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Everything posted by Oh_Heck

  1. Oh_Heck

    'Bad Version, Server Rejected'

    you say folders. I see two arma 2 folders in my documents 'Arma 2' and 'Arma 2 other profiles'. Which one did you delete?
  2. Since patching via steam to 1.07, there are about a page and a half of local servers that I can't join. One in particular is =7cav= server which says its using 1.07. But when I try to join it tells me I have a Bad version, rejected by server. Anyone run into this?
  3. Oh_Heck

    Seriously FFS. PLAY THE DEMO!

    I fail to see how the 'bugs' are the fault of the consumer. Number 3 needs to be scrubbed from your list.
  4. Oh_Heck

    Hi guys, prospective purchaser here.

    Do your research before you buy. Read reviews, check the forums as suggested. The game has issues for many, and seemingly none for others. I for one am a little disappointed with the game. I enjoyed it initially, but once 1.03 hit, my fps was hurt considerably and made playing in coop missions impossible when full grass was forced on, as well as certain trees, bringing my fps down to 10 to 15. Also, living on the east coast, I am just not seeing a decent population of players on servers pinging under 100. Maybe two or 3 servers will have over 10 players. The rest are maybe 2 players here or there, often times afk. I think the bugs and system requirements have taken a big hit on the player population.
  5. I think this thread deserves a sticky
  6. Oh_Heck

    TrackIR and Arma2 - problems

    Make sure you have the Trackir 5.0b update. Some folks have been having issues with the 5.0 final, due to them accidently leaving out some code.
  7. or did I just read that BiS is currently working on an expansion for Arma 2.....while the core game itself needs a whole lot of attention still?
  8. Oh_Heck

    Patch 1.03 Stability Survey

    Glad i'm not the only one seeing issue with certain leafy trees. Doing missions with fixed heavy grass/foliage is pretty much unplayable, especially when zooming in.
  9. Oh_Heck

    Wee bit concerned - testing

    You can only exercise so much patients when you spend money on a product like this. Not only was it released with bugs, they only managed to introduce new ones with each patch. Also there is the damage caused just by word of mouth, regarding the condition of the game in its current state. I get the same feeling I did when I started playing WWII Online. Similar release, loaded with bugs, that took so long to address that the damage to consumer confidence in their product killed their player population, and any interest from potential buyers. The fact that they are asking him to test stuff he's already done, and supplied video evidence of tells me they might be a bit disorganized. Which means these issues will take a whole LOT of patients on our parts, while we look at servers with deplorable player counts.
  10. Oh_Heck

    Did Steam just release a hot fix for 1.03?

    Hmm..mine isn't updating.
  11. Oh_Heck

    FPSHelper v1.2

    Very nice. thx for the work Deadeye
  12. Oh_Heck

    FPSHelper v1.2

    This mod still being worked on? Looking forward to having the option to adjust settings.
  13. Pub servers are always a crapshoot. It has been that way for years. If you want tactical gameplay, join a team/squad/clan. Thats exactly what I did. Joined the 75th, and glad I did. Squad nights are all about tactics, organizing into fireteams and abiding by the chain of command. So what you are looking for, in part, many of us are enjoying already cause we knew where to find it. As for handling 500 ai...you are in a small minority of people that can play on that scale with this game. You know its demands on the average system. I like the idea of it though. Who wouldn't.
  14. Oh_Heck

    VF FPS Saver (VFFPSS)

    Curious, once you turn this on while ingame, can you deactivate it ingame as well? Also, since its changing settings, are those reset when you log off and back onto a server?
  15. Reality is, the game doesn't play well on average or lower end systems. You have gamers coming in after playing fps games maxed detail wise, and having to sacrifice alot in the graphics department to try and get some playable fps. You stack on top of that the host of bugs in the game at release...and bugs added with 1.03. That can be a huge turnoff right off the bat. What follows that, is word of mouth, which can do alot of damage to potential buyers. Alot of gamers are already involved in clans, and that word spreads to fellow clanners, etc etc. BiS needs to get their stuff in order. They need to thoroughly test their patches before releasing them. And I would love to see more on this forum from them on their progress. I'm not seeing alot from them, to reassure their customers.
  16. With the mod, I notice that when you get inside the a10, the only ammo loaded on the plane is the cannon ammo. Oddly, you get the 'reload' icon that activates the other ammo. Any way to fix this?
  17. I haven't played much by way of pvp yet. I actually enjoy the coops, and being in a squad that helps even more, with squad nights, and their desire to play in a structured fashion. But it seems you've joined our happy community of players just as they released a god awful patch...1.03, which has introduced a host of different problems. I think this has affected the player population somewhat, though it was never at numbers like you would see with CoD4(10k server), etc. Very different demands with this game, both in gameplay, and in hardware to play it. Best advice I can give you right now, is find a good squad to join, with active players interested in the type of gaming you are into. Lets hope that BI gets their shit in order and gets this game optimized so it can attract more gamers, to fill up those 0 player servers.
  18. Oh_Heck

    Selecting a target with HELLFIRE.

    A little off topic, but I'ld love to find out how you are piloting the mq-9.
  19. Oh_Heck

    1.03 Performance

    http://www.perfectdisk.com/home 30 day trial. I got the pro version to make use of the SMARTplacement feature.
  20. Oh_Heck

    a minimap!

    Just a note, and you may know of this already. When you are on the map, hold shift, and left click to create a waypoint. This will show on your hud. This may be OFN, but I came across this by accident.
  21. Oh_Heck

    a minimap!

    What needs to happen is the ability to zoom in or out on the GPS. I spent 125 bucks on the gps in my car...and I can zoom out and see the entire US. I'm sure the military has better gps technology then I.
  22. Oh_Heck

    Patch 1.04 suggestions

    ....volumetric clouds?? Are you folks seeing those?? Or is that something that also didn't make it through beta. I'm sure not seeing them..
  23. Oh_Heck

    1.03 Performance

    I use Perfectdisk 10 to defrag. Probably the best defrag i've seen yet. Better then Auslogic thats for certain. However, I still get a crapload of hd accessing now in large towns since 1.03. Wasn't that bad in 1.02 but man, terrible since installing 1.03. That and foliage are causing problems now. Thick grass or leaves are hitting my fps significantly. They've apparently optimized things for some, but broke it for others in the process.
  24. Oh_Heck

    Patch 1.04 suggestions

    10. Do the exact opposite of whatever you did with 1.03...success! ...seriously though, address the foliage fps hits. Whatever adjustments you made in that department, erase and start over...
  25. Aside from the occasional crash since 1.03, the most significant change to my gameplay is the loss of fps when looking at certain areas of trees, or grass. I've seen drops from 35 fps to 9 when looking at thick foliage. This didn't happen in 1.02. Last time I was playing I had these pop up around the trees. Went from acceptable gameplay to this..