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Everything posted by todayskiller

  1. todayskiller

    Merry Christmas BIS and All!

    Merry Christmas! you make great games :)
  2. todayskiller


    Hey I have one question, in map editor. When I try to place a Destoryer or w/e its called, It never floats on water? it always is "sunk" when I click preview. Is there a way to fix this? Am I doing something wrong? thanks a bunch
  3. todayskiller

    BIS: CHEERS for the new patch!

    When Is it suppose to come out?
  4. todayskiller

    AI needs a pair of glasses!

    Agreed, Weither it is enemy AI, or my AI...they are all the same, really makes me mad. in the open they can't see anyone? but in trees AI are shooting all the time when I can hardly see them.
  5. todayskiller

    ArmA2 / OA (low) performance issues

    Here are my Specs Video Card- Nvidia 9800 Gt Memory- 6 Gb OS- Vista 64 bit Processor-AMD Phenom 9550 Quad-Core Processor 2.20GHZ I run on Medium settings, with pretty bad texture loadings, like on bushes and trees, they look bad. And I get random Lags, no matter where I am. :(
  6. todayskiller

    NVidia Graphics card and Arma 2

    Nice system, I have basically the same stuff somewhat...here are my pc specs CPU AMD Phenom 9550 Quad-core Processor 2.20ghz. RAM 6 GB OS Windows Vista home premium 64-bit Video Card NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GT. Now, I run on medium settings, Which I Think, performance shouldn't be choppy, graphics all weird looking (especially on trees and bushes). Maybe it is our CPU's...I'm not sure, We might need faster ones, but I don't think that should matter since we have Quad-Cores.
  7. I had a problem similar to this...I ended up killing the priest, then went and captured the final town, and it went to the cutscene of the CDF and Independant guy talking to you (Cooper). But then after they were done talking, An enemy would take over the town so it would glitch and I couldn't move or it wouldn't end, just make sure you kill all the enemies, and make sure everything is took over, then try.
  8. todayskiller

    Arma 2 Music

    Oops, didn't look hard enough then :) sorry about that.
  9. todayskiller

    Arma 2 Music

    I just wanted to post this thread to give the musicians a big hand, they seem to never get any credit :). Sorry if I posted in the wrong section, Couldn't find an "off topic thread". So I posted here :).
  10. todayskiller

    need some monitor help.

    May not sound like much help...But My Monitor had the same issue, until i made sure the cables were pushed in all the way...Then it started working fine :) Idk if this is your problem also, but just check into it, unplug it then plug it back in all the way and see if it helps. :)
  11. todayskiller

    1.03 Performance

    I chose the 3rd option, when i was on 1.02 I had to play on medium settings sure, Didn't bother me at all, Trees looked fine there was some lag, But mainly in Towns. But when I get 1.03 I noticed the trees were all blury, until I got right up next to them, I noticed WAY more lag, And all my settings were the same. I mean I got better then the required pc specifications. So I don't see why I am lagging bad now that a new patch came out saying they fixed performance issues, IMO...I think it jacked me up :( lol. Here are my PC specs. AMD Phenom 9550 quad core processor 2.20ghz Nvidia Geforce 9800 gt 6gb of RAM Hard Drive- 640.13gigs capacity Windows Vista 64 bit.
  12. todayskiller

    Golden AK!

    Sorry if i posted in the wrong section.
  13. todayskiller

    Golden AK!

