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Everything posted by gvse

  1. kju, having tested some a2/oa weapons with the dev branch I conclude that recoil is still bugged: e.g. bizon, mp5, some mk variants (suppressed and unsuppressed) have no recoil. The m4 has recoil on every other shot. Then again, as far as I can tell the suppressed m4 with eotech sight has no recoil. It's quite messy. Hope this is helpful. Btw, you were asking for requests with regard to further development: can you do anything about street lamps and lights in general. Right now Im using the TPW scripts to turn on the lights at night but would be nice to have this functionality out of the box. Oh and female civilians: would be good to see them from time to time.
  2. I'll try and test over this weekend. I never really used the old weapons and as far as I remember the problem was that there was no recoil applied to A2/OA rifles, correct? Or should I be looking at something else?
  3. Not sure if what Ive observed makes sense but anyways: with the latest dev branch and AiA SA recoil is present on default BIS A3 weapons but it's not applied to every shot if you fire quickly or in auto mode. Then it seems to affect every other shot. If you switch to single mode and fire slowly then the muzzle climbs on each shot. Hope this makes sense to you kju.
  4. Hi guys, i'd appreciate it if somebody could explain or direct me to a relevant thread that elaborates what needs to be done to bring weapons we have in A2 to A3. Im thinking of a "forced" port that does not account for e.g. reload animations or modularity of weapons, but which still lets you use old weapons in A3. Any chance that such a sloppy job requires simple editing of given lines of config files or am I being too optimistic here? EDIT: a SLOPPY solution! If you want A2, OA default weapons and some custom weapon addons (e.g. RH smg pack, Christian's mp7 pack, etc.) you need to load your custom addons along with these BIS pbo's: a. weapons.pbo, weapons2.pbo (which you will find in your Arma2/OA directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Bohemia Interactive\AddOns) b. weapons_e.pbo (which you will find in your Arma2/OA directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Bohemia Interactive\Expansion\Addons) Just copy these pbo's to one folder and load it as you would your other addons. Bear in mind that this is a quick and dirty job: you will get errors as the game is loaded, weapons will not be modular, you probably won't have muzzle flashes. You should be able to see, hear and shoot these weapons in A3 though! EDIT 2. THE RIGHT WAY: ALWARREN'S TUTORIAL Check this page, where Alwarren has kindly written a tutorial instructing what needs to be done to do a propoer port of individual weapons. Thank you kindly Alwarren! :)
  5. gvse

    Scope Mod A3

    terrific! Thanks for the update, man! ;)
  6. gvse

    Scope Mod A3

    Great news on all counts. Can't wait!
  7. I have just tried it out, and there's somthing strange going on with lighting: we have lost night in Chernarus. It never gets dark at night, as if the sun does not set properly. Night has become perpetual dusk. Any chance there's a singly pbo from the old version we might copy/paste to temporarly fix the problem? On other islands I have tested (Bystrica, Utes, Shapur) nighttime is nice and dark. Reload animations for A3 weapons work as they should, though! Thanks a ton for this fix! :)
  8. Thank you for the update and for all the work you put into this! The changelog looks great :D
  9. thank you for the feedback. can't wait for the update: hope all goes well! :)
  10. kju, would you mind letting us know what's the status of the reload animation problem (the A2 animation being applied to ALL guns, including A3 ones)? Is there anything you can do about it? I'm asking cause you mentioned you'd look into this, and I was wondering if the problem is solvable at all.
  11. tpw, I was playing on Chernarus and Bystrica the other day and thought how great it would be to have trains using those train tracks and passing by every now and again. Is it something that would be within the scope of your project? Is it doable at all? If you ever find yourself wondering what else to add to your mod you might want to think... trains ;)
  12. gvse

    Scope Mod A3

    I can't wait for the updates: keep up the great work and do keep us posted! Btw, hope you haven't forgotten about the micro cco with low mount. I was also wondering if you will release versions of optics with flash hiders and without them as I like to have as clear image visible through the scope as possible. Anyways, thanks again for returning to the mod and keeping at it!
  13. Thanks a ton for the update! :) One little thing I noticed is that you cannot activate full color nv once you are in third person view: you have to switch to 1st, activate the NV, and then switch back to third. Then it works, but only then. I am really curious (and hopeful) if you can work out the laser beam as that would be great. One way or another, thank you once again for responding so quickly to these requests. Fantastic job, especially the fact that you give the player the options to customize their experience. Top notch!
  14. Oh, I get the HUD display and I'm not asking for that in 3rd p. I think the NV is something distinct, though. I realize you have tied it to the HUD functionality and it might be difficult to separate it from that, but perhaps you'll reconsider. edit: wait, so if I remove this line 'cameraview != "external"' Ill get 3rd p functionality?
  15. gvse

    Scope Mod A3

    yes, this is always an option, but I was wondering if zeroing those cqb sights down to default 100m wouldn't make more sense in the game world than the relatively long distance of 200m. I also seem to remember that switching the rate of fire with the F key sometimes has the unintended consequence of upping the zero to the defualt value (200m in this case), which can be somewhat bothersome if you are in the middle of a firefight. It is no biggie, just a suggestion, and Ill be thankful for any update coming our way :)
  16. Understood, and thanks for looking into this at all! What about the full-color NV in 3rd person, is it something you might consider?
  17. TPW, firstly, thank you so much for the continued work on your mod! Ive been using it all the time since the release, and the features you keep adding keep making the game so much more immersive. Now, if I may, would you consider adding the full color night vision option in 3rd person? Also, the IR laser becomes useless with the new NV: would there be any way around that? Once again, thank you kindly for all your work!
  18. gvse

    Scope Mod A3

    fantastic news, Captain Slow ;) Seriously, I'am very glad you have managed to recover so much and, of course, can't wait for the updates! One request: if doable, could you switch the default zeroing of cqb sights like micro cco from 200m to 100m?
  19. Great news! Thank you very much.
  20. .kju, this is something I have been getting a lot with the SA version. I never got this problem with the non-standalone AiA. but yeah, Ill submit the report to BI. Incidentally, how's it going with reload animations? :)
  21. Great! Hope you can sort it out. Let me know if I can be of assistance, please. I must say Bystrica and Bukovina look gorgeous in this new lighting. I cannot thank you enough for your continuing support! Gonna uninstall my A2/OA now to get some free disk space. :)