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Everything posted by horton

  1. I have the same issue, looks like your thread was lost in translation
  2. Hey man, I was wondering. If this isn't you know, copyrights or something. But I just LOVE the M16 sound in the game, and I'd wanna have it whilst playing the M16 in Arma2, is this possible? Just like another sound mod? My unit doesn't play Unsung, but I sure can't get enough of that M16 -_- <3
  3. horton

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    Okay, yeah well the third link looks amazing, the night vision there. Also caves is also a badass thing to have.
  4. horton

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    Hello guys, I wanted to add something to the "wish" list. Dynamic Night vision, even tho all the modders out there make these kinds of things it's also good if Bohemia have it in the game :> Gonna link a few things here, These things look amazing. I can't imagine anything more sexy than these types of airstrikes and particles flying around. Anyway, hope you enjoy the clips and maybe add some nice effects:) WarFX did a beautiful job in Arma 2 with these particles and explosions. Just laying out the thoughts I had :9 btw seems like the YOUTUBE links don't work :o
  5. horton

    AC-130 Script for ARMA2 (0.3)

    I'm not sure if it's possible but do you HAVE to have the addon for this? Is there a simple script that allows this without the addon? :> ---------- Post added at 02:51 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:12 AM ---------- I think this would actually ruin the aspect of the zoom. As the 40mm doesn't have the same Zoom as the 105 and 20mm. If you'd be able to fire 20mm and 40mm at the same time, either the zoom would be to overpowered or lesser because of the zoom :D
  6. Is this clientside? Im wondering if i can use this addon or anything replacement style in my unit. Which is currently not using any skin packs, only ACE and ACRE soo can i use this anyway?
  7. Would love a changeable colour system, i see ALlow colorization but i dont know what colour it can change into -_- Brilliant idea tho, still can't see the white text in the skies etc :P
  8. I've used ACRE for a long time, and i wonder if there is a way to get radio messages to ignore landscape and such things, our first idea to fix this was to have a plane in the air at all times to redirect communications. Is there a way to fake this?
  9. Heya, i found this little thread, dont know where to post this soo ill ask here, How do you change the names of the group markers? I've seen others change it to raptor or w/e callsign you want. Tried setidentity but that wasn't it. Anyone?
  10. Herro Bohemia, whats up im here with a new question o-rah Hah i've been fixing around with variables, this is what i've got. 1st presence trigger, group 1. Condition ' THIS ' onACT ' Ent1=True' 2nd presence trigger, group 2. Condition ' THIS ' onACT ' Ent2=True' 3rd presence trigger, group 3. Condition ' THIS ' onACT ' Ent3=True' These triggers are grouped with the group it stands for. then there is the merge kinda thing, i dont want 1 group to be the ones being able to activate this thing, either one of the 3 groups needs to be able to activate this. Soo the last trigger is condition '((ent1) OR (ent2) OR (ent3));' onact 'HQ sidechat "blablabla";' This doesn't work for me. Anyone smart enough to help me out ;) ? This thing is made soo that if the mission doesnt have all the members in it, it will still finish if one of the groups reaches the target. Thanks for anything, and in advance! :D
  11. horton

    OR factor

    Im new to scripting, but okay.. Lazy evaluation?
  12. horton

    Isla Duala

    I tried moving the humwee across the passing from kwako and south. First passing there made my humwee bug down and then i got pushed out of it, as if it were disabled. Soo a convoy is to jump into boats to get somewhere? "/ whats wrong with the bridges btw? I thought AI could move over bridges. As i know AI can't move over these water filled passings, i'd say to use bridges but thats just me. Why was the reason for the bridges being removed :O ?
  13. horton

    Isla Duala

    Lame that you've removed the bridges, makes it impossible for humwee's and cars to cross. COOP realism is a no go on this map atleast in those areas "/ isn't there a way to get it to work?
  14. okay people hands down Please just write step to step instructions. With all the scripts n shit. I've tried but i can't get it to work!
  15. Doesn't it work with move an invisible H to the smoke?
  16. Hello bis, i've been searching for this all night long. What im trying to do is use the ACE fast roping with AI. As of the looks of it right now , only the human can Deploy/cut the ropes. I want the pilot to release ropes when triggered, and have the cargo fastrope down and then the pilot will leave the scene. I tried doing some testing with "Pilot action ["Deploy ropes","helicopter"]; That had no results, im dying for help :P Thanks in advance for either trying or succeeding at helping me :)
  17. Comon someone has to know a way to fix AI for this kind of duty.
  18. horton

    AC-130 script

    Multiplayer doesn't work does it? I tried, the pilot got the same view as the gunner. Is it possible? I dont know real life AC130's but the D30 cannon seems abit off, you have to fire like a mile away for it to actually hit the target ;P practice! ;P
  19. Okay, well thanks for the help. Ill try fixin something :P
  20. Hello forum, Im looking for some kind of script to create random un-guided stingers fire from above. Like a MRLS artillery barrage, just without the MLRS, The stingers also have awesome looking smoke. now it would be like 180degree from the air around an area. How i think it could be done would be, that the missile starts on H invisible 1000 meter up and 180degree's down. to make somewhat a little arc. Tho the impact would be lame if its only stinger effect. Then it could be some trigger that makes a big bomb go off where it lands, hope you understand what i mean, cuz i dont know how to explain it otherwise ;P The point of this is to make a awesome looking artillery strike, just like in the Eagle wing. I think you notice the missile barrage when you take out that helicopter with a officer on it or what ever. Thanks in advance :)
  21. Thanks ill try it ;P but it seems to me its impossible to get the same effect, cuz the D30 or any other artillery just shows the stripes in the very end. You see in the utube clip that its shown very early ^^
  22. Thank you all for your help :) ---------- Post added at 09:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:58 PM ---------- Didn't work for me tho, i saw no kinds of stripes. Someone tell me how to please. Also i will upload a video on youtube , showing the kind of effect im trying to create. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6UgL0TsITc
  23. Hm, how do you set dispersion and that ? I'm new to the arty module, i've only got it working with normal secop and stuff.
  24. Well, yes something like that, Just soo i can see the actual stripes of the missiles and the barrage from an artillery strike, combined that is :P I understand if this is too hard to make, i don't know where to start ._.