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About CrazyAviator

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  1. CrazyAviator

    Player IDs

    How are we able to find out a players ID, for example your own and is there any way to change this number?
  2. CrazyAviator

    Still BSOD

    UPDATE: I installed my new GTX275 about 3 days ago and have been playing ARMA 2 on High settings with ZERO problems. WOOOOHOOOO
  3. CrazyAviator

    Still BSOD

    I don't feel like just "get used to it". The game needs to work properlly for the system I have. Besides I've already tried your settings, still BSOD. You guys need to starting reading this thread a little more. I think you'd see something other than your occassional CTD is going on. Maybe not I don't know. Tell you one thing, when I rebuild my pc in a year or whatever it won't be for arma 2 i certainly won't chance new hardware on it either.
  4. Im not too excited about an expansion for a game I cant even get to work
  5. CrazyAviator

    Still BSOD

    Gawd, if I get my new video card and ARMA2 still bluescreens Im going to fucking flip out. Your story is very sad Cashxx, the only other thing I can think about would be faulty bio's or something with the mother board that ARMA2 doesnt like. p.s. do you have a soundcard?
  6. CrazyAviator

    why you don't milk grenades

    wtf are you on about
  7. CrazyAviator

    UAV Will we ever get one that works like this?

    People who try too hard, it makes us laugh. I actually know a couple pilots who fly UAV's now, it looks kind of cool and its good pay but I would get incredibly bored.
  8. CrazyAviator

    Grenade Chucking

    Actually I think the grenades work alright, although there is deffinately room for a tutorial ingame. It was never covered in basic training, why? As I know the large circle shows were the grenade will arc and the small dot shows where it will land. Or am I mistaken?
  9. I saw this video This guy seems to really like it and it caught my eye right away. My concern is how well does it configure itself to ARMA? If its like anything else so far its bound to be bugged. So for those of you who use it do you like it? Are there any particulars which make it unusable or unstable. Does it really prove to be effective when running around on foot.
  10. CrazyAviator

    NVidia Graphics card and Arma 2

    What did best buy make you pay for that stuff? Last night I ordered a new video card and powersupply (GTX275 and 750 watt Corsair) for $350 before rebates also comes with new batman game free. Sorry to break the OP's heart but your stats arent that great. Not sure your saying they are but for a few more dollars you could've gotten a GTX275 from newegg - hell of alot more card. Also I wouldnt listen to Bestbuy, infact I would say do the opposite of what they say. That being said here are my spec's AMD 6400+ BE CPU 3.21 Ghz (DualCore) 4GB Corsair Ram nVidia 8800GT 550 watt PS 465GB harddrive Now here's the kicker, I bluescreen out of ARMA to the point that its unplayable. Newest nVidia drivers and good frame rates. Crash to death. I hope the new GTX card makes the difference because I only get this problem in ARMA 2 and Im not tearing my system apart for 1 game. EDIT Here are some prices from new egg compared to bestbuys website. Its pretty obvious which is the better deal. Newegg: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130475 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130434 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814143183 Bestbuy: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=9271539&st=GTS250&lp=3&type=product&cp=1&id=1218072680869 http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=9293542&st=GTX275&lp=1&type=product&cp=1&id=1218076081264 Another word of advice, BFG seems to be equal or higher priced in some areas compared to EVGA. Im not sure why but I would lean toward EVGA, the customer reviews are promissing and Ive had a BFG card blow out on me.
  11. CrazyAviator

    Game crashing to death

    Have you ever had this happen with trucks? I know the military URAL (covered with camo) is like this. My CPU chugs whenever Im next to it for some reason. Have you ever had more than 1 vehicle explode at the same time?
  12. Interestingly enough I got a funny sound file error message when trying to update my nVidia drivers to 190.38 - It happens everytime, in and out of safemode. I dont know if it matters but I'm BSODing all the time in ARMA2. I have no soundboard, only use a headset.
  13. CrazyAviator

    Can't lock Hellfire in UAV in 1.03

    I have never gotten the UAV lock to work. Not in 1.02, not in 1.03 never. :mad:
  14. CrazyAviator

    it's unplayable on my notebook

    While your 9600GT might be a good notebook card, its still a notebook (mobile) card. Our cyberpower notebook is pretty fast and came with a 9600GT but I wouldnt expect it to run games like ARMA 2. Its just not made for it.
  15. CrazyAviator

    Still BSOD

    Saw this late, your pattern of BSOD sounds very familiar to mine. I too notice the game runs better on some days and then seems almost unplayable others. I tried shutting all my "extra" programs down just to see if it had an affect and I didnt notice any. I think that some of the problem is depending on whats going on the video card stresses out differently. You play DOT CLR right? Your name looks familiar and thats the only thing I ever do with ARMA anymore. I know that if I'm around alot of other players and lots of stuff is moving I'm more likely to crash. I also notice the more "objects" around me the more likely the crash, even if the temperatures dont reflect an increase. Today for example, I turned my PC on with the floor fan running, start teamspeak, start xfire, start ARMA2. Played CLR for about 2 hours and then crash. Restart, tried again, 10 minutes crash. Big difference in time spent in the game. So what made my game crash after 2 hours the first time and 10 minutes the second time? Nothing I was doing was different. This also makes me think its not a memory leak like some others have suggested. I am truely baffeled by my BSOD/Crash, but running my 8800GT consistantly at such a high temp has probably sacraficed its stability. I dont think its going to be fair to judge exactly whats causing the crash anymore. I went to newegg tonight and a GTX275 + 750watt power supply is on the way... I will report back when I have them installed