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Everything posted by Varga

  1. I am afraid to ask - what for the next project? :-) PS. On TT mode is possible to make many interesting games, IMHO. I have already offered one idea dear Xeno, there can be he will become interested. But there are also the friend the interesting variants, capable to develop in quite independent modes.
  2. IMHO TT+Ranked+ACE - very interested mod with very different variants of gameplay. I have already changed 2.06 for such game, but the problems described above do not give is high-grade it to full test. Yessss, masssterrr... © :-)
  3. I shall approve @Starshina(RUS) TT PvP version - the best variant of such mission for today. But problems with camps (JIP cheking??) are available and it is very a pity that they spoil impression about this version... Also very much surprise huge penalties for use of bicycles (??lieutenant on bike??) and arty in a mode "ranked" and surprising protection of infantrymen in a mode "expert" (5 bullets in the body - not reason of their death - only headshot killed these terminators). PS. Also It happens bug when the player of one of the parties(sides) not estimated AI as the opponent and as a result it is possible freely goes on camp\city INS - and they will not shoot at you. Scores, accordingly, in that case go in a minus. Surprising problem, and the reasons of it are not obvious...
  4. Started 2.04 on CLEAR ACE (b344). Momentary error. Server NOT dedicated.
  5. Sorry, but island Douala is not necessary for me. You let release the Panther - provide _her_ functionality. You do not buy to the Skoda a wheel from the Caterpillar?
  6. Constant error of a texture "Cannot open object ibr\ibr_dtowns\posed.p3d" "Cannot open object ibr\ibr_dtowns\hut06.p3d"
  7. Varga

    BC6 Feelings

    This mod perfectly works for me. Both on all dedicated, and on usual servers.
  8. Varga

    WarFX Particles

    Yes, on local net. Very strongly lowers productivity of game: (
  9. Varga

    Patch 1.05 suggestions

    Yes, I saw such problem repeatedly after destroy vehicles. The player became immortal and could not enter to ANYONE technics after that.