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Everything posted by friznit2

  1. ALiVEmod.com The next generation dynamic persistent mission addon for ArmA3 Release 1.4.0 Air Tasking Orders The second iteration of the Military Air Component Commander (MACC) includes a full suite of Air Tasking Orders (ATO). As well as setting Combat Air Patrols (CAP), Air Command can now scramble Defensive Counter Air (DCA) against incoming enemy strike aircraft, order Offensive Counter Air (OCA) against enemy airfields and Suppression of Enemy Air Defences (SEAD) against detected Ground Based Air Defences (GBAD). MACC has been integrated into the ground forces chain of command, so the Military AI Commander can request Close Air Support (CAS) for troops in contact or Recce and Strike missions on enemy held objectives. The AI Commander's decision-action cycle has been adjusted to accomodate the new capabilities. OPCOM requests aerial recce on large objective (>150) in hostile areas then calls OCA if air assets are detected or CAS if armoured units are spotted. Air Tasking Orders have been integrated with the C2ISTAR module's autogenerated player tasks. If no AI aircraft are available, MACC will offer the ATO to players. The Combat Search and Rescue autogen task has been updated to direct players to recover downed pilots from actual aircraft crash sites. We're planning to add more integrated C2ISTAR tasks in future so that players can contribute directly to the AI generated ground war. In other news, thanks to feedback from Vegas and others, we have reviewed the way CQB persistence works. Previously you had to clear an entire sector completely for it to persist as cleared, which could be frustrating if you missed a building in a thousand metre square city. The size of area that you must clear has been reduced tenfold and once all known sub sectors are clear, the entire CQB sector is considered clear for the purposes of persistence. Note for Server Admins & Mission Editors Finally, a couple of important house keeping notes for mission editors and server admins 1. Since APEX assets are now available to all, the APEX compositions have been merged into the main branch and are no longer in optional folder 2. We have started updating our modules to support the 3DEN configuration (Player Options, ALiVE Required, C2ISTAR). In case of issues, simply delete and replace the modules and check the modules settings. 3. Logistics replacements for destroyed aircraft is coming in the next release. For now, when all aircraft are lost or destroyed MACC will exit. ALiVE War Room The ALiVE War Room is seeing more activity than ever and the introduction of the new AAR tool provided by Titan has seen a big increase in the amount of data we handle each week. The War Room service is completely free to end users and the server costs are paid for out of donations. If you enjoy using the War Room, please consider supporting our server costs with a small donation to keep it ALiVE! Join the War Room Now! Release Highlights See full commit history on Github Military Air Component Commander Air Tasking Orders Map Indexes - Prei Khmaoch Luong; Xcam Taunus; Saint Kapaulio (fix); Saralite (fix); I44 Merderet/V2/Winter; I44 Battle of Bulge; I44 Sark; Beketov Enhanced Mod Compatability - IFA3, 3CB and RHS logistics unit mapping added to static data Persistant Start State - Battle Casualty Replacement requests are now based on original force size and not the force size at the last mission start Persistent Building State - destroyed buildings are now persisted Player Logistics - Added ability to whitelist logistics supplies by faction Disable Insurgent Installatioins - Disabling installations such as IED factories in asymmetric mode no longer requires the building to be demolished Remove Roadbloacks - Added the ability to remove roadblocks (approach the centre of the roadblock and hold space when prompted) Zeus Remote Control - Units will no longer despawn if remote controlled by Zeus VCOM Support - Prevent VCOM overriding Combat Support (thanks Genesis!) Download Grab the latest version from ALiVEmod.com Also available from PlayWithSix, ArmAholic and Steam (Usually within 24 hours of this post) Please note that as with all updates, if you have an issue loading a mission made with a previous version of ALiVE, delete and replace the modules in that mission. Known Issues & Support Existing bugs are listed on Github here. Feel free to submit bugs (with vanilla repros please) or discuss any issues or ideas on our forum at http://alivemod.com/forum/. Manual Please refer to the ALiVE Wiki. All the info you need is there. If anything is missing or unclear, please let us know. Are you using Linux? ALiVE is fully supported on a Linux Dedicated Server (as well as Windows). In fact the ALiVE Official Server for testing is running Ubuntu. Here are some tips on getting ALiVE running smoothly on Linux and integrated with War Room - http://www.alivemod.com/forum/1916-setting-up-linux- dedi-server Acknowledgements and Thanks Particular thanks to all those on our support forum who have worked closely with us to identify bugs, provide logs and generally help us improve ALiVE. Your assistance is valuable and your dedication to ALiVE makes it all worth the effort! Disclaimer We may need to prune the persistent database data from the War Room, eliminating data that is older than 6-12 months. The ALiVE War Room database is run on a voluntary basis at a cost to the ALiVE development team. No guarantees can be given on the mission data stored or the availability of the service. We apologise for any downtime that may impact your MP persistent missions. ALiVE has transformed my Arma 3 experience, how can I thank you? Please consider making a contribution to our server costs if you enjoy ALiVE! It costs us $65 per month to run our War Room website and the ALiVE Database servers and every little helps. Donate here http://www.alivemod.com/#Donate Special thanks to everyone here for supporting us with donations to the ALiVE mod development effort. Have fun!
