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Everything posted by sick1

  1. sick1

    SEAL Team Six 4

    I will try and and fix this later today and maybe update.
  2. Updates V1.5 changelog 1. Made two versions, one with RH packs and one without;) 2. Fixed all Classname errors in weapon selection RH. 3. Fixed spelling errors. 4. Removed Dead body removal script. 5. Improved performance all around. 6. Various other small fixes. 7. Fixed first scene in which if you sniped the enemy before they detected you, you would received negative points. Version Vanilla FileFront V1.5 http://www.filefront.com/17794240/DeltaForceV1.5.7z Armaholic 1.5 coming soon Version + RH weapon Packs FileFront V1.5 http://www.filefront.com/17794433/DeltaForceV1.5RH.7z/ Armaholic 1.5 coming soon
  3. sick1

    OA desert mercs

    Looks good Schnapsdrosel! Any chance of updating the Seals too?
  4. sick1

    Please....Stop the intervention

    If BI ever decides to make another game, its always going to feature the U.S. That's what sales the game. In my opinion, arma2 is more popular in other counties than the U.S., yet it always features the U.S. military. I'm sure these are just speculations. Fictional countries in conflict would be hard to market to U.S. buyers. I think?
  5. sick1

    Ghost Recon - Island Thunder campaign

    Yeah make this happen, Just make sure its highly polished. Would love to see voice overs and old ghost recon music;) If you don't mind me asking, what were some of the objectives in Island thunder? I never played it on PC. edit. just read the old thread;)
  6. sick1

    Ghost Recon - Island Thunder campaign

    Cool, anyway to get some voice work from original, or is this strictly just the missions?
  7. I only know their SOPs from the mouth of Marcus Luttrel, when he described them in his book Lone survivor. Like I said, read the book if you want to understand what happened during the operation. I'm not talking them up, I'm just giving you facts. All SOF are god like in my mind, including the SASR;)
  8. sick1

    [CAMP] Operation Cobalt

    Looking forward to Blood on The Sand;)
  9. I'm with you DeclaredEvol. If you haven't read Lone Survivor you have no idea. They were soft discovered by a group local tribesman along with children. Their Sop's are to eliminate anyone which could give up their position. Being goodhearted men they decided to let them go. Thus leading to the battle. These four men eliminated over 50 Taliban fighters single handedly. Although this was declared a failed recon mission in the eyes of a Seal, I'd say that killing that many Taliban was worth it. Also, I've discovered that these forums hold alot of angst against the U.S. and it becomes a pissing contest most of the time. Don't even think about bashing wiki leaks or you will unleash the wrath of hell;)
  10. I just need a five man team that will be operating in Africa and Astan. Mostly desert colors. You could use the Arrowhead models and just re texture them. Also don't forget about Spectre, Killjoy, Wardog, Reaver, and Jester. I think you could finish this pretty quick. Even if it just a small addon. :bounce3:
  11. Don't forget Anaconda. Also if someone makes a really good Seal Addon, I will use it in my upcoming Devgru campaign. I've made 4 seal campaigns and they have always been modeled after the socom games.:) Devgru will feature the soundtracks from all the titles.
  12. Thanks, I never planed on removing weapons, just giving user different versions to download. I'm currently working on my next campaign (Devgru). It's going to blow everyone out of the water when it comes to quality and quantity.
  13. Sorry, but this is not multi player or coop compatible. It's strictly single player due to story arc. The reason you are switched to Claymore , is because it lets single players complete objectives has other members of delta. Sadly my campaigns will never be coop, because I'm, strictly into single player. If someone is willing to make my campaigns compatible, I'm willing to work with them though.
  14. I think the mk18 could be classified as just that, because it's a marksman weapon. I'm probably going to do a little tweaks to the weapon load out, and put a few fixes in.
  15. Do the back packs work on these units?
  16. The weapons are in alphabetical order. I know its alot, but is that really a bad thing? Some guys like Aks and some like to try out different variants. Glad you like the campaign. ;)
  17. Can you play music during briefing? I can find anything on this.
  18. Looks like The SEALs will be visiting Lingor after they finish their tour of duty in Duala. ;) Thanks for providing me with top notch islands for my campaigns to take place on.
  19. Hey guys I'm looking for voice actors for my ST6 devgru campaign. All roles are short, and you get a chance to be in my campaign. Please let me know if you are interested.
  20. sick1

    SEAL Team Six

    @ horrgakx, I'm not sure what is happening. I will look into though. @Bkp, hes not supposed to run away. I guess try hitting him in the leg. I'll look into it. @WildFire8, I haven't played Ace in a while. I'll need ot look into it. @Sig, Are you getting erros? I haven't tried it yet with Blastcore. I'm pretty busy working on SEAL Team Six Devgru. I might redo st64 and bring it up to date with CO, but that might be after Devgru. Devgru is going to kick some major ass compared to ST64. I will be fixing any bugs within these campaigns as well as releasing updated versions for OA hopefully in the next day or two. I'm currently looking for some voice actors for the campaign. All the roles are very short. If you are interested please let me know. Thanks guys and merry Christmas!!
  21. sick1

    SEAL Team Six 4

    Great news guys. SEAL Team 6 Devgru will feature the soundtracks from the original Socom games. ;)
  22. sick1

    ARMA 2:OA beta patch 76711

    Thanks BIS! All i need now is command Dofire to be fixed in order to resolve all the issues with my campaigns.
  23. sick1

    [CAMP] Bastard Squad

    If this had voice acting it would be perfect. Please reconsider adding it in the future.