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jw custom

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Everything posted by jw custom

  1. jw custom

    Sound over distance bug?

    The sound from explosions are delayed but gun sounds are instant. This is both with or without ACE!
  2. jw custom

    ACE and stamina...

    At one point the module to disable the stamina system was broken but i'm not sure if it's fixed now. In case it's not fixed you can disable it by putting this in your init.sqf: ACE_NoStaminaEffects = true;
  3. jw custom

    No mod tools and no dedicated server files for BF:BC2

    Yet another game i'm not gonna buy.
  4. jw custom

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    YOU are the one constantly saying ArmA 2/OA would come on Xbox360 while other people have doubted it would be able to run properly on it ;)
  5. jw custom

    Does anybody play DM anymore?

    Ohh sorry i missed that the message was to you :p
  6. jw custom

    Advice wanted

    I have a mission that might fit your description though right now it uses ACE weapons but that can easily be changed. Do you wan't revive script or just plain respawn?
  7. jw custom

    Dragon Rising has been released

    It all depends on what type of mission i play, if it's a sneaky mission with few enemies i prefere 0.6 - 0.7 but if there's lot's of enemies i prefer 0.5 - 0.6. It also depends on if your playing with AI or human team mates, with human team mates it needs to be atleast 0.6... these are of course just my preferations :)
  8. jw custom

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Pretty simple solution: In your name.ArmA2Profile set: skillEnemy=0.5; precisionEnemy=0.5; This will give your long gunfights. You can set it lower or higher all after liking. You can also adjust these settings from: Game options->Difficulty->YOURDIFFICULTY->Edit->Enemy units But this way skillEnemy & precisionEnemy goes hand in hand. Pretty simple huh ;)
  9. LOL yeah right :rolleyes:
  10. This sound mod is really starting to take shape, great Chammy and Protegimus(and everyone else invovled) :D Agree. When you look at the water you can see small waves but by the sound of them you think they are 30m+ high :p
  11. jw custom

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Exactly and theres a part for you too in your quote!!
  12. jw custom

    Does anybody play DM anymore?

    Yeah but not in a DM game, i'm a team player :)
  13. It seems so if your wanna be able to use all features!
  14. jw custom

    Does anybody play DM anymore?

    Maybe you'll be better of with MW2 or similar then :)
  15. co06 - Operation Badboy t5atKlrW-SQ Changelog: v1.0 -Initial release Info: Uses BIS first aid system. ACE stamina system disabled. Required addons: ACE 2 Isla Duala v0.99 Molatian Army v10 UK: Special Forces v1.1 Situation: Corrupt parts of the Molatian army is making money on dealing weapons to highest bidders including terror cells. Your team has been assigned to do the job of "dealing" with these arms dealers. Download v1.0 from filefactory: -> co06 Operation Badboy Download v1.0 from Armaholic mirror: -> Operation Badboy Co-06 (@)
  16. jw custom

    Dragon Rising has been released

    There's no need to search on the CM forums, if you remember to log in there once a week threads are still on frontpage :p
  17. jw custom

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Yes we are all following YOU :rolleyes: Personally i visit the CM forums for a quick laugh
  18. Same for me and other people have mentioned it, but who cares about that intro anyways :p
  19. Your shortcut target line should look similar to this: "C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\arma2.exe" -mod=@CBA;@ACE;@ACEX;@ACEX_PLA
  20. Adjust the difficulty. Game options->Difficulty->Regular->Edit... Here adjust "Enemy units". If you play alone i would suggest you to set it on 0.50. 0.50 will give you some good gunfights :) Also if your demo man dies remember to take his satchels.
  21. jw custom

    Dragon Rising has been released

    LOL nice comparing :p