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Everything posted by Fuzzmaster

  1. Fuzzmaster

    (Unnoficial) Invasion 44 patch 2.8

    Hehe, thanks a lot jdB. It's good to see ofp still attract so many people.
  2. Fuzzmaster

    Italian Front Addons

    Many thanks for this addons Bielow
  3. Fuzzmaster

    (Unnoficial) Invasion 44 patch 2.8

    Hehe, more and more stuff incoming, this mod is going to be great ;)
  4. Fuzzmaster

    (Unnoficial) Invasion 44 patch 2.8

    That's some real good news jojimbo, thanks! I hope you have the bren carrier...
  5. Fuzzmaster

    MAF Mod - WIP

    ok, thanks for the answer ;)
  6. Fuzzmaster

    MAF Mod - WIP

    Felin soldiers look nice. What is this strange camo on the last picture?
  7. Fuzzmaster

    (Unnoficial) Invasion 44 patch 2.8

    The new version of the flak 38 looks nice. Just 2 questions : 1/ why keeping the old version if there there is a new version? 2/ I heard from JdB that you will release in this patch brit infantry, wich is really good news : http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=5778 But did inv44 gave you the Bren Carrier that was WIP so that you can release it : http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=4165 ? Anyway, I'm looking for more news now, your unnoficial patch 2.7 was great ;)
  8. Fuzzmaster

    MAF Mod - WIP

    Nice models, they both look really good ;)
  9. Fuzzmaster

    WW2 units

    I just tested yesterday the us and english tanks and it's a really good work, thanks. But like G44, I wonder if you will release the Bren Carrier and the Cromwell tanks that are mentionned in the brit config file?
  10. Fuzzmaster

    MAF Mod - WIP

    Oooh that's witty, must be the first time I hear that joke! Interesting kind of humor showing a perceptive, sharp mind. @Loick : Why not retexturing the soldiers in your first post for the desert units?
  11. Fuzzmaster

    WWII MP Released!

    Damn, I cannot download it until one month ^^' Looks good anyway, thanks Reyhard!
  12. Fuzzmaster

    MAF Mod - WIP

    Very nice :) Are you planning to release vehicules like VAB or VBL?
  13. Fuzzmaster

    Su-17/22M4 'FITTER-K'

    Thank you very much!
  14. Fuzzmaster

    New Taviana Screen Shots!

    DAmn, that's a really bad new for Ofp players :/ Well, good luck on Arma II then :)
  15. I will have to wait to have a better connection before downloading this one :) Thanks anyway for your dedicated work Petrtlach. Will you keep working on Arma I on will you focus on Arma II now?
  16. Fuzzmaster

    MAF Mod - WIP

    Very nice units! I might reinstall Arma on my computer after all :D PS : I thought the Fouga Magister wasn't used anymore...
  17. Fuzzmaster

    The Code Blue Thread

    That's really bad news... :(
  18. Good to see you are still alive :D The Tankette and the officers look nice. Are you still working on your 1944 Czechoslovak units? I hope to see more soon ;)
  19. Fuzzmaster

    Campania de Malvinas MOD

    Looks really good!
  20. That's sad news :(. My condolences to his friends and family.
  21. Fuzzmaster

    The Code Blue Thread

    That's a very bad new :s I wish you can solve your issues with ofp... Anyway, thank you a lot for your addons!
  22. Fuzzmaster

    The Code Blue Thread

    That's a very good news :) One of the most awaited addons for me :D
  23. Very nice Panzer IV models, it's always a pleasure to have news from this mod ;) Keep up the good work!
  24. Fuzzmaster

    M4's for weapon Individualism

    Really nice!
  25. Fuzzmaster

    WW2 Desert pack - North Afrika 1941-1943

    @bennie, yeah I should have said I tried both links. But if I'm the only one with problems, maybe it's because of my connection, it happens sometimes. I will try again, thanks ;)