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WA Lancer

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Everything posted by WA Lancer

  1. WA Lancer

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    congrats on the release
  2. WA Lancer

    ACRE2 Public Beta Release

    For those of you that have teamspeak being quiet when you get in game, try this Right click your windows sound. Go to playback devices. Navigate to the Communications tab. Set the option to do nothing. http://i.imgur.com/fjMcLT5.png http://imgur.com/fzoRekQ
  3. Was there a List somewhere of the planned US assets? Specifically Strykers if anyone knows.
  4. WA Lancer

    Zeus Feature Request Thread

    I don't know if this has been asked yet, but Does anyone know if they plan on including a function for you to save the placed zues objects and units into a mission sqm?
  5. Or just take the russian flag off the uniform and suddenly they become local militias. lol
  6. Well the IOTV has a Kevlar insert that is behind the actual plate and surrounds the body to provide protection where the plate isnt for shrapnel. Plate carriers are just that. They only have the plate on your front and back and thats it. shrapnel hits anywhere not covered by the plate, it will wound you. Oh and there are also optional side plates for the IOTV. There are also a good amount of Kevlar attachments that can be fitted to the IOTV such as neck, back of neck, groin, ass, and shoulder attachments. It is all up to Unit SOPs as to what you will actually be wearing.
  7. LMAO. So it is, so it is. So, IOTV with the 9000 different configurations it can be set up as or only plate carriers?
  8. a constructive criticism about the PCs. nitpic mode active sorry if i cant see it from here but on either the front or back of the PC there should be a seam going up the PC like so Other than that. Holy christ its magnificent!
  9. Is the RHS team by chance doing the 2S1 2S3 or PT76?
  10. WA Lancer

    US Military Mod (80s, 90s)

    Congrats on the release. You must have staged this with Nod Unit lol.
  11. Congrats on the release. Cant wait to load it up.
  12. Winter Schwemlitz opps forgot BI sign files, Impulse9 will post with the sign files It requires thirsk winter in addition to the original requirements. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=9861 There ya go. ---------- Post added at 02:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:27 PM ---------- Normal Schwemlitz opps forgot BI sign files, Impulse9 will post with the sign files Changelog, Filesize reduced by 30 Mb - I screwed up something. Texture layer size changed to 40.0x40.0
  13. this disableAI "MOVE" , that command also disables the AI from turning around... Is there another way to make them not move around but still be able to turn around?
  14. Just remember for the love of god to get rid of the Arma 3 default shiny cloths.
  15. Rosche, Germany: 15x15km Terrain Hires Image of the Village Borg This Island will be built with the same detail that was put into my other terrain, Schwemlitz Rosche's northern border overlaps with the Schwemlitz terrain by 500m. The terrain again will be based off of real terrain and real height data will be used. If you have any questions on the exact area, get your self google earth and open this KMZ file: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/95937318/Rosche-Border.kmz I plan on doing just about everything inside the red box in the KMZ file with the exceptions of any city, town or village that is 500m-1km from the edge of map. And no I am not doing Uelzen, I doubt arma could handle it. For anyone that is interested in the military history of the area I give the following image and link: http://www.orbat85.nl/order-of-battle/royal-army/1-nl-corps/1-lk.html#1-and-4-division
  16. This project will be moved to Arma 3 once tools come out. For now it is on hold.
  17. If I can make a recommendation. Have a look a my island Schwemlitz, specifically for the grass and wheat objects I used on it. If you are interested in using it in your fields or using it at all contact me or just use it. I don't care. I just recommend having a look, they add a whole lot to the useable concealment on the terrain around you.
  18. Try and watch out for the green turning into a blue at the middle of your sat map.
  19. Do you have any intentions on adding a long range LOD for the head and face that has Camouflage on it? What I mean is the long range LODs usually have normal unpainted faces even when you have a custom cammo face. Those long range LODs make the soldiers easy to pick out from any background.
  20. Well the reason I don't use a mask under those areas is because I ran into a limit of 4 colors and I did not want to commit to the time and effort it would take to be able to use more than 4 colors. Also just a note, Falcon is the one who did almost all the towns and touched up all of them.
  21. No plans for Civilian Module. Not using invisible roads. I am using actual roads under barns and next to buildings.
  22. I would say 100% not my island. Sounds like you might have changed the health slider or have a setpos up in the air a few meters. Also I am working on a version without the dependencies on Carraigdubh And going to release the source files. Soonish
  23. downloading now, If it is anything like your previous work, It will be good.
  24. http://mirror1.unitedoperations.net/@Schwemlitz_1.01.7z http://mirror2.unitedoperations.net/@Schwemlitz_1.01.7z Change Log -Wheat fields no longer display as forest on the map -removed two grass objects from middle of road south of Schwemlitz -moved a shed up 2cm to let people walk in it. There is work on a new grass object. But there is no time estimate on when it will be done. Oh and _William I am sorry I have no plans to replace the roads that are under the buildings because I don't know of a good object to replace them.