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Everything posted by Varga

  1. Fine mod, by need Domi-TvT on i44!
  2. OUUUPS! "ARMA 2 OA is not installed on your computer or installiation is corrupted" © Exxelence! 1 hour back game was also all was ОК, but it for some reason is not pleasant to a patch... OS Win XP SP3 Directory of game distinct from default (C:\PF\BI), but till now it never prevented:eek:
  3. Dr. Xeno, tell me please, how it is possible to organize a suspension bracket under the concrete helicopter (for example - 3) new technics? LAV, or BMP for example?. I tried to make it on the basis // also possible: // _element = d_choppers select 2; // third chopper // _elem set [3, d_helilift_types_custom]; but has failed:-)
  4. Simple question. How to return in the menu of mission of the button "save and exit" for game in offline? On old versions it was possible, and now is not present. Starting Domi on local machine for economy of the traffic - and constantly I begin process anew, that does not allow to see many thing in dynamics.
  5. Mr. Oktane as always is severe, but fair:) I play Domi 2.11 (no fix) without the ACE, but with a patch 1.07 - it is very pleased and problems not notice. Vanilla its fine:)
  6. It is excluded - itself has started mission and the first has come for the blue side. As a whole the server (linux) gives many mistakes of a kind "Object 01:11 (etc) is not found". That was not in mission with ACE.
  7. bug: on map TVT40 DomiA2! TT [2.11] (without ACE!!) at blue boxes there is red ammunition.
  8. +100 Complexity its well. It is very well. :) But - without fanaticism. PS. 2.11 - cool version' date=' respect. PPS. Side-mission of Ñ…-m3 ("enhanced tank version at Pobeda-Damm") is impossible to execute as well as earlier.... IMHO - master Xeno has forget to change is resulted "object on base" on "object its destroyed".
  9. Agree... They get out random under the list which has described mr. Oktane here :-)
  10. I tried only the ÐСЕ, ÐСЕ+FPShelper, ÐСЕ+gdt_aircraft_viewdistance. Result everywhere one. In version Domi 1.39 (without smooth adjustment of range) such it is observed. Yes I can adjust it, for personal use. And I have made. But this excellent map works on very many servers and it would be desirable that this parameter was more balanced. I am always ready to tunning - we always play with my friends on a map from Xeno (respect!), but with my version ranked, bonuses etc. But this my view which is probably not conterminous to opinion of authors and community. Therefore it would be desirable for it to discuss and make a map better.
  11. What it for delirium? The complex 2К22М has 4 modes of detection and promptings of a rocket on the purpose, and in one of them the commander does not play any other role except for confirmation of capture and delivery of the sanction to start-up. And real conditions of pointers it is capable to fire on 2 purposes absolutely independently, only using onboard means of the complex 1RL144&138!! With help of external prompting from systems Ranzhir or PPRU - 3-4 targets - one member of crew!
  12. Version Crashed at opening big repo, like a =Kellys Heroes= ArmA2 Community Repository. Thus small repo, like a =Kellys Heroes= ArmA2 ACE2 Dedicated Server YAS[HTTP] opened without problems.
  13. It is the old problem available in any version. Flag it is necessary to take, keep and bring on base (not teleport!!), without damages, it return on mission place again. Some times we lost the player carrying flag together with vehicles on road to base. If the flag has not been damaged - mission ended without problems. If it got in fragments of vehicle or by what that in other damaged - mission has been failed. Conclusion: to kill on mission iall AI that anybody could not kill you.:-)
  14. Problems on net gaming. 1. Russian NVG no adjustment of brightness. Fight at night for "red team" is practically impossible. 2. Ballistic calculator on russian tanks works incorrectly - an error more than 7% on kilometer of range. 3. It is necessary to cancel jamming on russian ÐК!. There there is simply nothing to get jammed (not holyware - 15 years of practice)! There there is no detail, which can lead to to a wedge. As a whole this function in the ACE in general very disputable - if the weapon has jammed, to repair it for 3 seconds in field conditions it is impossible. If has taken place having dug sleeves or incomplete extract - 3 seconds more often will not suffice too. And now jamming happens constantly, hardly probable not on everyone 3-5 mags. This function very ridiculously therefore looks.
  15. There are some questions. 1. How to be switched and use the previous version if the play in server, for example, uses current and rigidly checks signatures of files? 2. What for works with sounds - so often and unsuccessful, at presence of considerable quantity of more actual problems? 3. What for to distribute to users unchecked releases (not the small size, shall notice), already time having received the negative answer on similar sorts experiments?
  16. Not all sounds vary SM, unfortunately... Last time, a code the ACE had a unsuccessful sound, HiFi and CSM2 have not corrected also half of bugs
  17. New sounds simple TERRIBLE! Each weapon has lost the characteristic sound on which it was easy for distinguishing in a thick of fight, and has turned to the kiddie New Year's cracker heard through a window... Shock!
