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Everything posted by superrat

  1. hey vilas what pack are those yugo weapons or did u upload them yet?
  2. looks great especially lizard aka praga
  3. superrat

    Balkan war mod w.i.p

    2S1 Gvozdinka model by Vilas
  4. superrat

    Balkan war mod w.i.p

    not sure yet on size of airfoce i was thinking kinda like mi8 and maybe gazelle for serbian faction i tend to go ground forces more maybe mig21 for army of r. croatia when i do that faction later not sure yet though
  5. superrat


    wow damn looks superb alex
  6. superrat

    Balkan war mod w.i.p

    topas if found send it over thanks anyway here is pic of M84 this i copy of t72 that yugoslavia was producing with some modifications usally mounted with NSV eventhough they bought couple dozen of t72 from soviet union and tonci before you say were is m84 of Army of R. Croatia will be althogh HVO wont have one they did have any Thanks to VILAS for his wonderfull model will be working on tex's bit more:)
  7. superrat

    Balkan war mod w.i.p

    the MTBL is Sebastian's from OFP that i convrted from lobo's its not vilas just wanna clerify txns shadow nx
  8. ice man i aint messing with you anymore :D to my defence i got rusty BB gun some coner of my garage
  9. superrat

    Balkan war mod w.i.p

    more VRS t55 BOV3 aaa i am working on it well PRAGA not really i asked CSLA for thier model of praga no response sowwy!!!
  10. superrat

    Balkan war mod w.i.p

    HVO cro. t55 ZIS gun
  11. superrat

    Balkan war mod w.i.p

    vilas did A LOT for this mod especially those yugo made weapons thanks man as it comes for politics that's NO NO if wanna that there is a lot of those web sites this mod is based on reality from weapons to factions i'll do 4th faction army of republic of croatia later on this is mod based on war betweeen 91-95
  12. superrat

    Lennard's WIP thread

    WOW lenard that looks awsome
  13. superrat

    Project RACS

    the diffrence is giving opinion and calling somebody naci this is not easy it time consuming its done when is done check other mods same thing takes a lot time months or year this mod is worth waiting for
  14. cant resisit this resembles ex-yugoslavia heheh especially on first page this gonna be good great job
  15. this mod and PRAC's i am awaiting patiantly quality A+ thank you for your hard work s.rat
  16. great vilas the M76 reciever is wrong ill try to get you pic its kinda similar to m84 here's m70a2 i know i already asked too much from you could you add one like in pic and one with wooden stockhttp://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://z.about.com/w/experts/Guns-Firearms-Projectile-1501/2010/02/Yugo-M70AB2.jpg&imgrefurl=http://en.allexperts.com/q/Guns-Firearms-Projectile-1501/2010/2/Question-regarding-Yugo-M70AB2.htm&usg=__BP_vg9S54kbdyzUzeRcm_rPVWKU=&h=248&w=600&sz=30&hl=en&start=15&zoom=1&tbnid=PBCa4BbiuUcIVM:&tbnh=77&tbnw=186&ei=pending&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dm70ab2%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26rlz%3D1G1ACEW_ENUS416%26biw%3D987%26bih%3D551%26tbs%3Disch:1&um=1&itbs=1&iact=rc&dur=106&oei=r5czTa6kHYjqgQfdvM2tCw&esq=2&page=2&ndsp=12&ved=1t:429,r:5,s:15&tx=94&ty=31 and here is pic of M76 http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.jgsales.com/images/4%2520Yugo%2520M76%2520Sniper%25208MM%2520RI1382-X%25201501466.jpg%3FSID&imgrefurl=http://www.jgsales.com/product_info.php/p/yugoslavian-m76-sniper-rifle-with-scope,-in-8mm-/products_id/1542&usg=__CfhwRlz3q7-yj5pMzWFHM_4MbPw=&h=412&w=768&sz=66&hl=en&start=14&zoom=1&tbnid=8yB4g8SELRpjPM:&tbnh=99&tbnw=185&ei=Z5gzTavRNsGBlAemmsy8Cg&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dyugo%2Bm76%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26rlz%3D1G1ACEW_ENUS416%26biw%3D987%26bih%3D551%26tbs%3Disch:1&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=105&vpy=146&dur=1418&hovh=164&hovw=307&tx=130&ty=112&oei=TpgzTdncFdPogQeJwcyMCw&esq=2&page=2&ndsp=11&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:14
  17. vilas did u upload that yugo pack to your weapons addon yet? haven't checked it yet
  18. superrat

    Balkan war mod w.i.p

    Yes its D20 didnt plan on that might do some later a lot work to do i only work on MOD at night 2 ,3 nights a week ---------- Post added at 10:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:22 PM ---------- red arrows AT and MaLJUtka special thanks to FDF MOD Norsu for Sagger model and ofcourse to alex for red arrows
  19. superrat

    Balkan war mod w.i.p

    tonci : hehe i knew you gonna ask me about army of republic croatia that was a plan as a 4th faction but that was too big bite to chew if you get my drift but thats gonna probably be done later after mod is done ICE MAN Martin that great the MAP would be great ill PM you this weekend or tomm. bussy with life right now
  20. superrat

    Balkan war mod w.i.p

    some pics of m80a yugo trans. and aaa (m80a model by Dejan)
  21. superrat

    Balkan war mod w.i.p

    :bounce3: tonci plan for HVO is t55 gvozdinkaSPH mtbl some other weapons i know they had that i wont give them M84 tank even bosnian side i think had only 3 of these and 4 t72 i think most weapons gonna be in VRS (serbian) faction they had the most Pathetic_Berserker that's the plan run down equip.:D
  22. thanks guyz that was it
  23. can somebody thats familiar how do you add armor penetration effect(sparks) is this (ca\data\penetration\armour.rvmat) that you add it opening faces what ? by the way i know its rvmat thing i dont know how to implement it would appreciete little help s.rat:)
  24. superrat

    Balkan war mod w.i.p

    thats the plan i got some goddies cookin up for this mod:D
  25. superrat

    Balkan war mod w.i.p

    thank you both i will see as i get done more i will pm you:)