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Everything posted by Aelin

  1. Aelin

    So - what's changed between 1&2?

    go to buy it:218:
  2. Aelin

    is there any free camera ingame?

  3. we need asap israelian special forces!
  4. pathy,really,come back to us,fuck thieves,dont make this mistake
  5. Aelin

    What is your location?!

    good question,but I guess no
  6. what is B20?a movie?yes?who does pretend reality within movies?
  7. can someone guve us more details?any city?
  8. hum-hum.....how many time can I reinstall the game?
  9. Aelin

    Hell Fish Day 02

    good...shame on me I'm too noob with editor....
  10. Aelin

    Thank you Arma 2

    I did(I always did),still no clear for me(maybe I am dumb)
  11. no man not this way.I was in rage the first time I faced a big issue but this community can help you if you want,also the game is too good to surrender:bounce3:
  12. if you read my first posts(black screen related)you will discover I was attacked hardly("Aelin whiner,malicious marketer",etc.).I need to know details about your issues with the game:performance,receiving,....,....It is 3 weeks I dont play cos need to reinstall the game and no time to come back home
  13. Aelin

    Does anyone still play ARMA2?

    blackdog,I agree about the islands
  14. Aelin

    Thank you Arma 2

    I totally disagree,why were bis scared of DR?also it is very dumb to say "this/that game is shit";this behaviour belongs to other forum,not welcome here.And no I am not a moderator so you can say "pfffff,Aelin stfu+go away!!":bounce3:
  15. atomouss was one of the first players who addressed this bug,he posted his rig in old threads.Clearly this bug made him upset:atomouss you arent alone!
  16. the more the better:bounce3:
  17. I meant it is not a "fix",and it is a sim not a cod,bf,etc...in campaign mode you are a soldier with his proper weapon
  18. omg they said yoma as was needed just to update without whole reinstall!!
  19. noooo,I need a way to install the new caa1 version without yoma addon sync cos it is my first installation of caa1,not an update
  20. my dear italian brother,you are asking for a "fix" but it isnt!!!