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jw custom

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Everything posted by jw custom

  1. jw custom

    Isla Duala

    Yep AI and bridges doesn't like eachother :)
  2. jw custom

    1.06 beta patches.. when?

    I'm positive we will see more patches in 2010 :)
  3. Ohhh would love a beta to play around with :cool: P.S. what about the people who have been helping you with the mod do they have the same problem?
  4. jw custom

    Illegal Copies Ma Degrade ?

    You should be fine getting patch 1.05.
  5. jw custom

    Illegal Copies Ma Degrade ?

    Yep if it's a downloaded mission that miss spelled "degrade" message coul have been put there for fun :p
  6. jw custom

    Isla Duala

    Here's one to start with :) http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=92885
  7. jw custom

    Isla Duala

    It's a known issue, read main post.
  8. jw custom

    Voice Acting Volunteers, Add Here!

    Take a look here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=90625
  9. jw custom

    Isla Duala

    Thank you for all your hard work IceBreakr, it's pure awesomeness :cool:
  10. jw custom

    Danish Army V1.0

    Don't mind it, your releasing something and i haven't seen anything from anywhere else yet ;)
  11. jw custom

    Danish Army V1.0

    Your work is really appreciated :cool: And it's really cool to see so much interest in little denmark :)
  12. jw custom

    Danish Army V1.0

    It looks perfect :cool:
  13. jw custom

    Danish Army V1.0

    LOL yes your right the picture was taken while running ACE, silly me :p
  14. Like i said: That will make trigger go off if the unit named s1 is inside the trigger area. s1 in thisList and s2 in thisList will make trigger go off if the units s1 and s2 is inside the trigger area. s1 in thisList || s2 in thisList will make trigger go off if unit s1 or s2 is inside trigger area.
  15. jw custom

    Danish Army V1.0

    Thanks for taking your time on this but i'm sure the problem is either my end or the Swiss Armory mod so i'll ask in that thread :) I'm looking forward to that, right now i'm using your UKSF mod and it is very nice :cool:
  16. jw custom

    Danish Army V1.0

    Yes i tried from armaholic and filefactory, i will try again :) *EDIT* I just tried the official download link and then tried giving a standard USMC unit a weapon from the Swiss Armory mod, as soon as i take ammo for the weapon i get that same error message. So it has nothing to do with this mod. Are you guys using patch 1.05?
  17. jw custom

    The Hell of vietnam

    Hmm i just downloaded the demo and the graphic was poor and you keep getting stuck on object, i got frustrated of constantly getting shot while being stuck so i uninstalled the sh!t lol :D
  18. jw custom

    Danish Army V1.0

    Okay i tried copying the following files into my ArmA 2 AddOns folder: swm_misc.pbo swm_swissarms.pbo a2020_danetmp.pbo Started ArmA 2 with no mods loaded, loaded emty utes into editor added a danish army rifleman, saved and tried mission and got the same error. I then tried adding a standard USMC rifleman and gave him a sniper rifle(swiss armory), then placed a ammobox(swiss armory). As soon as i take ammo for the sniper rifle from the ammobox i get that same message, i do get the ammo and it works fine :confused:
  19. jw custom

    Danish Army V1.0

    I'm in for a "wait for me to reconfig..." :) I have tried only loading the swiss army mod and your mod with same result. I'll try put the danetmp.pbo and the swiss army .pbo's into the ArmA 2's own addons folder just for testing purpose :)
  20. s1 in thisList P.S. remember to set Activation to Anybody or a specific side!
  21. jw custom

    [Patch 1.05 Bug] AI won't follow player

    Right then.... the point is that after they added that "feature" AI is a pain to ordering around. It's a struggle to pull your AI mates back from a fight and medics takes ages before giving medical attention even though they sit 1m away(that killed me yesterday).
  22. jw custom

    Danish Army V1.0

    I have that mod installed :) I have tried loading it from it's on mod folder @swm and also by copying the .pbo's into the @DanishArmy mod folder with same result!
  23. jw custom

    Danish Army V1.0

    For me it looks like this: But i'm getting this error aswell, maybe thats the problem?