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jw custom

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Everything posted by jw custom

  1. Casual ArmA Players group are looking for more casual players. We play mainly in the weekend but sometimes if time permit we play a little in the week days. We play to have fun so there's no strict commanding forcing people to play certain roles or use certain weapons :) Feel free to contact The.D via PM or ICQ for more info. ICQ: 119072550 Your also welcome to PM me :) You could also join our social group here: http://forums.bistudio.com/group.php?groupid=20
  2. jw custom

    Crash need help

    So what was the problem, maybe there's other people with same problem who could benefit from knowing how you solved the problem ;)
  3. jw custom

    Free Falcon 5

    I think the only reason for having Falcon 4.0 installed is to make FF5 a mod rather than a pirated version of the game :)
  4. jw custom

    Isla Duala

    Indeed funny stuff there: The nautical theme is ever popular as is seen by this militiaman wearing a stylish Kapok life jacket. It wont stop a bullet but it sure looks Boo-yaa! LMFAO :D Sorry for OT.
  5. jw custom

    Catching up plus "Will it Run"?

    Like already mentioned that CPU will no way in hell run ArmA 2 in a playable way :)
  6. jw custom

    Free Falcon 5

    I played and LOVED Falcon 4.0 so a while ago i tried FF5 but it's just not the same anymore :o
  7. q94rS1oPQS8 Another Team king of the hill "mission" which is coop style human west vs AI east. The Office Building - changelog: v1.0 -Initial release Team king of the hill scripts - changelog: v1.1 -Fixed remove dead bodies which caused heavy server/host load -Fixed/optimized spawn scripts -Fixed/optimized artillery scripts -Added marker to define zone center instead of using the zone triggers center v1.0 -Initial release Required addons: ACE 2 Isla Duala Basic game description: The team that holds the zone for a defined period of time before the timeout timer reaches zero wins. If the timeout timer reaches zero the team which has most zone time wins a minor victory. The team being outnumbered in zone will per default get a second subtracted from their zone time. There's settings to make the game more difficult, easier, longer etc. Game settings/parameters explained: Time out: Max. game time, when this timer runs out the game will end and the team with most zone time will win a minor victory. Time for east to hold zone: Time east needs to hold zone to win a total victory. Time for west to hold zone: Time west needs to hold zone to win a total victory. East zone score per second: Seconds east wins per second when outnumbering west in zone. West zone score per second: Seconds west wins per second when outnumbering east in zone. East zone penalty per second: Seconds east lose per second when being outnumbered by west in zone. West zone penalty per second: Seconds west lose per second when being outnumbered by east in zone. East numbers in zone for bonus: Units east should outnumber west in zone to get zone bonus. West numbers in zone for bonus: Units west should outnumber east in zone to get zone bonus. East zone bonus per second: Zone bonus seconds east will win additional to the normal zone score when bonus is achieved. West zone bonus per second: Zone bonus seconds west will win additional to the normal zone score when bonus is achieved. Number of east AI playing: How many east AI units playing at same time. Chance of vehicle spawn: How many % chance of a vehicle will spawn. Chance of vehicle spawn every: This decides how often the "chance of vehicle spawn" will occur. Remove dead AI bodies after: How long dead AI bodies will stay before getting removed. Remove dead player bodies after: How long dead player bodies will stay before getting removed. Remove dead player bodies after: This is how long dead player bodies will stay before getting removed. West vehicle respawn delay: How long it takes for a west vehicle to respawn after it's been destroyed. West respawn deserted veh after: How long it takes for a west vehicle to respawn after it's been deserted. West refill ammo crate after: How often the ammo crate will get refilled. AI game start spawn delay: How long AI is delayed before spawning at game start. This is to give players a chance to gear up. East arty chance: How many % chance of east calling in artillery on zone. Arty chance if not in zone for: How many minutes/seconds east needs NOT to be present in zone to take use of their chance to call in artillery support(see above). West enable/disable artillery: The 2 officer slots have ability to call in artillery support every 10min or once per live. This can be enabled/disabled with this option. Download v1.0 / v1.1: -> co12 - The Office Building (TKOTH @ Duala) Download v1.0 / v1.1 from Armaholic mirror: -> The Office Building (TKOTH) Co-12 (@)
  8. M0Kd8NKja3Y Here's my first Team king of the hill mission which is coop style human west vs AI east. The ruin - changelog: v1.0 -Initial release Team king of the hill scripts - changelog: v1.1 -Fixed remove dead bodies which caused heavy server/host load -Fixed/optimized spawn scripts -Fixed/optimized artillery scripts -Added marker to define zone center instead of using the zone triggers center v1.0 -Initial release Required addons: ACE 2 Isla Duala Basic game description: The team that holds the zone for a defined period of time before the timeout timer reaches zero wins. If the timeout timer reaches zero the team which has most zone time wins a minor victory. The team being outnumbered in zone will per default get a second subtracted from their zone time. There's settings to make the game more difficult, easier, longer etc. Game settings/parameters explained: Time out: Max. game time, when this timer runs out the game will end and the team with most zone time will win a minor victory. Time for east to hold zone: Time east needs to hold zone to win a total victory. Time for west to hold zone: Time west needs to hold zone to win a total victory. East zone score per second: Seconds east wins per second when outnumbering west in zone. West zone score per second: Seconds west wins per second when outnumbering east in zone. East zone penalty per second: Seconds east lose per second when being outnumbered by west in zone. West zone penalty per second: Seconds west lose per second when being outnumbered by east in zone. East numbers in zone for bonus: Units east should outnumber west in zone to get zone bonus. West numbers in zone for bonus: Units west should outnumber east in zone to get zone bonus. East zone bonus per second: Zone bonus seconds east will win additional to the normal zone score when bonus is achieved. West zone bonus per second: Zone bonus seconds west will win additional to the normal zone score when bonus is achieved. Number of east AI playing: How many east AI units playing at same time. Chance of vehicle spawn: How many % chance of a vehicle will spawn. Chance of vehicle spawn every: This decides how often the "chance of vehicle spawn" will occur. Remove dead AI bodies after: How long dead AI bodies will stay before getting removed. Remove dead player bodies after: How long dead player bodies will stay before getting removed. Remove dead player bodies after: This is how long dead player bodies will stay before getting removed. West vehicle respawn delay: How long it takes for a west vehicle to respawn after it's been destroyed. West respawn deserted veh after: How long it takes for a west vehicle to respawn after it's been deserted. West refill ammo crate after: How often the ammo crate will get refilled. AI game start spawn delay: How long AI is delayed before spawning at game start. This is to give players a chance to gear up. East arty chance: How many % chance of east calling in artillery on zone. Arty chance if not in zone for: How many minutes/seconds east needs NOT to be present in zone to take use of their chance to call in artillery support(see above). West enable/disable artillery: The 2 officer slots have ability to call in artillery support every 10min or once per live. This can be enabled/disabled with this option. Download v1.0 / v1.1: -> co12 - The ruin (TKOTH @ Duala) Download v1.0 / v1.1 from Armaholic mirror: -> The Ruin (TKOTH) Co-12 (@)
  9. jw custom