  2. friznit2

    Script alternative to ALiVE?

    ALiVE is a bunch of scripts
  3. Unfortunately they're two very different systems and won't integrate well. One day we will probably get rid of Combat Support and allow players to hook directly into MACC code for all air requests, but it'd take quite a lot of coding to replicate all the functionality that CS currently provides. I'll raise it up with the dev team and see if there's something we can do to prevent them spawning on top of each other.
  4. Please read these: https://github.com/ALiVEOS/ALiVE.OS/issues/339 and https://github.com/CBATeam/CBA_A3/issues/715 There have been similar issues reported that are related to CBA keybinds, and not ALiVE specifically. ALiVE maps the Right Windows key by default to the player menu and it appears that on some systems and with some keyboards the CBA key bind callback is causing out of memory errors. The next release of CBA includes a warning if this is the case. Potential solutions are at the bottom of the thread.
  5. Situation, Patrol and Spot Reports have no impact on the AI. They're just to help players coordinate over multiple sessions for long running campaigns (longest we've run was around 8 weeks on a single map). Any of the No AI radio mods will work with ALiVE, though they will of course also silence the ambient AI radio chatter you get from Combat Support.
  6. Very likely to be a problem with the maps, unfortunately. For example, Tup discovered after hours of testing last night that AI pilots cannot take off from the USS Freedom on the new Malden 2035 map because the sea depth is too shallow.
  7. Try using jets. Helis aren't equipped for CAP and DCA.
  8. AuTigerGrad posted one here: http://alivemod.com/forum/3023-military-air-component-commander/p1#p20917 Edit: also not that RHS factions are a little awkward. rhs_faction_vdv does not have any planes. rhs_factionvvs_c has planes but no infantry groups. I've found the best workaround is: Mil Placement module and Military AI Commander set to faction override rhs_faction_vdv as normal. Turn OFF place air units in the Mil Placement module. MACC module with faction set to rhs_factionvvs_c and turn ON place air units. Sync them all up and you get VDV ground forces and VVS air units controlled by the AI Commander. There's a minor issue that the Air Tasking Order radio chatter seems to be playing for the faction instead of side, so if the player is VDV you won't see it.
  9. If you manually place aircraft and you want them to be used by MACC, they must be virtualised. Depending on the settings of the Virtual AI module, you may have to sync the aircraft to it (e.g. if you have the Virtual AI module set to virtualise only synced units). MACC will only task one aircraft per Air Tasking Order at a time. So you will have one CAP aircraft and one DCA aircraft in the air. The remainder will be kept on standby until the tasked aircraft are lost or destroyed. Make sure the faction you're using actually has aircraft. If in doubt, try getting it to work with vanilla (CSAT or NATO) first.
  10. Previously the AI Commander just used air units like any other unit and sent them towards the next priority objective. MACC provides a proper air ops layer so aircraft are used more realistically at both operational and tactical levels.
