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jw custom

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Everything posted by jw custom

  1. Well i'm sure it will work now, have fun on the battlefield ;)
  2. jw custom

    Dragon Rising has been released

    LOL @ this video http://www.xfire.com/video/162580/
  3. Hey wait a minute that language.pbo is not supposed to be in the dta folder. Back it up and then delete it from that dta folder. Now see if there's a language.pbo in your addons folder, if so you should be good to go.
  4. I thought you were using a mod to make game english or something but noticed it was the games own .pbo Maybe you need to re-install game, re-download patch 1.04 and then update game. But wait and see if more people reply that maybe have a easier solution.
  5. EDIT Erhmm it's not a mod. Maybe your language.pbo is corrupted!
  6. jw custom

    Will my system run arma 2???

    Don't expect do get wild performance!
  7. jw custom

    something to make you laugh your ass off

    Maybe it was too funny for the public :p
  8. jw custom

    Dragon Rising has been released

    CM could easily make those same changes to the game as his "hacks" does, all they need to do is change their values concerning detection range, accuracy etc. they don't need him for that. Like CM gives a shit about him.
  9. jw custom

    UK Special Forces V1.1

    Just noticed now that they also come in desert camo, thanks Aeneas2020 :cool: Thanks for the mirror Old Bear, filefront is slow as very old people :p
  10. jw custom

    Isla Duala

    So you ain't gonna use entrable buildings at all or did i missunderstand you?
  11. jw custom

    Wrong CD key...can't re-install

    LOL been there done that :p
  12. Thats some good illustrations of the problem :)
  13. Their tracking skills ain't effected by darkness and they are also just as accurate at night as in daylight that be without NV. This is again the same problem as with the unit skill slider which does next to nothing. Also in darkness they are less skilled at detecting you which is good, but when flares are used and everything is lit up they should be able to detect you much better. When i play with AI team mates at night and i use flares the enemy stand out clear but my team mates doesn't see them. Then i fire and the enemy fire back and first then my AI mates see them. It would be really nice with some unit skill settings that actually worked.
  14. jw custom

    Machinima - Whats Your Favourites?

    LOL @ Heinz & Werner
  15. http://www.entertonement.com/clips/lyjzkvfxwm--brainsPlatoon-Kevin-Dillon-Bunny- It think it would get too distractive :p
  16. jw custom

    VopSound 2.1

    Hmmm weird. I haven't been using VopSound for a while but i just tried it and it worked just fine!
  17. jw custom

    VopSound 2.1

    You should have all the .pbo in like @VopSound\addons no sub folders beyond that.
  18. jw custom

    Error mssg while playing MP

    Do you get the crashes with patch 1.04?
  19. I got a GTX285 and had those CTD's because i changed Video memory from High to Default. So if the CTD's somehow returns then try adjust your Video memory settings. Default is = CTD with my GTX285.
  20. And specially when aiming upwards, i have been screaming sometimes lol :p
  21. jw custom

    VopSound 2.1

    Well you never know some people actually just copy files into ArmA 2's own addon folder! Well if you did correct i can't see how it should not work unless you have some other mod it doesn't play along with. Try start game loading only VopSound mod.
  22. Just to make it clear, this problem is when you use iron sights not the crosshair! Also it's not the sway itself thats the problem but the misalignment between front and back sight.
  23. jw custom

    VopSound 2.1

    How did you "install" the mod?
  24. Lie is such a strong word, sounds better with not true :p