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Everything posted by Kommiekat

  1. The links are not only NOT working, but they take you to some far far far away crazy land. We seriously need a reliable download link. I think, but not sure, someone who has this .rar file, can post it up on Armaholic on their behalf. Anyways, anybody who has my email already, pls be kind enough to send me the file? Thanks
  2. Kommiekat

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Congratulations. You are not at 60 pages!!
  3. For some reason, that only the Editor God itself can understand, I can't get the trigger to initialize. I've got a barrel named "barrel01" Trigger Bluefor Present player in thislist; nul=[barrel01,1] execVM "Scripts\smokeLoop.sqf"; As you can see, the file is located in my "Scripts" folder. Player is Bluefor and walk into the trigger zone set at Axis a and b, 3. Perhaps the CONDITION is wrong? If I don't use a trigger, then the barrel will work. But I need the player to approach the barrel to simulate an initiation of the smoke, leaking out of the barrel, therefore, a trigger does come in handy, if I can get the !BASTARD! to work.
  4. Kommiekat

    @ SAS Task Force Black Campaign

    What mission are you playing now, tom? Doing this one again?
  5. Kommiekat

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    You did go with the option of using a partner? I know that baby sitting him is a pain in the butt, but it does help out a lot. The rule in SCUBA is always dive with a buddy. I assume same goes for this kind of situation. I mean would YOU do this alone if it were you, in real life?
  6. Hi Rube, Which folder and where do I find it? In the RUBE folder, you have: ai aicoef aisr cam dialogs fn lib modules pe recipes sounds weather Also, if it is within this folder "RUBE", I'll need to know which folders I can safely take out as not to make the mission file too heavy for the players download. Thanks!
  7. Could you kindly link us to that Ukrainian version please? Thanks ---------- Post added at 02:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:23 PM ---------- I could be wrong, but I don't think that is the mod he used. I think it is here but, unfortunately, it is not working: NOTE: you will need google translate turned on http://mod-ua.at.ua/load/morska_pikhota_ukrajini_versiji_2_0_vid_ctudiji_mod_ua/1-1-0-22
  8. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! OK, I see. Well, also getting same addon problems as M4DM4K, how about you?
  9. Camp not appearing in my Scenario menu. Sometimes, this is BIS thing. I tried so many times. Maybe if I un-PBO it use the folder method may work.
  10. Rube, Thanks for your reply. Again, rube, I have no idea where to begin. I know I need your folder named "RUBE". I opened it and you have 12 folders in there and 15 .hpp files. Inside each of your 12 folders is another 6 folders. Honestly, I understand you're trying to be helpful, but it's way over my head and almost intimidating. I'm scared, Rube. Really, I'm scared!
  11. I think we need Ukraine addon, yes?: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=10343&highlight=UKRANIAN Could you kindly also give the links for each of the addons? Thanks! Ah! Never mind, I just saw your release on Armaholic. Also, I just realized there are two different Ukraine Mods out there. I'm using the link above. Have you checked them out. The only advantage I saw was that you don't need RH AK's Pack mod for them. Other than that, what made you choose the Armed Forces of Ukraine mod? Lastly, did you use any components from the ACE_SM mod? If not, you could delete that out of your list of requirements and recommend players to use JSRS_ACE from his main page. That's two possible mods that could be taken off, but hey man, just something to look at.