  11. ALiVEmod.com The next generation dynamic persistent mission addon for ArmA3 Release 1.3.6 AI Air Component Commander This update brings the first iteration of the Military AI Air Component Commander by Tupolov. While the Military AI Commander is responsible for commanding operations on the ground, the Military Air Component Commander takes control of all air assets in theatre and issues Air Tasking Orders to available aircraft, with the exception of helicopters assigned to logistics taskings. ATOs are prioritised depending on the tactical situation and available air assets and typically will include Combat Air Patrol (CAP), Defensive Counter Air (DCA) and Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses (SEAD) as a priority. Secondary taskings in support of ground ops include Recce, Close Air Support and Strike missions on the current ground objectives. In this first version of MACC, only CAP and DCA are available. The ALiVE MACC module creates an Air Component HQ at the nearest airbase to the module location and optionally spawns Air Defenses in the vicinity. MACC uses existing aircraft spawned by the ALiVE Military Placement modules or, if none are available, can spawn additional fixed wing or rotary aircraft. MACC is also capable of conducting naval aviation operations from the CVN-83 USS Freedom. MACC is still very much work in progress and not all features are fully functional yet so please provide feedback so we can continue to balance and adjust. Further details for how to setup and use MACC are on the ALiVE wiki. Meanwhile there has been a whole lot of map indexing activity from community members, in particular thanks to Burdy323, and the Malden 2035 DLC - thanks to everyone who has contributed! ALiVE War Room The ALiVE War Room is seeing more activity than ever and the introduction of the new AAR tool built by Titan has seen a big increase in the amount of data we handle every day. The War Room service is completely free to end users and the server costs are covered by voluntary donations. If you enjoy using the War Room, please consider supporting our server costs with a small donation to help us keep it ALiVE! Join the War Room Now! Download Grab the latest version from ALiVEmod.com Also available from PlayWithSix, ArmAholic and Steam (Usually within 24 hours of this post) Please note that as with all updates, if you have an issue loading a mission made with a previous version of ALiVE, delete and replace the modules in that mission. Release Highlights First iteration of Military Air Component Commander Map Index - Malden 2035, Omaha, SEA (Unsung), Nam, Neaville, Suonkomar Sahav, G.O.S N'Djenahoud Module UI Enhancement - changed some integer inputs to drop down selection menus Various bug fixes See full commit history on Github Known Issues & Support Existing bugs are listed on Github here. Feel free to submit bugs (with vanilla repros please) or discuss any issues or ideas on our forum at http://alivemod.com/forum/. Manual Please refer to the ALiVE Wiki. All the info you need is there. If anything is missing or unclear, please let us know. Are you using Linux? ALiVE is fully supported on a Linux Dedicated Server (as well as Windows). In fact the ALiVE Official Server for testing is running Ubuntu. Here are some tips on getting ALiVE running smoothly on Linux and integrated with War Room - http://www.alivemod.com/forum/1916-setting-up-linux- dedi-server Acknowledgements and Thanks Particular thanks to all those on our support forum who have worked closely with us to identify bugs, provide logs and generally help us improve ALiVE. Your assistance is valuable and your dedication to ALiVE makes it all worth the effort! Disclaimer We may need to prune the persistent database data from the War Room, eliminating data that is older than 6-12 months. The ALiVE War Room database is run on a voluntary basis at a cost to the ALiVE development team. No guarantees can be given on the mission data stored or the availability of the service. We apologise for any downtime that may impact your MP persistent missions. ALiVE has transformed my Arma 3 experience, how can I thank you? Please consider making a contribution to our server costs if you enjoy ALiVE! It costs us $65 per month to run our War Room website and the ALiVE Database servers and every little helps. Donate here http://www.alivemod.com/#Donate Special thanks to everyone here for supporting us with donations to the ALiVE mod development effort. Have fun!
  12. @kecharles28 @foxhound I appreciate the speed of response but you're a bit premature. This is a RC build on github, not an official release yet. I wasn't aware you had started tracking github?
  13. Yeah, static - it won't move the location even if it's lost to enemy forces (in which case you'll lose logistics until the objective is recaptured)
  14. If you set Reinforcement requests in the AI Commander module to "Constant" they will send smaller replens but more often (they're triggered when units reach 90% combat effectiveness) so you should see a steady trickle of logistics runs. "Seldom" kicks off logistics at 50% CE, so you will get fewer but much larger waves of replacements. The number of units being resupplied is directly related to casualties taken. If you want to limit the ability to resupply, reduce the available Force Pool. We've staggered the replens by heli in the latest release to try and reduce the instances of AI pilots crashing into each other.
