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Everything posted by Minoza

  1. Minoza

    Micro Destruction

    Well, is there an engine with capabilities similar to what RV offers that I do not know off? Please, provide valid links at least.
  2. Minoza

    Micro Destruction

    BF suffers from same problem as well, BC2 had better environmental destruction then BF3 has... Obviously, that caused some issues so they had to cut it down. Arma is bigger and more complex, so it's environmental destruction is more limited as well. Don't forget that you need to sync all that stuff, it's not an easy task. Also, compare BF3 SP look vs. BF3 MP look, they had to cut it down in many areas in order to maintain fluid MP experience. And even after beta testing, game launched with severe issues...
  3. Minoza

    Improving the Light Engine| What and How

    You guys are driving this thread off topic. Only times BF3 was mentioned was to point out good aspects of lighting techniques it uses (advantages), few of you misunderstood that and are pointing on wrong (and bad) aspects of it. No one really wants Arma to render out like BF does... But we do want better lighting rendering techniques, and it is being worked on.
  4. All that stuff is there for a reason.
  5. Minoza

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Sorry to bother you with less relevant questions... maybe some FAQ could be made (or there is one already?)... Since I'm using ACE, but I want sounds from your mod, is there anything else that I need to delete (besides A10) in order to avoid ACE sounds over yours?
  6. Minoza

    MP thoughts

    You became quite annoying with this claim since you obviously haven't even played BF3. If you look down at any time you can see your legs... Even when vaulting over you can see your legs. When you move and look down you can see them moving. No it's not just a camera that floats, it is synced with the body. And don't get me wrong, I'm not getting any side at this, I'm just saying you're wrong about this particular thing.
  7. Minoza

    POLL: leaning system.

    @metalcraze You are not limited, you want to move only along wall, otherwise you're not in cover. You would be "limited" IRL too, since you want to stay in the cover! You can leave it whenever you want, so you're not really limited at all. @one_man_clan SMK does that, RS Vegas style but from 1st person (and it doesn't "stick" you to the wall, but that IMO just sucks most of the time). I'm fine with that system, but I'd rather be "sticked" to the wall, I don't need freedom of movement while I'm trying to stay in cover, can't you people understand that? So, as I've already suggested earlier, take SMK system and improve upon that - atm it's just too complicated, with too many animations and you can get lost easily because of camera angles + it feels jerky... If we can solve this, we have a perfect solution.
  8. Minoza

    High resolution wallpapers

    Wow! Some nice stuff here! Good job guys.
  9. Minoza

    Thoughts on using enemy uniforms

    ^^I'm actually curious about this one too.
  10. Dude... they use radio and HUD nowadays... http://images.fineartamerica.com/images-medium/science-fiction-illustration--day-of-the-dolphin-t-koni.jpg
  11. Minoza

    AI Improvements?

    I did have few really negative experiences. Especially when we're outnumbered (usually 4-6 of us). Last example -> I tried playing alone, stealthy, no Rambo stuff. I was moving slowly through the woods towards objective, 300m from the objective they somehow managed to see my exact location even though I've head no idea where the bullets are even coming from... I've spent 5 mins in prone position, hidden behind the tree. Shooting stops, great... I try to move 1cm and here we go again... They couldn't possibly see me that easy, no way. This happens quite often when trying to play stealthy, they simply notice you too easy.
  12. Minoza

    Improving the Light Engine| What and How

    For everything! Don't you know?! :rolleyes: Now go and punish yourself for being ignorant! :D
  13. Minoza

    AI Improvements?

    Yes, it's one thing people never think of... You can actually adjust how effective AI is... Find what best suits you and enjoy! NoRailgunner described pretty well how to adjust that. Btw. game experience changes dramatically when going from 1.0 to 0.75 or 0.65, just give it a try sometimes!
  14. Minoza

    music in arma

    ^^What he said.
  15. Minoza

    Stealth Kills?

    Can we have that simulated too? :D
  16. Minoza

    Improving the Light Engine| What and How

    What makes you think that multiple light sources are used only at night?
  17. Minoza


    And doesn't like big fast moving objects, they are usually applied at some scale to prevent issues.
  18. Minoza

    Improving the Light Engine| What and How

    BF3 maps are baked, but engine itself is fully dynamic, you can see that in the demonstration, also objects do cast AO and probably can cast direct shadows if wanted. Maybe I went a bit too far when stating it's on par with CE3, so thank you for correcting me but it is still pretty good.
  19. Minoza

    Improving the Light Engine| What and How

    I'm just trying to draw a line between post FX stuff and lighting engine itself. I never claimed that final result looks fine.
  20. Minoza

    Improving the Light Engine| What and How

    We've discussed this. You are talking about artist aproach, where they decided to use some nasty FX, lighting engine itself is perfectly fine and on par with CE3.
  21. Minoza

    Improving the Light Engine| What and How

    Trolololo... No... raytracing is still far away when it comes to gaming. Few demos wont change that, and all I've seen so far have most of the stuff faked anyways, so it would only work in few situations - one of them is demo with static geometry. Usually some nice car model to show off how powerful PS3 is... make the kiddies happy and all...
  22. Minoza

    Perfect accuracy when firing from the hip

    Although I fully agree with you about turning cross off, I can't agree that you have only 2 senses IRL... (3 if we count touching keyboard...), you could say that virtual cross replaces the rest of the senses which would help you IRL + perception of depth.
  23. Minoza

    Improving the Light Engine| What and How

    As I mentioned earlier, it's cause of optimization, requirements of the SP campaign are not the same as the MP.
  24. Minoza

    Plane and Helicopter handling

    While driving from A to B, you will eventually get there but you probably wouldn't mind if it was fun too, right? What I mean is, while it's not necessary to have realistic FM to get the job done, it would be welcomed. If nothing else - for fun!