  18. The following problems: 1. After loading and a unloading from aircraft range view is reset on defolt (1500 m). The same occurs at parachute jump from a board of the flying helicopter under the control of the player. Loss of time for re-adjustment is very great and frequently can lead to to death. 2. Ballistic calculator (armour) works incorrectly - an error more than 7% on kilometer of range. 3. MLRS\Grad it is necessary to remove from a bonus - their action dreadfully for mode TvT, and they are given out much. It is better to replace them on ÐÐ-6 GAU, Bradley, BMD, Vulcan or Gaskin for example. 4. In boxes the huge quantity of useless property for such game (stones, nails, grenades, 5-6 kinds practically identical backpacks etc) - uses of the list happens very tiresomely. 5. After transition of the player on the one hand on another within the framework of one current game to it scores cease to be charged. Even general (for missions), even if it occurs in 4-6-8 hours after last game for the other team. Its very serious problem:-( PS. As a whole a scoring-problem on ТvТ rather serious. From time to time offset of score to this or that player simply stops. Frequently it renews (begin) only after make mission by him players direct. Today I and have won back - and the beginnings, and have finished game with 148 score, having in statistics only on the current map 88 killed AI and 4 humans.
  19. Cool!:-) Waiting.... The next portion of problems ТТ mod:) 1. The system of automatic landing frequently results the plane not on the his airfield, or on central fild near Vybor, used in Domi by default. 2. Side-mission with the officer in Kamyshovo (x_m12) has problems at performance. If on area impact by artillery has been preliminary put, rockets or bombs - the officer (target) cannot be found in camp. It somewhere shouts, swears, but it physically there is not present. Underground stealth-officer:) PS. For all history of game of this TvT map of any teams NEVER it was possible to execute mission of Ñ…-m3 ("enhanced tank version at Pobeda-Damm"). Blew up the tank an explosive, shoot from RPG and ÐТ-missile, bombed and rockets from planes - result always one: "The sidemission target died due to a tragic accident". 3. Targets not covering by the ÐÐ rocket weapon, only barrels. It allows the attacking team to use aircraft bravely almost. Sometimes on object work on 2-3 ZU - but what they can oppose promptly attacking at small height Ð-10 or Su? 4. Points of bonus vehicles and aircrafts on airfields so small and placed bonuses in a heap of the play with targets more 12. In result they vehicles are created one on another and blow up at attempt to take away. 5. Need air stations conveyors for towage aircrafts on hangars. 6. Camouflage tents on MHQ frequently are visible from apart, and is much farther, than a staff WITHOUT them. 7. Quite often AI are generated inside buildings and or undermine itself at a shot, or them it happens it is impossible to find (if the structure is closed). 8. Very few the pedestrian patrols. It makes moving on roads practically safe, that is not so correct. Armored patrols frequently can be found out from the big distance on their chaotic throwing on district and dusty trail, that enables to bypass them. 9. In cities there is no civil technics (cars, buses etc), that at whithout HALOjump complicates evacuation (air-taxi was not possible to cause never!! even a rank of the major - leader). 10. Need to change a script of bonus technics for more various result. Now he can give out successively 3-4 one type device over and over again. 11. Sometimes targets, for which both teams are at war, give bonuses also to both parties. And quite often the party which has less scores, receives even more serious bonus technics than that has directly executed the purpose. It is very serious mistake allowing even 1-2 humans, taken only 1 camp in the city, completely released by the opponent, quickly to die, but to receive to itself a serious bonus. Or "kamikadze" one team sends in cleaned city of the condemned man with an explosive which blows up a tower, a jeep or camp at the moment of its capture are frequent - and by that gives the party the same result, as grasp city team. 12. Russian NVG no adjustment of brightness. Fight at night for "red team" is practically impossible.
  20. IMHO need: 1. 2 small transport chopper (LittleBird, on both teams) 2. Small set simple transport vehicles - bikes, ATV, jeeps etc (without the weapon!!). 3. 1-2 miner vehicles with small stock of mines - AT and AP. 4. For AI-side need air support, same as well as in simple Domi, 1-2 MG nest and arty-camp. 5. Ranked weapon requires to reconsider - now the balance is strongly displaced aside the red team, having heavy and ÐТ weapons on 1-2 steps earlier, than blue team. 6. Need to provide an opportunity of the passing of night a server. Not acceleration of time, namely exception of night of fighting work. It is to sleep at night:) 7. To change delivery of bonuses for an overall objective and side-missions - now all this it is too monotonous. However, it can be made it:) 8. The good idea - to have drop with the parachuter bags with arms (backpack attach to parachute??) which it collects on base and load in the helicopter. 9. The weapon dumped on the ground should disappear!! The situation when one colonel distributes to all private soldiers on Javelin, already oppresses.
  21. Tnx, master! On our server ( this version turns around the clock. We shall try to give a maximum information. PS. On file ...\x_client\x_weaponcargor_ace.sqf error on AT rank doth sides: // capain launchers In result the teams make errors of delivery of the weapon for the senior ranks (after the captain).
  22. Dear Xeno, tell me please, how it is possible to adjust (reduce) the penality, charged for use of technics (bikes, parachutes) or arty?
  23. Server logs A2 1.05, ACE 353, TVT40 Domination 2.08
  24. Confirm on TT_ACE. And at main task (city) - too.
  25. Thanks 2Xeno for fix a bug a bug in TT version which prevented west players to capture all camps and clear a main target and ACE version on 2.07.!!!