    The r1, r2 and as many as you like are locations, they are just passed on as arguments to the script. This way you can use same script for all players but decide their location by the addAction.
  10. jw custom


    No they are the id's of the addActions, you'll need them in case you wanna remove the addActions again.
  11. Beautiful island you have made there :cool: You might wanna add download link to your first post ;)
  12. jw custom

    AI combat maze

    You still here :confused:
  13. jw custom


    Oops, change unit to this ---------- Post added at 11:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:56 PM ---------- For more location you could pass the location as a argument to the script: add to players init field: id1 = this addAction["Teleport","Teleport.sqf", r1]; Then make a script named Teleport.sqf with this in it: _loc = _this select 3; player setPos (getPos _loc) So if you wanted another player to go to a different location you could add this to his init field: id1 = this addAction["Teleport","Teleport.sqf", r2]; If you want same player to be able to teleport to both r1 & r2 then simply add to addactions to the player: id1 = this addAction["Teleport","Teleport.sqf", r1]; id2 = this addAction["Teleport","Teleport.sqf", r2]; You could also make them teleport via map click. Put this in the players init field: id1 = this addAction["Teleport","Teleport.sqf"]; Then make a script named Teleport.sqf with this in it: player globalChat "Click on map to teleport"; onMapSingleClick "player setPos _pos; true; onMapSingleClick '';"; Now you can click on your map and teleport to that location.
  14. jw custom


    Put this in the players init line: id1 = unit addAction ["Teleport", "teleportScript.sqf"]; Put this in a script named teleportScript.sqf: player setPos (getPos r1); player removeAction id1; This will add a action to your players action menu and can be used 1 time. If you wanna use more than 1 time remove the "player removeAction id1;" part
  15. jw custom


    Do it from a addAction instead of a trigger.
  16. jw custom

    co12 - The ruin (TKOTH @ Duala)

    Theres a lot of settings to give the players advantages or disadvantages if needed :)
  17. jw custom

    co12 - The ruin (TKOTH @ Duala)

    The file was uploaded before i made this thread, maybe you needed to refresh the page ;)
  18. If you absolutely need to spawn from a trigger:
  19. jw custom

    co12 - The ruin (TKOTH @ Duala)

    At the very bottom of the site there's a link. Press the button saying download!
  20. I don't think it's a issue but rather a feature that players/AI drop their gear in deep water to being able to stay above water :)
  21. Place 10 east units. Place a trigger with a size that cover all the battlefield: Activation: opfor or anybody Condition: east countSide thisList <= 5 On Act: hint "West won"; So if you shoot 5 east units which is 50% of their force you get the win message.
  22. As the title says how do i add the kills from a spawned "bomb" like below? bomb1 = "ARTY_Sh_81_HE" createVehicle [_dropPosX, _dropPosY, 100]; I was thinking something with addEventHandler on fired but i have no idea if thats correct and how it should look like! I think i've seen a topic on this but i can't seem to find it :(
  23. Here: You should of course have a marker named NameMarker and a unit named NameUnit.