  12. I think these guys prefer you wrap a box around any code, so I'll go ahead and so that for you before you get in trouble. Here ya go! private ["_running"]; _running = true; test = true; while {_running} do { _debugstring = parseText format [" <t size='0.85' font='Bitstream' align='left' color='#0000FF'> ******* _debugstring *******</t><br/> <t size='0.85' font='Bitstream' align='left' color='#FFBF00'># of AI units (alive/ever): </t><t size='0.85' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%6(%1)</t><br/> <t size='0.85' font='Bitstream' align='left' color='#FFBF00'># of AI groups active: </t><t size='0.85' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%2</t><br/> <t size='0.85' font='Bitstream' align='left' color='#0000FF'>---- Friendly ----</t><br/> <t size='0.85' font='Bitstream' align='left' color='#FFBF00'># of alive AI units: </t><t size='0.85' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%4</t><br/> <t size='0.85' font='Bitstream' align='left' color='#FFBF00'># in combat: </t><t size='0.85' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%7</t><br/> <t size='0.85' font='Bitstream' align='left' color='#FFBF00'># leaders in fight/walkmode: </t><t size='0.85' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%8/%9</t><br/> <t size='0.85' font='Bitstream' align='left' color='#FFBF00'># of %13/%12 AI units: </t><t size='0.85' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%11/%10</t><br/> <t size='0.85' font='Bitstream' align='left' color='#0000FF'>---- Unfriendly ----</t><br/> <t size='0.85' font='Bitstream' align='left' color='#FFBF00'># of alive AI units: </t><t size='0.85' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%5</t><br/> <t size='0.85' font='Bitstream' align='left' color='#FFBF00'># in combat: </t><t size='0.85' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%14</t><br/> <t size='0.85' font='Bitstream' align='left' color='#FFBF00'># leaders in fight/walkmode: </t><t size='0.85' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%15/%16</t><br/> <t size='0.85' font='Bitstream' align='left' color='#FFBF00'># of %13/%12 AI units: </t><t size='0.85' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%18/%17</t><br/>", KRON_UPS_Total, // 1 KRON_UPS_Instances, // 2 ((count KRON_NPCs)-1), // 3 {alive _x} count KRON_AllRes, // 4 {alive _x} count KRON_AllEast, // 5 ({alive _x} count KRON_AllRes) + ({alive _x} count KRON_AllEast), // 6 {alive _x && (combatMode _x == "RED")} count KRON_AllRes, // 7 ({alive _x && (_x getVariable ["SAR_fightmode","not defined"] =="fight")} count KRON_AllRes), // 8 ({alive _x && (_x getVariable ["SAR_fightmode","not defined"] =="walk")} count KRON_AllRes), // 9 ({alive _x && (_x getVariable ["SAR_AI_experience",0] >= SAR_AI_XP_LVL_3)} count KRON_AllRes), // 10 ({alive _x && ((_x getVariable ["SAR_AI_experience",0] >= SAR_AI_XP_LVL_2) && (_x getVariable ["SAR_AI_experience",0] < SAR_AI_XP_LVL_3))} count KRON_AllRes), // 11 SAR_AI_XP_NAME_3, // 12 SAR_AI_XP_NAME_2, // 13 {alive _x && (combatMode _x == "RED")} count KRON_AllEast, // 14 ({alive _x && (_x getVariable ["SAR_fightmode","not defined"] =="fight")} count KRON_AllEast), // 15 ({alive _x && (_x getVariable ["SAR_fightmode","not defined"] =="walk")} count KRON_AllEast), // 16 ({alive _x && (_x getVariable ["SAR_AI_experience",0] >= SAR_AI_XP_LVL_3)} count KRON_AllEast), // 17 ({alive _x && ((_x getVariable ["SAR_AI_experience",0] >= SAR_AI_XP_LVL_2) && (_x getVariable ["SAR_AI_experience",0] < SAR_AI_XP_LVL_3))} count KRON_AllEast)]; // 18 [nil, nil, rSPAWN, [], { hintSilent parseText format [" <t size='0.85' font='Bitstream' align='left' color='#0000FF'> ******* _debugsilent *******</t><br/> <t size='0.85' font='Bitstream' align='left' color='#FFBF00'># of AI units (alive/ever): </t><t size='0.85' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%6(%1)</t><br/> <t size='0.85' font='Bitstream' align='left' color='#FFBF00'># of AI groups active: </t><t size='0.85' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%2</t><br/> <t size='0.85' font='Bitstream' align='left' color='#0000FF'>---- Friendly ----</t><br/> <t size='0.85' font='Bitstream' align='left' color='#FFBF00'># of alive AI units: </t><t size='0.85' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%4</t><br/> <t size='0.85' font='Bitstream' align='left' color='#FFBF00'># in combat: </t><t size='0.85' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%7</t><br/> <t size='0.85' font='Bitstream' align='left' color='#FFBF00'># leaders in fight/walkmode: </t><t size='0.85' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%8/%9</t><br/> <t size='0.85' font='Bitstream' align='left' color='#FFBF00'># of %13/%12 AI units: </t><t size='0.85' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%11/%10</t><br/> <t size='0.85' font='Bitstream' align='left' color='#0000FF'>---- Unfriendly ----</t><br/> <t size='0.85' font='Bitstream' align='left' color='#FFBF00'># of alive AI units: </t><t size='0.85' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%5</t><br/> <t size='0.85' font='Bitstream' align='left' color='#FFBF00'># in combat: </t><t size='0.85' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%14</t><br/> <t size='0.85' font='Bitstream' align='left' color='#FFBF00'># leaders in fight/walkmode: </t><t size='0.85' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%15/%16</t><br/> <t size='0.85' font='Bitstream' align='left' color='#FFBF00'># of %13/%12 AI units: </t><t size='0.85' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%18/%17</t><br/>", KRON_UPS_Total, // 1 KRON_UPS_Instances, // 2 ((count KRON_NPCs)-1), // 3 {alive _x} count KRON_AllRes, // 4 {alive _x} count KRON_AllEast, // 5 ({alive _x} count KRON_AllRes) + ({alive _x} count KRON_AllEast), // 6 {alive _x && (combatMode _x == "RED")} count KRON_AllRes, // 7 ({alive _x && (_x getVariable ["SAR_fightmode","not defined"] =="fight")} count KRON_AllRes), // 8 ({alive _x && (_x getVariable ["SAR_fightmode","not defined"] =="walk")} count KRON_AllRes), // 9 ({alive _x && (_x getVariable ["SAR_AI_experience",0] >= SAR_AI_XP_LVL_3)} count KRON_AllRes), // 10 ({alive _x && ((_x getVariable ["SAR_AI_experience",0] >= SAR_AI_XP_LVL_2) && (_x getVariable ["SAR_AI_experience",0] < SAR_AI_XP_LVL_3))} count KRON_AllRes), // 11 SAR_AI_XP_NAME_3, // 12 SAR_AI_XP_NAME_2, // 13 {alive _x && (combatMode _x == "RED")} count KRON_AllEast, // 14 ({alive _x && (_x getVariable ["SAR_fightmode","not defined"] =="fight")} count KRON_AllEast), // 15 ({alive _x && (_x getVariable ["SAR_fightmode","not defined"] =="walk")} count KRON_AllEast), // 16 ({alive _x && (_x getVariable ["SAR_AI_experience",0] >= SAR_AI_XP_LVL_3)} count KRON_AllEast), // 17 ({alive _x && ((_x getVariable ["SAR_AI_experience",0] >= SAR_AI_XP_LVL_2) && (_x getVariable ["SAR_AI_experience",0] < SAR_AI_XP_LVL_3))} count KRON_AllEast)]; }] call RE; sleep 5; [nil, nil, rHINT, _debugstring] call RE; sleep 5; [nil, nil, rTitleText, "TEST TEST", "PLAIN",10] call RE; sleep 5; };
  13. Hey Rube, your thread here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?123740-RUBE-draggables-droppables-demo-(object-drag-n-drop)/page2&highlight=draggables%2Fdroppables .............is way outdated and not sure if the mods will take kindly to me bumping it, but I do have questions about it. Should I post them there or here? Basically, I'll have the player drive the truck that is already loaded with barrels to a trigger someplace on the map then end the mission_2 there (Yes I know, so short mission). Then.................. I'll start the next mission_3 with the truck parked some place, empty of barrels, and have the barrels placed at the back of the truck. Player has to drag, say 10 barrels, one at a time, to a trigger. That's 10 barrels and 10 different located triggers. No need for player to drag any other objects in the game. Just the barrels. So, when barrel1 is dragged into a trigger, it will show TASK SUCCESS. Is this possible? I read both pages on your thread and some of your script library. I think I'm going to need help on this. I'll need to name each barrel, then there will need to be the addaction for player "drag barrel" and "release barrel" in the trigger. I have NO IDEA where to even begin this. Mission_4, player will go to each barrel and start the gas going, activated by the trigger. Cheers
