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Everything posted by disobey

  1. I have a 4870x2 and had the same problem until patch 1.05. I found that prior to that patch I had to disable vsync. Try ensuring catalyst AI is set to "advanced" in your drivers and do not force AA on.
  2. I am still no further with this. No documentation and the sample mission code doesn't work!
  3. Has anyone got a sample mission or some sample script for a an example of a simple conversation? I've been trying to get it to work, with a .bikb file but no luck so far. Is there any documentation relating to how FSMs are related to the conversation logic (are they even required?). All I want is 2 additional questions to ask a civilian on top of Weather/Targets/Location and a single response. For some reason, kbAddTopic and kbTell do not do anything when I have tried them! Have tried everything including extracting the main campaign missions and dissecting them, but there doesn't seem to be any links between the FSMs and bikb data?
  4. The slinging issue is the only real annoying thing. Other than that, the mo-cap quality and general animations are some of the best I've ever seen in a game. As for collision detection it's not perfect, some major clipping issues (prone torsos clipping through ground) and I've witnessed AIs walking through concrete walls even in 1.04.
  5. No space between "leader" and "_target"? should surely be (for better readability): ?_target distance (leader _hunter) >= 10 : _hunter Move (getPos (leader _target)) FYI I tried this script and it does work, except it crashes Arma 2 after about 2-5 mins for some reason (not sure why!) when I have two groups using it. Anyone else had that?
  6. Is there a way to trigger an event handler for when an ammo/weapon box is accessed (via the gear menu option for example)? I basically want to complete a task when the player accesses a weapon stash, currently I have a trigger over the stash but this doesn't make sense really unless they rearm at the stash.
  7. Well, I think you'll have to create a marker next to each bus stop really.. while it is possible in code to dynamically get an array of all bus stop objects (i think), I'm not sure it would be easy to automaitcally move to them in a particular logical order.
  8. Ok - first, try this.. Create an empty SQF file in your mission folder called logistics.sqf and put the following in it (this is a heavily stripped down version of the code I wrote for battlefield logistics): _unit = _this select 0; _pickupPos = _this select 1; _dropoffPos = _this select 2; _group = group _unit; /* Transporter states 2 = driving to dropoff point 4 = driving to pickup point */ _unit setVariable ["logistic_state", 4, true]; // start with state 4, drive to pickup _unit addEventHandler ["GETIN", { transporter1 setVariable ["logistic_state", 2, true]; hintsilent "Transport is loading up."; }]; _unit addEventHandler ["GETOUT", { transporter1 setVariable ["logistic_state", 4, true]; hintsilent "Transport is unloading."; }]; _unit addEventHandler ["FUEL", { hintsilent "Transport is unavailable; out of fuel."; }]; _unit addEventHandler ["DAMMAGED", { group transporter1 setCurrentWaypoint [group transporter1, 1]; hintsilent "Transport has been damaged; returning to base."; }]; _unit addEventHandler ["KILLED", { hintsilent "Transport has been destroyed."; }]; _waypoint0 = _group addwaypoint[_pickupPos, 5]; _waypoint0 setwaypointtype "LOAD"; _waypoint0 setwaypointCombatMode "BLUE"; _waypoint0 setwaypointBehaviour "SAFE"; _waypoint0 setwaypointSpeed "Full"; _waypoint0 setwaypointTimeout [0,0,0]; _waypoint0 setwaypointStatements ["transporter1 getVariable ""logistic_state"" == 2;","hintsilent ""Truck moving to dropoff location."";"]; _waypoint1 = _group addwaypoint[_dropoffPos, 25]; _waypoint1 setwaypointtype "TR UNLOAD"; _waypoint1 setwaypointTimeout [5,5,5]; _waypoint1 setwaypointStatements ["transporter1 getVariable ""logistic_state"" == 4;","hintsilent ""Truck moving to pickup location."";"]; _waypoint2 = _group addwaypoint[_pickupPos, 5]; _waypoint2 setwaypointtype "CYCLE"; Create a vehicle with driver in the editor. Don't give it any waypoints. Give it a name of transporter1. In the vehicle's init line, add this: [this, getmarkerpos "mark_pickup", getmarkerpos "mark_dropoff"] exec "logistics.sqf"; Now create two markers, one will be your destination and one your pickup point. Call them mark_pickup and mark_dropoff respectively. Basically this script will drive the vehicle to the pickup point, where it will wait until one or more unit(s) gets in. Then it will proceed to the dropoff point, whereby it will eject its passengers. It generates waypoints at the markers so that it's easier to reuse in missions; all you need to do is perhaps insert more waypoints of type "UNLOAD" or "MOVE" with various timeouts so that it can do multiple stops. Hope this helps!
  9. disobey

    Arma II is going on the shelf...

