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jw custom

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Everything posted by jw custom

  1. jw custom

    random crashes d3d9.dll????

    ArmA 2 is running without any problems so i see no point in changing anything. All my settings has been applied from within the game and thats gonna stay that way as long as nothing more is required :)
  2. jw custom

    random crashes d3d9.dll????

    Here you go: Well thats progress, i hope you get the rest sorted out soon :)
  3. jw custom

    ARMA 2 to ps3

    I'm pretty sure there's a few people in who would disagree :eek:
  4. jw custom

    random crashes d3d9.dll????

    I think this setting is very depending on how much vram you got, i got a gtx 285 with 1gb and when i have "video memory" on default i get CTD's all the time, but when i set it on "high" i get rid of the CTD's!
  5. Great you got it working :cool:
  6. jw custom

    Arma 2 stopped working

    as also reported we are many that have that combo(i7 + gtx 2xx) and not having problems. Try experimenting with the "Video memory" setting ingame, changing mine from default to high removed my CTD's!
  7. jw custom

    should i get ArmA 2?

    Well not for all. I agree that ArmA 2 is really tough on your box and probably too tough, but a lot of people including myself is getting a good performance. Agree, but again the community is doing wonders, VopSound 2.1 is great and another one is in the works:
  8. Thats the same for me, it's just the autorun menu that doesn't find the installation.
  9. jw custom

    Dragon Rising has been released

    I think what he meant was that ArmA was what people took as the sequel but that DR is the real sequel.
  10. jw custom

    "Receiving" screen then nothing

    Well when just adding this post makes it looks like you didn't read anything in this thread at all, sorry if i was wrong! In this same thread someone managed to get rid of the problem.
  11. jw custom

    Crash on Receiving screen

    I've just spend a few hours OC'ing my cpu and tweaking settings in ArmA 2 to see what i could get from it. Before OC'ing and changing video settings ArmA 2 ran fine and i rarely got CTD's, but after the changes i constantly got them and specially when dieing(similar to you). I was sure it was the OC that caused the CTD's so i changed it to stock speed but still got those CTD's. Just now i found out that the "Video memory" setting was on default and that was what caused it! I got a GTX 285 card with 1gb ram and when i set Video memory on high the CTD's go away. Maybe it will work for you aswell, it's worth a try :)
  12. Do you have the latest graphic drivers and directx installed?
  13. jw custom

    DPICM Artillery Addon

    Looks very nice... a little camera shaking on nearby artillery impact would make it even nicer :)
  14. jw custom

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Thats a fair review :)
  15. jw custom

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    Was trying to locate where a certain annoying popup message came from and noticed this:
  16. jw custom

    Console version of ARMA 2

    Go play DR it was made for console and thats as close to war as you ever wanna get... lol :p
  17. jw custom

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Simulator or not i'd choose ArmA2's graphic over DR's anyday :cool:
  18. jw custom

    I7 + Nvidia GTX 2xx = crash

    Well as i said, i can run everygame i own with maxed out video settings and with CPU OC'ed just not ArmA 2 it eventually crashes, sometimes almost as soon as i start a mission other times 10-30 into a mission. When not having my CPU oc'ed i rarely get CTD's and when i do it's often caused by bad scripting and the like.
  19. jw custom

    I7 + Nvidia GTX 2xx = crash

    Hehe okay just had to make sure as some people had those sounds mixed up with being sound issues :p Great you got it working :cool:
  20. jw custom

    should i get ArmA 2?

    So if you like the demo and the state it's in then you would probably like the state 1.04 is in even more.... try the demo!
  21. jw custom

    I7 + Nvidia GTX 2xx = crash

    Thats possible, i'm no OC professor :p Still people have getting rid of CTD's by running @stock speed including myself :)
  22. jw custom

    Close Air Support

    Set trigger to "once" instead of "repeatedly"
  23. jw custom

    Dragon Rising has been released

    No need to read all the crap when you can goto CM forum under PC section and read post from people who think that DR is the best ever, yet they have a link to a console forum in their signiture.... that says it all! CM did their best to hide the truth about how this game is designed for consoles and then cheaply ported to PC just to make a few extra bucks! Coincident that the demo is getting out after release, i think NOT.
  24. jw custom

    I7 + Nvidia GTX 2xx = crash

    I have a i7 920... when it's OC'ed i can play any game i own with maxed out video settings and it can run hour after hour without problems, but in ArmA 2 it eventually ends with a CTD, specially in MP and combined with too high settings! Many people have reported CTD's when OC'ing CPU!
  25. jw custom

    Dragon Rising has been released

    So all their advertising was for console only :eek: Give me a break, CM was clever and made people believe it was something it so not was and they NEVER said otherwise!