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Posts posted by DetCord

  1. Its not gonna be like that... Welcome to 2012 where remixing old scores equal dubstep.

    Tell that to Ludovico Einaudi, James Horner, Steve Jablonsky, John Williams, James Newton Howard, Alexandre Desplat, Harry Gregson-Williams, Howard Shore, Jerry Goldsmith, Hans Zimmer, Clint Mansell, Dario Marianelli, Thomas Newman, Mark Isham, Clinton Shorter, Klaus Badelt, Terence Blanchard, Trevor Jones, the orchestral works of Two Steps from Hell, X-Ray Dog, Immediate Music, Epic Score, AudioMachine, Groove Addicts, need I go on...

    ---------- Post added at 06:07 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:03 AM ----------

    I do. Been pushing it for a long time.

    I highly doubt we'll ever see it. In the mean time, I've got something for ya, mate.

    Setting a "tone"... I'd love to see a professionally composed soundtrack. No, this is not a shameless plug for me. It's hope that BIS will realize that utilizing professionally performed tracks and the utilization of orchestral music can lead to a far more engrossing atmosphere.


  2. To be fair, it kind of fits with Syndicate. I can't see it fitting with ArmA though. I'd love for BIS to make use of the Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, seeing as they're local and all lol.

    Most certainly! I'm glad somebody recognizes the need for a decent orchestral soundtrack.

    And the previous is certainly fitting for the upcoming Syndicate release. However, it would be absolutely terrible for ArmA III. Again, different genres necessitate different music styles.

  3. Music is everything when it concerns setting a tone for a scene, whether or not it's a film or game. It creates tension, dread, melancholy, hope, and a myriad of other emotions. Scene and track, to a certain degree, have a composition of their own but when combined they form a new entity. Thus the track becomes not only a harmonious complement but an integral inseperable part of the scene as well. They're are so closely fused together that each one functions through the other. There is no separation of image and track. Instead, there is the feel, the experience, through the grand total of the scene and track combined.

    From OFP to ArmA II, the music didn't really create any semblance of much of anything I sorry to say. Personally speaking, I think ArmA III needs a orchestral injection of adrenaline right to the heart with a cardiac needle...


    Ensure you watch the credits as well.


  4. Apologies for the lack of updates, gents. I've been in the field for Sapper Stakes and have been unable to comment.

    First off....

    ACE and SLX will not be required. They were activated for the video, something I forgot to disable in the launcher... while SLX certainly added to the ambiance. I don't like the idea of a mod being dependent upon another mod, that has never made sense in my opinion. So no worries on that end. I've been working on and off on it when I can, here and there so to speak. AWC is coming along though rather slowly. As of now, I'm trying to implement the ability to place them in foliage, like the Mujh likes to do in the 'Stan, but I'm running into some difficulty on that end but nothing testing and trial and error can't remedy.

    I'll leave the EOD, CIED, and CREW systems (i.e. Duke etc) up to others that wanna tackle the IED defeat aspects. That's a little too much for me. I am shooting for a Christmas release but my military obligations take precedence. I'm hoping to have another vid for you boys as soon as I can, something that will hopefully demonstrate other the other additions.



  5. A mod I'm working on.


    An ArmA TvT event in which we get our collective asses handed to us. As part of the beta MP TvT campaign "A Fork in the Road" which requires ISAF personnel to conduct KLE's, route clearance, weapons interdiction, raids, clear and hold mandates, humanitarian operations (building wells and schools), etc... we establish a new COP in a contested area overlooking a valley.

    Within two hours of our patrol establishing said COP, AAF conduct a complex attack on our position. Outnumbered nearly 6-1 we hold our own, but only because of the Close Air Support provided by ADFGrunt06. We eventually abandoned the position.


