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Everything posted by H3NRY

  1. I've been trying to find out how but I only got a vague post saying its possible to pull the info from gamespy but how is what I want. If there are any ready made solutions that would be perfect.. but I can parse the info if I can get the info to a file on the server.. any ideas?
  2. I'm attempting to do something similar in the alpha, its a but difficult to port over without arma3 having the modules arma 2 has. I am redoing all code by hand and attempting to make it as small as it is possible while still being fully dynamic... I will post it when completed!
  3. well.. that would make sense. thanks. alpha updates right when you get something working and breaks it on ya. well, guess i will have to stay on my toes when making this mission
  4. ok, trying to spawn an enemy vehicle and keep getting this.. not sure what i have to do to get them to spawn correctly. tried empty vehicles and filled vehicles as well as createunit and createvehicle arrays _whatever1 = createvehicle ["O_Galkin_F", getmarkerpos "mrk2", [], 0, "NONE"]; //testing this is the error thrown. searched but found nothing on it for arma 3 Cannot create non-ai vehicle O_Galkin_F,
  5. ok, so start of my mission the server picks a random spawn point and sets that to a global variable ( dont know if its needed) then in the units init field it setpos the units to the newly found spawn point ( i use a script to setpos the player, thats where i need help) the script does not move me, nor other clients but it displays the hint.. am i attempting to move the player too early or something? here is the script and player init fields respectively waitUntil {!isNull player};player setpos (getmarkerpos spawnlocations);hint "im here!"; this = this execvm "spawn.sqf"; yes i have seartched and nothing that anyone has done is working for me. at one point i just used triggers to telleport each player but it was not consistent, even with one trigger per person, per 1X1meter any help would be great.
  6. H3NRY

    Multiplayer Editor

    do you understand that this is EXACTLY what a server does at all times? it is very possible and would not use more bandwidth than a normal server hosting a game this is how i see it... wish i could code the UI for it two people on a server, one is host the other is client.( could be more people but two is easiest to explain) server can turn on mp mission editor and you both go to a mission editor( map with buttons for adding way-points and such) in the editor you both have a cursor of different colors and any move you make is fed live to the other client( exactly what a server does right now with the ai positions and all that so its not too much for anyone, shit you can send live desktop video on a phone's 3G connection) when you save a marker/unit/grouping/unit init( if one person placed a unit the init being edited would have the be allowed or denied) it gets fed to the other clients. noone joins the game unless all are ready and have saved the mission to the server/clients. basically.... VTS but with the layout of the editor
  7. i have been playing with it and have ended up with a trigger, it works for all players connected when the mission starts but join in progress is kinda... flawed. i have tried the way you suggest but it also just outright failed, no errors or anything. i want all players to spawn at the same location but that location to be random across the map. "spawnlocations" is an array that i BIS_fnc_selectRandom on server side and then spawn all units there... works thru a trigger but not thru init of players nor in the init.sqf... i am just t a loss for words on this one... im doing soemthing wrong.. but what and where is my issue... i need to spend time and look thru each character of my code..
  8. i was having issues with this as well, if you want use this and add all of your stuff to it ( works well for me and sets the marker for the objective and moves the players to the spawn point townlocations = 0; spawnlocations = 0; if (isServer) then { //server side random picks townlocations = ["stratisairbase","agiamarina","killfarm","camprogain","kaminofiringrange","lzbaldy","camptempest","airstationmike","oldoutpost","satalite1","campmaxwell","girna","agiosloannis","agioscephas","jaycove","thespartan"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; spawnlocations = ["sp","sp_1","sp_2","sp_3","sp_4","sp_5","sp_6","sp_7","sp_8","sp_9","sp_10","sp_11","sp_12","sp_13","sp_14","sp_15","sp_16","sp_17","sp_18","sp_19","sp_20","sp_21","sp_22","sp_23","sp_24","sp_25","sp_26","sp_27","sp_28","sp_29","sp_30"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; "attack" setMarkerPos (getmarkerPos townlocations); //server side setpos of attack marker publicvariable "townlocations"; publicvariable "spawnlocations"; {_x setpos (getmarkerpos spawnlocations)} foreach playableUnits; //server side move players to random spawn point sleep 5; //testing hint townlocations; sleep 5; //testing hint spawnlocations; } else { //clients };
  9. hmm.. that is telling me invalid syntax... man, i have tried at least 15 different versions of every script out there and they all seem to try to do the gsv2 query or crash... any way i can make the server it self dump all the info to a mysql or other database? that would make all of this easy... so lost.. this should work... its all correct but i get no output... http://urbanmulcher.info:81/testit/index.html
  10. yah i am. i seem to have figured out that it is not setting it as the init of the spawned CIV, it is in there correct and exactly as was shown above ( re copied everything and made a new pbo, the one i uploaded) andstill no go.. now arma has me lost, works one minute but not the next, same EVERYTHING ( tried adding mods, removing mods, new profile, deleting all profiles... nada.) i must have messed something up somewhere but i guess i will figure that out on my own.
  11. if i did that i would remove the land vehicles from the list.. dont want to blow the cars up from a vehicle that spawned next to it that was !CIV XD even tho that basically means anyone in a car can just drive up and nothing happen.. edit- im having a weird issue... it isnt working now.. it worked a few hours ago.. i have nothing in the RPT either, just normal startup stuff here is the mission, does it work for you? https://dl.dropbox.com/u/1465291/iedtest.Takistan.pbo
  12. all sides except for CIV would be done with changing: if (str(side _x) == "WEST") then to if (str(side _x) == "WEST"||"EAST"||"GUER") then or even if (str(side _x) != "CIV") then correct?
  13. it should..maybe should put server side checks been attempting to get it to work on my wasteland but apparently it decided to not work at all.. even locally... im so confused now, been trying for over 2 hours now to get it lol
  14. this was posted a LONG time ago but noone thought or asked how to attach the trigger to the object that is calling the script. this seems to work and makes for some great ALICE spawned suicide bombers. to attach it i added _trg attachto [_object] and for testing purposes i made sure 100% of the spawned civilians would be bombers, here is the full script and the ALICE init code script _object = _this select 0; _value = random 100; if (_value < [b]150[/b]) then { _trg=createTrigger["EmptyDetector", position _object]; _trg setTriggerArea[5,5,0,false]; _trg setTriggerActivation["WEST","PRESENT",false]; _trg setTriggerStatements["this", "_bomb = nearestObject [getPos (thislist select 0), 'Man']; boom = '[b]R_57mm_HE[/b]' createVehicle position _bomb", ""]; _trg attachto [_object] }; change the two highlited items above to change the percentage of spawns that will be bombers and the bomb type ALICE [bIS_alice_mainscope,"ALICE_civilianinit",[{nul=[_this] execVM "ied.sqf";}]] call bis_fnc_variablespaceadd;
  15. Hi there guys, I am Henry, i am a server owner and member of Urban Mulcher, a group of friends that like to play some games ( call it a clan for the ease if ya want, but were not an exclusive clan lol) me and the crew ( Urban Mulchers) have been reduced from 16+ people down to just 5 or so and we are looking for some more people to join our games. if you want to you can join our Teamspeak and our Arma 2 servers both located at Urbanmulcher.info ( list.urbanmulcher.info for an out dated list of our games and a new Teamspeak 3 status page, see who is online there!) we have players from all ends of the world so dont think that matters to us. people to look for on the Teamspeak for help and more info are: Pants ( aka cptn....underpants), Oxy ( Oxymoron), Rum ( the youngest one but helpful sometimes) and H3NRY or H3NRY.um ( Henry, server owner, admin and physical host for most of Urban Mulcher's server stuff) currently we are running a customized version of Wasteland but we also run some temp. cypher and other random fun missions. if you want to just hop on our Teamspeak and say hi, you never know what can happen. one note tho.. Please dont be an asshat, were just trying to have fun here
  16. i found out how to create a trigger and a marker on the fly but i was wondering if it was possible to get the name of a player and use that as the name of a trigger or marker ( marker1_$playername$ type of thing) what i am trying to do is attach a unique marker to a vehicle when someone uses an addaction on it, the vehicles are randomly spawned so i cant just use one name per vehicle and i would also like to be able to find out who "spawned" the marker. as my understanding is limited right now i can only guess its something to do with _caller of the addaction and somehow get the players name from that, but also how would i put that name in the marker/trigger? _marker = createMarker ["Marker1"."_caller", position player ] ??
  17. nice catch neokika, that was php ( coding a lot lately and getting languages mixed!) anyways, seemed exactly what i was lookign for and i will let you know if it works out for me
  18. no, the name. %1 will be the player calling the script? (testing now)
  19. H3NRY