  15. That happens if the player is in range of the Logistics HQ, which is used as the initial spawn point. Rather than magic things out of thin air, if a player is within range they get parachuted down - not ideal, but since we have no strategic lift capabilities in vanilla ArmA, it's the best we can do to simulate theatre insertion of battle casualty replacements. From there, BCRs will move by convoy or heli to the drop off point. Infantry and light vehicles tend to prefer insertion by heli. Heavy vehicles and armour will always travel by convoy. You can define the Log HQ location by putting the Log module next to a high priority custom objective somewhere out of the way and set location selection to "fixed".
  16. Spyder is a dreadful person for sniping my release post. Shamfur dispray!
  17. ALiVEmod.com The next generation dynamic persistent mission addon for ArmA3 Release 1.3.5 Local Persistence Highhead has worked his magic and delivered an option to persist ALiVE missions to your local machine without needing to install a database. This works in Single Player games or on the hosts machine in Multiplayer, including on dedicated servers. It's possible to use a scripted autosave option too, though it comes with a health warning: the server will desync for a few seconds while saving large missions. Reseting persistent missions can be done the same way as before but we have included some extra commands for clearing data from the local ProfileNameSpace manually - details for how to do that are below and will be on our wiki. Setting up a local database using CouchDB is still an option for those with the technical skills do to so and of course for all those with dedicated servers, the ALiVE War Room is still our recommended method for mission persistence, stats, server monitoring and After Action Reviews. Meanwhile the rest of the team has been working hard on some major performance improvements. There is now an option to adjust how fast the virtual profiles spawn when players are within range - slow & smooth helps prevent stuttering on busy missions but may take too long to spawn in for fast moving units such as jets, so adjust to taste. SpyderBlack continues to enhance his Orbat Tool. If you have not tried it yet, it's well worth a go. Many people have released some great new factions using the tool already and remember you don't need ALiVE to use them in missions (though of course we recommend you do!) Tupolov has returned from the wilderness of no interwebs and responded to a few community requests to index the shiny new Lythium map (welcome back Tup!). He's also hard at work on an AI Air Component Commander to complement the Ground Ops Commander. Air Command will issue Air Tasking Orders for all non-logistics aircraft in the AO, providing CAP, DCA, SEAD, CAS and Strike in support of ground forces. You can see the design work in progress on github. Download Grab the latest version from ALiVEmod.com Also available from PlayWithSix, ArmAholic and Steam (Usually within 24 hours of this post) Please note that as with all updates, if you have an issue loading a mission made with a previous version of ALiVE, delete and replace the modules in that mission. Local Persistence Usage This is the first iteration of Local Persistence so please report any bugs Github. To use local persistence, select "Local" on the ALiVE Data module and make sure you have persistence enabled on the other modules as normal. It is recommended you backup your user profile and/or server profile (C:\Users\username\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\profilename). Use the ALiVE Save & Exit button when exiting the mission to save the mission data. When you restart the mission, all saved items will load from your ProfileNameSpace automatically - there is no "Load" button. To clear the save and start over with a fresh mission, either rename the mission pbo or use the following functions in the debug console. We may add buttons for clearing data in due course. call ALiVE_fnc_ProfileNameSpaceClear: clears data for the current mission only. Note that renaming the mission pbo will also start a fresh instance. call ALiVE_fnc_ProfileNameSpaceWipe: clears all ALiVE data from ProfileNameSpace completely. For Autosave, put the following in init.sqf 900 call ALiVE_fnc_AutoSave_PNS where 900 is the save interval in seconds -1 call ALiVE_fnc_AutoSave_PNS run at any time will disable autosave ALiVE War Room You can continue to use the War Room for mission stats, server monitoring and AAR with Persistence set to Local but you must run @aliveserver on the host machine, have a War Room account and the server details setup, just the same as now. Join the War Room Now! Release Highlights Added a database-free local save option Changed label of "CouchDB" persistence to "Cloud" Map Index - FSF Adiyaman (thanks Vegas!); Diyala (thanks Heroes!); Winthera & Dingor (thanks Whigital!); Lythium (thanks Tup!) Added adjustable Smooth Spawn™ for virtual AI Added group mapping for latest RHS update Added air transport logistics scheduling to reduce instances of helicopter collisions Fixed some issues that resulted in profiles being sent to 0,0,0 Several performance enhancements Many thanks to all those not mentioned here who contributed bug fixes, enhancements