  14. Again, thanks mucho for that! Will get right on it.
  15. I too got an "alternate" scenario coming out, but not RWO, but damn damn close, in my opinion. Anyways, good that cinmlex is a busy bee!
  16. Have you ever considered using Magic. Seriously, working in editor demands the use of a magic wand at times. Pisses me off big time!
  17. Wow, looks like you did it. I'll download this right away and see what I can do. Thanks for that! Hope you don't mind if I came back here for any questions later. BTW, just played your FireAnts mission on Takistan map. Good fun! ---------- Post added at 04:19 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:45 AM ---------- Hey Rube. Looks really good. Was wondering. Player will not drive the truck. I'll have it driven by AI for the Intro and also, later in the mission itself. It will be parked near a village. Some of those barrels are going to be placed at varies places in the village, emitting a poisonous gas. So, I may need two trucks like the one you produced. Question is, does it have to be player? I noticed you have "player Pos" in the script. Can I change that to an AI unit with a given name then place that unit near the truck or even have that AI driving the truck in the Intro? Cheers!
  18. Hey Harzach! Thanks mucho for that! Will save me hours of editing time!
  19. Hey Harzach, thanks for that. Looks like you got it to work. Could you kindly send me the mission.sqm that you used to make that happen with the script as well? I'd like to test it out and learn more from it. Credits going to you for sure on this one when I release the mission. Cheers!
  20. Hey Cimalex! Glad to see you have some interest. I made a very big hit with the Chinese community on this mission. They were all surprised that a Gwielo (Ghost: meaning for a White boy like you and me :eek:) could make a mission on some political issue related to China. Anyways, have not touched this mission in ages. I'm sure a lot of things could be changed and updated. If you find anything, let me know and how things could be changed! Here ya go! Armaholic http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=17611&highlight=SENKAKU I'll put a link up for MediaFire ---------- Post added at 10:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:15 PM ---------- Updated link in first post and here: http://www.mediafire.com/download/ty87psigfmv1sg9/The_Diaoyu_Island_Conflict_v1.0.7z
  21. tom3kb, On mission #5, I think you did a tricky dicky, yes? Could I kindly suggest one more thing for you? You put saves after your TASK SUCCESS, something you taught me long ago. Could you put a few seconds on that like maybe 3, 3,3 in the min and max? That way, I can see the end result, like explosions and things without the game freezing on me so soon. Thanks tom. You're a good teacher! Liked how you have Nettrucker in Mission #4......I wonder if he even knows.
  22. Hey guy, I'll give that a try. I don't know how many a Ural can carry. Seems I'll have to use your code for each and every barrel, such as barrel1, barrel2 and so forth. Not sure how to "group barrels" Can you show me how you did that? Thanks again for your help.
  23. You should consider uploading that script so others can use it. Sounds ground breaking. SP as well?
  24. Don't forget this as well, if you have any older missions, they all have to be updated in classnames for 2.6 when it's officially released. I assume that will take some work.
  25. Kommiekat

    [SP] RUBE Fire Ants

    How many of your own scripts are you using for this mission? Just wondering. I usually see you in Editing & Scripting threads.