    hmm... cant you just use an add-action that's added upon exit to get in? dont know how to but i assume thats what the cars do lol this addaction ["Get in","getin.sqs"]
  20. i started the game today after a week of work and found my text was blurred considerably, as if the text was supposed to be 10point font but was enlarged to 24point in a picture. i restarted the game thinking it was a bug, didnt work. deleted my user config and a2 profile no change. changed my video settings, no change. tried no mods and starting with the armaOA exe instead of the arma launcher, no change and finally i am updating drivers to see if that helps.. ATI radeon HD 4600 series any ideas what it could be?
  21. well, only way its getting there is if a mod would be kind enough to move it for me. does seem like a better place for it, thanks abs. but here is what i have done. i have edited the config.bin in wheeled_e.pbo and it is now this. ( pastebin so none has to download anything, should be easier lol) http://pastebin.com/embed_js.php?i=icVjYgKS edited the wheeled_e/ATV/config.bin and it is now this. http://pastebin.com/embed_js.php?i=yqsbYkD7 now to figure out how to implement ok well it was really simple, didn't expect it to be that easy. did exactly as i said, just emptied out the files i didn't change and made a pbo, loaded it as a mod and it worked. thanks anyways anyone who was gonna help lol.
  22. ok so i want to change a vehicles top speed and weapons, if i edit it in the config.bin and make an addon pbo with the same file structure and names as the original vehicle, nothing else in it, will it override it or will it just be ignored? if im going about it wrong let me know... just want to screw with some vehicles :)
  23. allright, i could make a crude half errors script that does exactly what i want but i figured i would ask here. i need a trigger to exec a script or even in its init if easier that will spawn a group or even single guys ( that i can define ) in a random radius ( also definable, want to do a lot of spawning with the one single script, even if i have to duplicate it and change a single value [best would be definable group and radus in the execvm eg; nill = execVM "script.sqf" [100,"Ins_Soldier_1"] or something) i have no clue how to do any of that scripting but i am sure someone here is good enough to :) ( to define) nill = execVM "script.sqf" [100,"Ins_Soldier_1"] nill = execVM "script.sqf" [radius,"group/MAN name"]
  24. i imagine the door way location is just a few meters off most the time, you might have to adjust the cords a few meters to make them get to the door. shouldnt be hard, just change the x or y by one or two and it should be fine, well hopefully lol
  25. they do, try to set yoru self and a grad on the airfield, you in command.. tell them to target you then to fire :) ( i believe 2 2 would be to target you then 33 to fire, after selecting them of course ) i did have it working and sometimes i would start the mission and it would fire but then it wouldnt keep the target, was odd. but after using thatscript mentioned on that page i ignored it and just went with the script cause it had no adverse effects, hopefully it will be the same for you