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Everything posted by katdogfizzow

  1. Our group generally enjoyed and even loved the old sounds...:confused: no need for the change imho..... By the way, the mod is rocking....big thx to you guys working on it....cant...stop...playing...must sleep....
  2. katdogfizzow

    Isla Duala

    Loooooving duala
  3. Did you alter his script? Are you using independents? Never had a bug, have used his awesome script in 30 or more missions... random bugs...hahahha...you mean you messed something up, always so quick to throw BI under the bus
  4. katdogfizzow

    Final release of CAA1

    I understand where youre coming from on the negative stuff. Sh!tty feeling. But some of us are happier than pigs in sh!t playing the maps all weekend long...I cant thank you enough for this awesomeness...you have no idea :)
  5. Have you tired a simple Get Out waypoint for the landing on the ship with 2 close invisible helipads? Shot in the dark...
  6. katdogfizzow

    Chinook Rooftop insertion

    Yeah, stop doing that. :p
  7. katdogfizzow

    Air Support Scripts

    thanks again for this awesome script. having loads of fun this puppy. long live the cluster bomb!
  8. katdogfizzow


    A few bugs here and there...but nothing that cant be fixed with common sense and/or the editor This is the best mp game ever if you play with the right people. I havent even really played the sp yet bc the coop mp missions are too fun cheers :D If its that buggy, Id bet its user based.
  9. katdogfizzow

    Thirsk Island

    Looks sessy!
  10. katdogfizzow

    ACE2 + CAA1 Southern Sahrani Warfare

    If I can get Sarhani running this week Ill release for free
  11. katdogfizzow

    Seal team six 3

    FYI dudes: I got this error "Invalid Crew Civilian" too, then CTD...I removed a UH-1Y-Venom (ACE) from the mission , now it seems to work Im sure it will be fixed in an update soon.
  12. katdogfizzow

    Patch 1.05 Stability Survey

    FYI dudes: I got this error "Invalid Crew Civilian" too, then CTD...I removed a UH-1Y-Venom (ACE) from the mission , now it seems to work Im sure it will be fixed in an update soon.
  13. katdogfizzow

    CAA1 public release

    Hey guys forgive me if this is a repeat...Question. Im wordering if we did something wrong during the install and if it can be fixed Here are some errors Ive seen ( which I can just click past in most cases...) --I do not have a semi colon at the end of my launch line-- ca/misc/data/blackaplha.paa ca/buildings/hut04.p3d ca/misc/jezekbeton.p3d ca/misc/jeept.p3d ca/misc/buildings/ryb.domek.p3d ca/misc/container.p3d ca/misc/leseni_bavvy.p3d ca/buildings/fuelstations_army.p3d ca/misc/data/more_anim.01.pac ca/buildings/misc/pletivo/wired_branal.p3d cfg.worlds/porto.icon cfg.worlds/sara.sounds cfg.worlds/porto.sounds But, also I cant preview these using the editor: United Sarhani Southern Sarhani Sarhani Rahmadi Porto And, I cant see a few buidlings in missions and Ive seen a building turn opaque black after it was shot These maps are awesome! Im just wondering if I may be able to tweak any of these issues or if you know anything I could try. Any help/advice appreciated. Thanks again for all the work
  14. we changed our yml to download the ace_sm yesterday worked fine... then updated today now...heal worked once, then stopped working for all other players inc. for corpsman sounds not right either ... investigating.. anyone have similar issue or an idea thx Saw this: Removed: •Sound overrides. Custom soundmods working again. [sickboy] Is there a lazy way we can re-override? Maybe thats it, we have an otro mod-o? maybe new ace healing? need bandages or something now hmm
  15. katdogfizzow

    Tochka-U missile script

    sweet..cant wait to see it in action and get it in some missions
  16. Heres one way: You could set a waypoint over the building. there is a waypoint option for int building location. (# of available int locations depends on the building.) It should take the ai to the location you want. May take lots of trial and error for your desired results it sometimes works best to place the ai one by one and place them where you want....trial and error style
  17. katdogfizzow

    Editor mission crash

    sweet.. thx for this info, removing special forces was it for me too after ace update yesterday :)
  18. Thanks alot guys for this awesomeness! The updater is pretty easy too...loving it. thanks a ton for all this hard work... One new issue to report: maybe someone can help???? After the update today, I can no longer preview saved missions on namalsk or panthera in the editor....(yesterday I could) I must have jazzed something up. Any ideas will be helpful
  19. Using ace mod of course, I have a mission where were transporting 2 "cargo_container_net" in 2 trucks using the attach to command. Is there a way to release a huge cloud of nerve gas if either the truck or the cargo is destoyed? Ive seached gas and cant seem to find a way yet. maybe someone has an idea??, thanks, cheers
  20. Ok, I think I found it. try this in the Init: light = "#lightpoint" createVehicleLocal position this; light setLightBrightness 0.5; light setLightAmbient[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]; light setLightColor[1.0, 1.0, 1.0]; light lightAttachObject [this, [0,0,-10]];light = "#lightpoint" createVehicleLocal position this; light setLightBrightness 0.5; light setLightAmbient[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]; light setLightColor[1.0, 1.0, 1.0]; light lightAttachObject [this, [0,0,-20]];
  21. do a search and youll find a script that puts a motorcycle headlight or similar at the bottom of the chopper, then deletes the cycle....it runs bigger and brighter and can be adjusted-- it looks really great too. I found that works best sry dont have it handy
  22. katdogfizzow


    Heres one way that works for me: You can synchronize the trigger to the first waypoint move marker of the reinforcements. (they will wait to "reinforce"/move until the trigger is true= i.e. opfor/not present) If you have them sitting in a truck in the next town over, you can time it to where they arrive in about 5 minutes, Just give them a get out command when they get to the objective.
  23. katdogfizzow

    Just want to say: Thank You BIS!

    I couldnt agree more. Also, the tools are so elegant and simple, anyone can use them but still have limitless scenariois to create. Combined with community addons, I can spend hours and days in the mission editor. I find myself playing in epic missions until 430 in the morning sometimes.....healing each other, providing covering fire, tactical gamplay....just brilliant at times. (followed by times of epic failure of course lol) What a great game and community you'vre created. CHEERS!