  6. Wanted to try to bring a little more realism to the game via the unknown. That unknown is of course IED's in all their dreadful forms. My main purpose for this was my growing frustration, and that of others I'm sure, that requires the mission maker or player to constantly utilize scripts to get the desired effect. Thus far I have the following in the chute; DBIED's, pressure plate and victim operated IED's, EFP's, SVEST components, and a few others. It's quite a bit of work and considering this is my first go at addon making, the process is rather daunting to say the least. I'm hoping to be able to add those nasty little bastards the Mujh like to hang at or above head level, typically in trees and in urban settings like door jams and bumpers. But we'll see how that goes.

    I understand the sensitive nature of this killer all too real. As a active duty member of the Armed Forces (Combat Engineer), I've deployed to Afghanistan and Iraq and have come face to face with them. So please, no hate mail.


  7. Nothing wrong. They are called secondary explosions.

    I'm in the military I know what they are.

    Watch it again, mate. The first three clips visualize a lack of effects i.e., smoke, detonation, debris, and secondary dets like cook-offs. The last three you can see BC functioning the way it's supposed to, as opposed to the first three with ACE enabled.

    Trying to determine the addon/mod conflict here and whats causing it. Any ideas?

  8. The ACE people have several times stated that they are busy enough as it is, there is no way they can be responsible for ensuring that ACE is compatible with all the thousands of other mods out there. You will probably have better luck trying to get the Blastcore people to make their mod ACE compatible.

    I thought it was... seeing as how it's on the Six Updater.

  9. Any response from the ACE devs on this. I posted it some pages back.

    Somehow ACE is interfering with Blastcore. With ACE enabled, there are no explosions, debris, or smoke of any kind. With it off, BC functions just fine.

    @ Devs

    I'd like to do a new ACE video, you know, one like I did last year that got you guys a bit of attention and is even posted on your site. But I can't do that until this is resolved.


  10. Railgun tanks, yes. Hopefully modelled with realistic punch. I already love them, even though these are just as fictional as the MI-48 helo, it´s feasible technology, and war-driven development always has been faster paced than peacetime development anyway.

    These will probably be seen very rarely, and if you see them, you´ll probably want to either get rid of them quick, or stay out of their sight.


    I'll repost what I posted at armaholic.

    I mean shit, ArmA 3 depicts small arms weapons that have a cased ammo system, but at the same time kinetic energy weapons are widely available.... that just doesn't jive. They really need to do a hell of a lot more research.

  11. TFR3b-2.jpg

    Are you interested in joining a Realism Unit? Do you want an experience unlike anything you've been a part of to date? If the answer is yes, then consider TF: Rattler. Primarily composed of active, reserve, and prior service members from around the world, we take tactics, unit cohesion, and squad-play to a level deserving of the title "Realism Unit".

    Keep in mind though that TF:R is still a new unit. We are currently building a professional website and fully intend on participating in tournaments and non-official scrimiages. Furthermore, we were recently approached by the United States Army TCM or MilGaming Command who wish to employ our play style as a example of how VBS2 should be utilized in a MP setting. If you'd like to know more about TCM (not affiliated with us), visit the link below.

    Requires CAC access.


    Our unit is currently composed of combat arms veterans from various nations and branches with service in Iraq and Afghanistan to include members from the Special Operations Community. Military tactics are a must, however, you certainly don't have to have served in the military to join. We encourage non-military to apply and have a go with us.

    With That said, we do have several requirements.

    1.) English is a must. Some of our members are bi-lingual, however, translating from one person to the next can slow the OPTEMPO.

    2.) You must be 18 to join and play.

    3.) Maturity is a must. We have our moments of hilarity but we keep it factual.

    TS server:

  12. Yeah sorry, not so much. Miniscule changes for a purchased/public model, IMHO. At least that is what it looks like from my standpoint... I'll enquire via the site. If this is the case, you'd guys (USEC) be better off simply stating that the 3DS models were taken from XYZ, and avoid passing them off as your own.... which is a rather scum-baggy thing to do.

