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jw custom

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Everything posted by jw custom

  1. jw custom

    Isla Duala

    It looks really nice :cool:
  2. Try this: _somegroup = createGroup WEST; _dude1 = "USMC_Soldier" createUnit [(getMarkerPos "M1"), _somegroup];
  3. Well in ArmA there's the soldier classnames "SoldierWB" for west, "SoldierEB" for east and "SoldierGB" for guerilla. These classnames can be used by revive script to tell which type of soldiers can revive and can be revived, they are "generic" and counts for all soldier types from a side. horror1 said revive script worked fine in ArmA so i checked the .pbo's from the ArmA release and noticed those classnames are present there but not in the VTE previews. Let's hope someone is gonna assist.
  4. Heh i just downloaded your tweak like 20 min ago, but nice if BIS fixed :cool:
  5. jw custom

    Is Fade Permanent??

    Agree though i think he legally downloaded the game and then shared his info with a mate which is wrong in itself :)
  6. jw custom

    Video Settings - 'Postprocess effects'

    Well that "static" blur hell does make you feel like you got gel in your eyes :butbut:
  7. jw custom

    Marker altitude

    Think it should look something like this: "yourMarker" setMarkerPos [getPos SomeObject select 0, getPos SomeObject select 1, getPos SomeObject select 2]; Should set yourMarker at XYZ of someObject.
  8. I use "Say" command and the fade does work when you keep db between -10 and +10. I have some radio talking attached to my radio guy and for that purpose i have db at 0.2 and that works perfectly :)
  9. I would like to "attach" a sound to a object so the sound fades out when moving away from it. From what info i could find i understand that createSoundSource. I have defined a sound called Radio1 in description.ext and it works fine when used with "say" command but using it with createSoundSource gives me an error saying "No entry 'bin\config.bin/cfgVehicles.Radio1'." This is what i tried: _soundSource = createSoundSource ["Radio1", getPos aRadio, [], 0] ; Can i use custom sounds this way and if so please tell me how :)
  10. jw custom

    Your Hours?

    If i count in the hours spent in the editor then i got aprox..... hmmm thats many many many hours :)
  11. jw custom

    Please, Start Fresh.

    Correction, AI is NOT stupid it's actually very smart.. it got some annoying issues at time but thats another story.
  12. I am happy and i love ArmA 2 infact i play or use the editor everyday, i wouldn't do that if i wasn't happy with it :) Often people are so pleased and blinded by all the positive that the negative is kinda forgotten. So when these flaws are pointed out people talks about how great the AI is compared to other games etc. P.S. yes i'm aware about the beta's i'm uptodate with'em and yes they are improving AI a lot in them :cool:
  13. Can i just call the "say" command server side or do i need to call it on each clients for all to hear it?
  14. Dunno what your problem is :confused: All i said was that i don't hear all the moaning your talking about!
  15. hug_pilot sideChat "Hug_Cargo - TRUE"; hug_pilot sideChat "Hug_Cargo - FALSE"; Dunno if this is your problem!
  16. jw custom

    Dragon Rising has been released

    I can't believe it, my mother said my 41 was average
  17. jw custom

    Isla Duala

    I'm looking forward to try and report :cool:
  18. jw custom

    co08 Avgani Showdown

    Well it works for me, only problem is with the horizon and 1 type of house that turn black when shot upon. This message appear on briefing screen so it's no biggie. The horizon does look a little weird with that "overcoast" part missing. But i'll look into it, maybe thats causing the issues! *EDIT* Found the solution here :) http://dev-heaven.net/boards/51/topics/show/1491#message-1520 Haven't tested if it fix the "black" bulding issue yet!
  19. I see this thread has been moved to the mods discussion forum, but is there any chance that we can have a "hotfix" for the mixed voices issue in near future so we can really enjoy this fantastic preview of the mod while we wait for full release :D ?
  20. jw custom

    Arma II is going on the shelf...

    Well you could play community created missions, play mp or play around with the editor. It's not like the campaign is the only part of the game and it's useless without it!