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Everything posted by HateDread

  1. Cheers, mate :) Okay, so it's safe to use triggers/while statements that execute the script continuously? I.e. it won't just keep restarting the song at 0 each time? And, when playing random songs, there's a significant pause before them. I know raising the time you mentioned earlier should increase the time of the fadeout, but not cause a silence between them? Also happens when starting a track randomly for the first time, i.e. with nothing before it - there is a pause of a few seconds. Any way around this? I tried using the code the following way, but had no sound: I have checked the script itself, and hints fire when in place of the call command. Does this just not like being called? Anyways, thanks a lot!
  2. HateDread

    Any other musicians in the community?

    Been playing piano for 2-3 years now; jazz, blues, improvisation, etc. Mostly by ear. I'm also into composing, especially soundtrack work. Are there any professional composers in here I could talk to? :D - HateDread.
  3. Alrighty, thanks a lot :) With 'startmark' & 'endmark', can it handle that itself? I.e. if I set start 0, and don't define end, it'll count as finished when the song is over? EDIT: Is there an option for 'fade in'?
  4. Hey all, Ya'll know how in many games, there are soundtracks with 'exploration/calm' style tracks, and 'combat' tracks? And how they switch at the right times? How could one do that in ArmA, and smoothly? What I mean is... let's say I'm playing Explore_Song_1, through to Explore_Song_5, but during the middle of it, the player spots an enemy, engages in combat, etc, and the music switches to a random 'combat' track? I could possibly, and messily, do the conditions, but how would I switch it seamlessly? Cheers, - HateDread.
  5. Howdy, Is it possible to disable the ingame map, without leaving the black screen when the player presses 'm'? Can I overwrite it somehow with some scripting/dialog magic? It's to create the illusion of being lost without having a black map (and I know I can just remove player marker from map, but I'd rather not reveal terrain). Even better would be if I were to be able to replace it with my own image. Also, similarly, the journal/note/task sections of the map screen... any way to disable them? E.g. if I want to add a task but not have it show? I wouldn't like the 'gear', 'units', etc, tabs. Sorry for the tough/odd ones :) - HateDread.
  6. Ahhh, alrighty. I.e. if the nearestenemy blah blah is set to combat, and knowsabout player, play the 'danger' tracks... sound right to you? And just set to 'repeatedly', so it happens throughout whole game. The Jukebox will understand when another trigger starts to play song Y instead of X, and will fade to it, instead of 2 songs at once, right?
  7. ^ From my thread. So, I'm unsure of how to link in conditions with this jukebox script. That, and I'm unsure exactly what you meant. Cheers, though :)
  8. Thanks guys. I do know about removing the map... I should've been more clear with this line: Cheers Buliwyf, I'll give that a go. Is there a way, now, to replace the map? I.e. have it turned off, then reassign my own custom dialog/image stuff to that button?
  9. How does one make bis_fnc_destroyCity destroy ALL buildings in the indicated zone? I'm after total destruction, here :)
  10. HateDread

    RPG-Based Missions In ArmA II.

    http://dev-heaven.net/projects/cipe We haven't done all that much, as the project was only recently formed. Thought you might be interested ;)
  11. HateDread

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    I'm with him on this one - I find it a bit distracting, but a nice touch none-the-less :)
  12. HateDread

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Hey there Jarhead, A friend of mine has made a sound addon for the flares dispersed by aircraft. Was wondering if you wanted it in your pack? :) http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=113609 CptDavo gave the okay, but feel free to contact him directly. Regards, - HateDread.
  13. You are most welcome :) (I now see what was wrong with the above - I've never used getpostATL before, so I assumed it worked just like getpos, in that you'd put the object before the command. My bad). Just so you know, I set it to above three because when a helicopter is hovering low, to enable troops to disembark, its height is about one or two. You don't want it locked during that phase :p You could have an optional check that unlocks it when the helicopter's damage is above a certain amount, so you can eject if it starts to dive... Condition: Again, feel free to tweak the above ;) Regards, - HateDread.
  14. Woah this is an old one. Nice find, Manzilla :) You could also use: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/disableUserInput Let me know how you get on, my friend :) Regards, - Hatedread.
  15. Hey guys, How do I force the player to walk slowly to a certain spot, from anyway nearby, say on a street corner, and then force the camera to track each military vehicle as it comes past? It's kind of like a cutscene that you're playing, but you're stuck on the spot so you can't move. It's a bit like a scene from say, Half-Life 2? This is so the player is forced to stand and watch each military vehicle from a convoy pass, and maybe even watch the helicopter fly overhead - it's to make it all seem more dramatic. I can accompany it with music, etc, to increase this effect. Any ideas?
  16. Condition: On Act: On De-ac: All in a trigger set to 'Repeatedly'. Helicopter is the name of the heli. This is a dirty way, but it might help. Apologies for any mistakes - I don't have time to test. Regards, -HateDread.
  17. HateDread

    Warfare for Invasion 1944 Mod

    Do you have the latest version of said map/mod? Try finding a BIS thread on it and asking him :)
  18. If you wanted to execute an SQF when the incoming sentence is of ID 'STR_DIALOG_Chatter_J_0' (Remember from the tutorial, that was John Rayner saying 'Hey!'), one way to do it would be: That way, it only executes the script when the first case is met (as you know, as it was explained in the tutorial :) ). Hope that helps, and sorry for the late reply. Regards, - HateDread.
  19. Looking awesome. Can't wait!
  20. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=76033&highlight=animation+viewer Try using that :)
  21. Howdy, Have you tried reading my tutorial, with example missions, in that thread you linked? Part one is here. Part two is here. Hope that helps. Regards, - HateDread.
  22. Actually this happens similarly for me when using simple init lines with "Random", etc. Difference is, they don't get out, they just stop driving, and say "UNITNUMBER: Getting out of vehicle". They still shoot though, when I get close enough. As I said earlier... But Monsada says to not change that variable, as it also controls flanking, etc, and other infantry movements. So how do we fix this? - HateDread.
  23. With that last quote field you have there, with the trigger on act... What condition are you running the trigger with? If you make the tasks at the start with the briefing, using 'player' for each of your task commands in the trigger should work for all, unless you're calling the trigger with an odd condition, hence my question.
  24. If you run this through briefing.sqf, and, in init.sqf, have ExecVM "Briefing.sqf", you'll run the script for each player.
  25. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Description.ext#disabledAI :)