and map indexes! See full commit history on Github Known Issues & Support Existing bugs are listed on Github here. Feel free to submit bugs (with vanilla repros please) or discuss any issues or ideas on our forum at http://alivemod.com/forum/. Manual Please refer to the ALiVE Wiki. All the info you need is there. If anything is missing or unclear, please let us know. Are you using Linux? ALiVE is fully supported on a Linux Dedicated Server (as well as Windows). In fact the ALiVE Official Server for testing is running Ubuntu. Here are some tips on getting ALiVE running smoothly on Linux and integrated with War Room - http://www.alivemod.com/forum/1916-setting-up-linux- dedi-server Acknowledgements and Thanks Particular thanks to all those on our support forum who have worked closely with us to identify bugs, provide logs and generally help us improve ALiVE. Your assistance is valuable and your dedication to ALiVE makes it all worth the effort! Disclaimer We may need to prune the persistent database data from the War Room, eliminating data that is older than 6-12 months. The ALiVE War Room database is run on a voluntary basis at a cost to the ALiVE development team. No guarantees can be given on the mission data stored or the availability of the service. We apologise for any downtime that may impact your MP persistent missions. ALiVE has transformed my Arma 3 experience, how can I thank you? Please consider making a contribution to our server costs if you enjoy ALiVE! It costs us $65 per month to run our War Room website and the ALiVE Database servers and every little helps. Donate here http://www.alivemod.com/#Donate Special thanks to everyone here for supporting us with donations to the ALiVE mod development effort. Have fun!
  18. You holding the map upside down again? Something may have changed somewhere. I'm sure we turned them all around ages ago to solve this.
  19. For insurgency mission making and balancing, there's extensive discussion on our forum: http://alivemod.com/forum/2924-difficulties-with-getting-insurgency-just-right-everyone-input-/0#p20067 ALiVE Persistence in SP is only available in the Release Candidate above and still being tested but should work if you want to try it. Select "ProfileNameSpace" in the Data module and you'll fine an ALiVE Save button in game. Make sure you have persistence enabled in the relevant modules. The persistent state will load automatically on restart. More details are in my post on the previous page.
  20. Please remember these are pre-release builds and many features have not yet been fully tested by us internally. It would be helpful if you do run these RC builds to please let us know whether the new features are working on your setup.
  21. @cpt.ghost For SP games (as opposed to Local MP hosted) the Server Save & Exit button is hidden by the game so you have to call the PNS save func manually using the debug console for now. Or just play in a local MP game! ['SERVERSAVE'] spawn alive_fnc_buttonAbort; We're working on a solution for adding a SP saving button that will be in the release version.
  22. Yes but they need to be scripted in, you can't call them via logistics: http://alivemod.com/wiki/index.php/Script_Snippets#Adding_CAS_units_post-init
  23. This is a test build for saving ALiVE data to ProfileNameSpace (PNS). This allows persistence for Singleplayer or locally hosted (MP) games of ALiVE. It essentially bypasses the regular ALiVE Data and so will not store to the ALiVE War Room. War Room mission stats, After Action Review, server monitoring and central database services will therefore not be available using this method. However, it means those who do not have access to a dedicated server can still benefit from ALiVE persistence. Data is saved to your user profile (or the host's profile if running a MP game) and typically takes up a few Mb on the HDD. To use local persistence, select "ProfileNamespace" on the ALiVE Database module and make sure you have persistence enabled on the other modules as normal. It is recommended you backup your user profile and/or server profile first (C:\Users\username\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\profilename) You can reset mission persistence in the normal way by renaming the mission pbo or use ALiVE_fnc_ProfileNameSpaceClear in debug console. ALiVE_fnc_ProfileNameSpaceWipe will delete all ALiVE related data from profileNamespace Please test and report bugs on Github. I'll update the wiki with further details when we're closer to release. For those who prefer playing with CouchDB, you can still set up a local database if you wish, though we still recommend that you use the War Room - it's easier! Enjoy!
  24. My personal favourite is the overhauled VCOM, especially since @genesis92x has kindly put some tweaks in to make it play nicely alongside ALiVE Combat Support. ALiVE+VCOM provides a really challenging battlefield experience. Incidentally, just re-uploaded Steam Workshop version of ALiVE with the fixed Publisher so that ArmA correctly detects ALiVE as x64 compatible (thanks Wizard!)
  25. Set overrides for Armour in the Placement modules to 0, then manually place some crewed tonks in the editor and sync them to the Virtual AI module (with module set to virtualise synced units).