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Everything posted by thearies

  1. ...that´s what i thought
  2. i think the M2 SLAM efp-mine is much too powerful... i destroy a m1a1 by penetrating the front armor of it...
  3. thearies

    FlexiAI (WIP) discussion

    this are really great news... as said before, vanilla AI is a no go and for me every AI enhancement the most wanted thing in arma2 :)
  4. ok... but is there a script like: AI konkurs team spottet enemy tank, so it bring konkurs in postion load it an fires till enemy destroyed or till no ammo then unmount it...???? that would be great ;)
  5. thanks a lot:bounce3:... but how can i get csw ai to work...i don´t get it :confused:
  6. thearies

    WarFX : Blastcore

    "must decide the Modleader" who else??? but i don´t talk about whats not so bad i talk about reality. 1. think about concealment if you leave a smoke trail like this in antitank-mission you will be detected in seconds an that why scientists build smokeless powder and rocket fuel´s... 2. yo are not able to operate saclos correct with smoke trail´s 3. 3.10 min (no smoketrail)"Keep it real" ;)
  7. thearies

    WarFX : Blastcore

    great great great, the only thing...please no smoke trails for atgm´s e.g. the konkurs in ace2 mod don´t know if it´s an icompatibility effect with ace or "warfx vanilla" good work
  8. thearies

    WarFX : Blastcore

    m203 grenades flying like 5.56mm bullets anyone got the same bug?
  9. thearies

    Zeus AI Combat Skills

    hmmm... cant´t find "Zeus AI Combat Skills v.0.02b" on ts3 ...support ??? :(
  10. ...could we expect p85 ace configs sickboy ? i love the t-80´ies ;) but really thats what i like to hear cause it solves so many problems so it would be great to see for e.g. a namman maxxpro ace config etc. thanks for explaination :)
  11. ...ok cause i test around alot with different charges and ballistics and i found that the most mods are too variable in the armor values arma2 combops 1.55, ace2 1.6, baf 1.01: e.g. nammans maxpro withstand 2x 122mm artyshell under chassie without losing mobility ace2 stryker do it with ace_fab250 under chassie without loosing mobility... since arma2 ao arma differ blast and kinetic penetration ?! so a generalised armor matrix could help for a more realistic battlefiled for all those great addons and for all players ???
  12. yeah !!! looks fantastic...the package would be great !!! the main reason i ask for ace compatibility was to have comparable armor values is it practical to entrench an universalised matrix like stanag http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/STANAG_4569 so any modder could use this like shoe size, is there anything like that ??? ...you see i´m simply an enthusiastic sandbox player ;) greetings
  13. hmmm strange people around... the beginning of progress is the end of "even or" logic-systems so one vanilla, one ace version makes everyone happy if nzx likes. ...great model nzx !!! hope to see more great mraps greetings
  14. @NZXSHADOWS absolutely great... yeah please... good to see a growing mrap family i really waiting for them so much...can we expect ace2 integration??? are they further mraps in production? :bounce3:
  15. thanks, the best ace we ever had... special thanks for real life army weapon equipment
  16. thearies

    Zeus AI Combat Skills

    @AnimalMother92 ...agree, there´s a CQB prob here too
  17. great quality like ever !!! replacement config please... cause thats what im missing for arma2 oa some realistic loadouts like acog must have etc. ...ace 1.5 compatible :D
  18. thearies


    any good news for a needed ride :confused:
  19. possible bug: can´t read any distance-value when using rangefinder no numbers are displayed...
  20. thearies

    Zeus AI Combat Skills

    do i have to use ZeusACE v0.04e for the new ACE2 1.5 or better wait for new ZeusACE ???
  21. ok i check around and found that: stryker in groups "F2" are the vanilla desert-stryker but i cant found them in single selection "F1" ? USArmy and BAF medics wearing rucksacks but they are not longer shown in gear when i check it ? I´m only using standalone ArmaIIOA with BAF and ZEUSAI