    Oh, well...It has been bugged for me until this new patch, So I had no idea, bummer it's old news :( lol.
  14. todayskiller

    Arma 2 Community Issue Tracker

    Alright, Just some bugs to go over in Campaign...On Dogs of War, When you start cooper asks, what now sir? then nothing happens, and I can't control any other units. I Believe this is a bug, which really annoys me. Same thing On the Badlands mission, You start off not controling your units, but once you take over the first town you can?
  15. todayskiller

    Stance indicator

    i don't support...it's suppose to be realistic...not like your other fps games that show a little green guy on your screen, and when you get shot it turns red...uhhh...not happening.
  16. Alright, I'm not going to start a big forum argument... It just gets old on the forums I do see complaining about the game, All I was saying is Calm down...Give it some time it has only been a month and people think the game should be 100% Perfect, Not everything is. -Todayskiller
  17. todayskiller

    Headtorches and handheld torches in ARMA2?

    yeah a flashlight may be good, I like the idea...But it would be crazy for the lets say independant guys to have flashlights compared to nightvision...I like the idea, sure, but it has its ups and downs.
  18. I live in Arkansas, and I went to the best buy online store, and typed in arma 2...then clicked the check stores button and typed in my zip code...and guess what!? they don't have any copies in arkansas, but they have some in Joplin Missouri...sorry, I'm not driving 2 1/2 hours to go buy this game...I thought they said it was july 19th on the forums, must of read wrong :( ---------- Post added at 04:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:18 PM ---------- Amen to that, Everyone depends on Digital DL now...I prefer going to lets say Best Buy and having the box right there :). Plus if something goes wrong with the cd I can go and get a new one. how ownage is that :)
  19. Thank you Alien :) ---------- Post added at 06:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:24 PM ---------- and btw Celery...I am waiting for it to come out in best buy...So, shut up plz? I Live in the United States, So It hasnt come out yet, only on Amazon and steam...But I would prefer Buying from Best Buy cause it's my fav store :) ---------- Post added at 06:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:25 PM ---------- Also, Toz...I didn't tell people to quit the forums I told them to get out of this forum? and calling people cry babies...That's all I see on the forums now, OMG this game sucks can't believe I bought another crap game...Well how come you bought this one since I SUPPOSE The First Arma was the same way? Since they haven't changed it since 1999?
  20. wow...how about you try making a game like this??? yours would be glitchy as hell... So gtfo out of forums with your little cry baby post...All games have bugs/glitches, Stop playing if you don't like it. ---------- Post added at 06:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:16 PM ---------- For god sake this game has been out for about a month and ALREADY you guys are being little kids about it.
  21. todayskiller

    Make Arma series under subscription ?

    Sounds horrible...why Don't you go play your little WOW non tactical game that costs 15 bucks a month, we will stick to this.
  22. todayskiller

    Bayonet/knife poll

    and you wonder why brits are dumb? yeah ok the enemies have fully automatic guns, lets go charge at them with a little knive attached to the end. In game I see a knife on my side? lets use that if you get into close combat...not charge with a stupid knife on the end. ---------- Post added at 06:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:07 PM ---------- oh and btw...this is marines not a british unit game...owned plz? I think the guy who made this post loves cod games where you run around and stab people...this is a tactical game...quit trying to have kids come here and poke people.
  23. Hello, Bfs Trooper. This Idea sounds great, I'm not a great editor but I have tried making this type of mission and I epically Failed :P. The Movie was GREAT, one of the best imo. It would be nice if you made it just like the movie I would give you two thumbs up :). Add parts like the plane getting shot down (or chopper w/e you are doing). Running from the enemies/falling into the body pit. The part where he meets up with the Civilians, and hops in the back of the truck, and heads to that "war town" (forgot the name of it). That would be the best part of the mission! and the ending scene of course :)...choppers flying in shooting down bad guys, nothing better :). Those are just some of my ideas on what you should put in the mission, imo that would make it the best mission I have ever played :). -Todayskiller
  24. todayskiller

    Ctf/tdm animal kingdom

    the bunny made it sound lame
  25. todayskiller


    Ok, Now I am just playing the Demo so Idk if they have this on multiplayer...but I think they should add a friends list to the multiplayer. It would make it so much easier to join friends games, etc. Post what you think here (again Idk if they have this on the full version as I am still on the demo, gotta wait for the game to come to stores in the United States).