead of filling up the forums with multiple discussions.
  2. Fudgeblood

    Aeneas2020 WIP thread

    That's immediatly what I thought of :pAnyway, pack looks great! Any chance of some of those UK spec ops with helmets instead of hats?
  3. Fudgeblood

    How high is the Skybox?

    Someone needs to make this for ArmA 2!! :D
  4. Fudgeblood

    Your Hours?

    Nice, I thought my approx 400+ hours was alot. :p Indeed, I could pay three times as much for it and still get my moneys worth!
  5. Fudgeblood

    Is Fade Permanent??

    FADE detects whether the core files have been modified, so yes, if he dosn't install/download a legitimate version of the game he will be screwed even if he uses a legitimate CD-key.
  6. Fudgeblood

    Your Hours?

    See the sig, keep in mind I only started using Xfire about a month after I purchased ArmA 2, so the hours arn't exactly accurate ;)
  7. Fudgeblood

    How to use artillery in editor

    1. Wrong place to post this. 2. Un-descriptive thread title, you didn't even use a question mark! 3. Use the search function, I believe there's even a stickied guide on how to do this in the editing section.
  8. Fudgeblood

    Bigfoot...has anyone found him?

    That was great :D
  9. Fudgeblood

    ArmA2:OHMOD Preview

    Epic 3 way battles here I come! :DCan't wait for a public release.
  10. Fudgeblood

    Should I buy this game?

    No, you can switch between 3rd and 1st whenever you like (Except on the hardest difficulty and some servers).
  11. Fudgeblood

    if a demo grips you then the full game will

    I had about 40 hours clocked into the demo before purchasing the full game, though I recently played the demo again with a friend and well... it was terrible. They really need to patch it up.
  12. http://bme.usc.edu/valero/DanielBrown.JPG What a great man to cast as an African American! (Assuming that's the correct Daniel Brown) :j:
  13. I find it good sometimes to just look at the main menu before doing anything to "set the mood" or "pump myself up", it's also good to play in the background while doing something else e.g reading, right? ;)
  14. If you want a great card get the new ATI 5870, it has DX11 and should run ArmA 2 fantastic. Though your current specs will run the game fine (Trust me, even normal settings looks good!). And welcome to PC gaming! :)
  15. Fudgeblood

    Pink Mist.

    He already has :j:
  16. Fudgeblood

    City Life 2 RPG MOD (WIP)

    For the lulz, and I'm actually Italian myself.
  17. Fudgeblood

    City Life 2 RPG MOD (WIP)

    'twould be nice for an Australian/Pacific server, but not much people really care enough to open a server for us :(.Anyway, the mod looks good, reminds me of the RP mods for Garry's Mod.
  18. It is un-tidy, but the links for the downloads arehttp://www.armaholic.eu/vilas/85temp/p85_v_a.7z http://www.armaholic.eu/vilas/85temp/p85_troop_a.7z http://www.armaholic.eu/vilas/85temp/p85_config_a.7z http://www.armaholic.eu/vilas/85temp/p85_wpn3d_a.7z
  19. Fudgeblood

    Most Anticipated Mods

    wat And ACE2 mainly, I don't normally get hyped up about mods.
  20. Fudgeblood

    Acog scope

    Red Orchestra and Killing Floor does the "3D scope" stuff too, personally, I would like if all the scopes were like the old FFAA Acog scope (So it's like an iron sight, but still zoomed in).
  21. Fudgeblood

    crouch down!

    Balls of steel!!And I agree, alot of the animations are quite... odd in ArmA 2. Try going prone, point your gun up to the sky then roll around :S
  22. This for the love of god.I want to play some World in Conflict style missions :P