    I would suggest that anyone getting flickering issues ensures that vsync is forced off in their driver while they play Arma 2 - mine is unplayable with vsync on using crossfire - I suspect it is the same with SLI.
  10. I've found the game to be very CPU limited at times -- my system specs: HD4870 X2 @ 800mhz / 2gb 6gb DDR 3 ram Core i7 920 @ 3.4ghz (HT on, 4 cores / 8 threads) Running the game on very high @ 1920x1080 (no AA), view distance 2300 metres. I get up to 80fps but it can dip down to as little as 15fps in a few choice areas, it seems to average 40-60, quite an amazing variance. View distance seems to be the killer for me, and AA simply cripples my frame rate completely (even 4x). But the CPU is the bottleneck always it seems, one multiplayer game I tried with lots of AI and vehicles I dropped to < 5fps. Insane.
  11. I did this with a simple dynamic script and some markers. What you need is to add an 2 events to the vehicle, one for "GETIN" and one for "GETOUT". The vehicle will stop at each waypoint until the "GETOUT" event is fired (or the waypoint times out) thus allowing passengers to get off.
  12. Has anyone got a sample mission or some sample script for a an example of a simple conversation? I've been trying to get it to work, with a .bikb file but no luck so far. Is there any documentation relating to how FSMs are related to the conversation logic (are they even required?). All I want is 2 additional questions to ask a civilian on top of Weather/Targets/Location and a single response. For some reason, kbAddTopic and kbTell do not do anything when I have tried them!
  13. On the init of a player, can I check if the player is a human (not AI) and if so, delete all of their waypoints? My mission is playable both in co-op and single player so the waypoints aren't really necessary when playing in co-op as they add too much restriction?
  14. Ah, I didn't realise that -- seems I had my strings the wrong way round!
  15. I've got the hang of most scripting now but am trying to do several things in particular; 1. On the init of a player, can I check if the player is a human (not AI) and if so, delete all of their waypoints? My mission is playable both in co-op and single player so the waypoints aren't really necessary when playing in co-op as they add too much restriction. 2. I can't get JIP to work - for some reason when I resume a saved mission, it disconnects other players from the server! Are there prerequisites for using JIP and do I have to script for it? 3. I have a logistics script I made in which a truck runs to and from the battlefield area to the start zone to provide pickup & dropoff for respawned players. For some reason, the truck will NOT wait until a certain condition is met, for example the first "pickup" waypoint is being created as follows: _waypoint0 = _group addwaypoint[_pickupPos, 5]; _waypoint0 setwaypointtype "LOAD"; _waypoint0 setwaypointCombatMode "BLUE"; _waypoint0 setwaypointBehaviour "SAFE"; _waypoint0 setwaypointSpeed "Full"; _waypoint0 setwaypointTimeout [5,5,5]; _waypoint0 setwaypointStatements ["true", "this getVariable ""state"" == 2;"]; Even when the truck's "state" variable is not 2, it drives off! Any ideas? It seems the waypoints I create dynamically always evaluate their conditions to true.
  16. disobey

    Sound broken by 1.03?

    I found that enabling both EAX and HW sound in arma2.cfg fixed it for a friend of mine using onboard sound (odd considering it does not have EAX).
  17. disobey

    No Sound / Audio

    I have had no problems with sound (Creative X-Fi, EAX and HW accel enabled in arma2.cfg) however my friend has, he has a built in Sigmatel audio device and gets no sound whatsoever. I did notice though, some lag when a level loads and the first shots from my pistol didn't ring out, almost as if the sounds were still spooling/loading when they were first played. All in all, not impressed with this patch. I'm a developer for a software company and if we released software in this state, we'd not be in business very long.
  18. Try forcing off vsync in CCC. Should eliminate or reduce flicker (did for my 4870X2).