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Everything posted by David1054

  1. I run Very High cept AA and Terrian since AI sees trough walls lol...but anyways I get the same FPS no matter what settings i use... sadly its 23.... or low teens.
  2. David1054

    Arma 2 OA 1.53 Suggestions

    Fix mostly all land vehicle physics....sucks when you move a MHQ and it flips on a bush....and Make bushes easier to run over...cars get stuck on small little bushes and drop from 90 to like 20 mph.... And just make the game run smoother..... :)
  3. I barely get 29 fps average but its always dipping low teens on high/medium settings at 1650x1050 My specs are GTX 260 OC Maxcore Phenom 8750 x3 @ 3.10 GHz 3 GBs DDr2 667 Mhz Ram Windows 7 32 bit Ultimate I barely manage 30 fps on open fields but i notice the drop close to a city any suggestions on how i can improve FPS?
  4. Lol just estimate his next warp would be. If hes running shoot 2 feet in front of him and when he appears he'll meet teh bulletz
  5. It doesnt like some of us and I believe those are Richie Speed's setup lol cus i checked it the other day also.
  6. lol i get the same thing. Its pretty normal for now i guess.
  7. Same here my GPU never goes beyong 57 C in this game at regular 40% speeds. Its a GTX 260 OC edition.
  8. i Believe those little white dots are light going trough the branches, leafs, ect. :bounce3:
  9. i got a few FPS boosts with the drivers not much i can play a whole lot smoother in cities though.
  10. David1054


    more Team Death Match and other game modes. CO OP is horrible with all the lag =/ Its frustrating that you shoot enemys and they dont die then you get blown up for no reason and tank you shoot over 20 times blows up.
  11. I'd go for a little higher that way if he upgrades to a newer video card in a few months he wont have to worry about the amps and the card not getting enough powah!!! jUst not over kill :P lol
  12. David1054

    ArmaHolic ArmA 2 Optimization

    i know how you feel..... im also getting pissed off...
  13. David1054

    ArmaHolic ArmA 2 Optimization

    Im getting around 25 FPs in woodland or open fields I get 40+ FPS though :D!!!!!! when i look at the floor ._______. Its those buildings man I overclocked my phenom 8750 from 2.41 to 3.12 stable. I even did the video card a GTX 260 and still same FPS. And i run relatively low resolution compared to other 1280 x 1024 And still get the same FPS 8- 24 highest is around 34 to 40+ like i said earlier looking at the ground. I tried all the things they poster here and nothing =[ Im thinking of getting a Phenom 2 x2 550 BE and overclocking it. But i dont want to spend 100$ just so i can play a game with decent FPS Houses, Smoke kill FPS by a LOT and for some reason my Video card stutters ._. on the game when flying... only in this game......
  14. David1054

    Warfare Performance

    Its the game it has performance issues. even dudes with top notch ubber PCs and 3 video cards barely get 30+ FPS on high. I get 22 16 average on cities with a Phenom x3 8750 OC to 3.12Ghz 3Gbs ddr2 ram 667 XP Sp 3 GTX 260 core 216 OC i get very low FPS and if i go low settings all the way i gain 1 fps if i go very high all the way i loose 2 lol its the game not your PC
  15. I think its the M40 something i dont really remember but its the Fuzzy(one with fake grass)one lol.
  16. Yeah i notice that to. It does get kinda annoying specially in some places were your in the forest parts and your sniping and the AI sees trough all the trees and kills you really quick from over 500 meters D: hax i tell ya they hax its so extreme D:
  17. hmm.... btw think my CPU is bottlenecking the GPU?? If so think it would be wise to upgrade to a Phenom2 x2 550 3.10Ghz BE?? Or the Phenom2 x3 2.80Ghz?
  18. I've tried everything and i cant seem to go beyond 18 FPS in cities or anywhere were their is smoke or destroyed buildings. PC specs AMD Phenom x3 8750 @ 2.9 GHzOC ( I had over clocked it from 2.4 to 3.2GHz and didnt get anymore FPS than what i already had. ) Nvidia GTX 260 OC edition 700 Watt PSU 3GBs DDR2 667MHz Ram Tried on Low ~ Very High and nothing. setting 3D resolution to 100% gives about 1 FPS to no FPS increase. Mixed settings same FPS. I get 40+ FPS when im looking at the ground lol..... Any Other Tips D:? I tried the other forum things and nothing
  19. Well i've tried everything and always get 20 FPS'. Low settigs. High Settings. Mixed settings nothing still the same. Is their anything i can do to try to increase them?? PC specs AMd Phenom x3 8750 @ 2.80 GHz BFG GTX 260 OCMAXCORE Windows XP Sp3 3GBs DDR2 667 Ram Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks ~
  20. lmao wow...... i get 20 FPS average with 100% 3D resolution but if i put it on 150% i get 5 more FPS' lol.... :yay:
  21. Nope no Vsync Defragged after updatating the game this morning since today i just got it
  22. David1054

    Graphics engine improvement

    Yeah i saw that once when playing. On high once. lol to bad i had to take it off it was so awsome D: Anyone said anything about trees?? I cant do anything beyond low/verylow/normal without playing a 21 FPS average but the trees....wow...FPS rape they drop my FPS madly.. Anyone notice that you look at a bunch of bushes and the FPS die out or something. Or is it my current video card...:rolleyes:
  23. Hey guys i know my CPU and stuff are good and arent a problem but my video card is. I have 200$ to BUY the game AND upgrade video cards. What video card should i get? That wont give me any problems for future games but leaves enough left over to buy the game D: Thanks in Advance though :D Specs Amd Phenom x3 8750 OC to 3.00 Ghz 3Gbs DDR2 667 Ram 9500 GT 512mb( NEED HELP DECIDING ON UPGRADE ) Any suggestions on a video card would be very welcomed D: Thanks in advance.
  24. Hey everyone, how would my PC handle the game? Amd Phenom x3 @ 2.91GHz 3GBs ddr2 667 700 watt PSU Current video card 9500 GT 512 (upgrading to 4870 512 or 1gb not sure which one to get and i dont run in Ubber resolutions. Usually 1280 x 720 ) Btw what card should i get the HD 4870 512mb or the 1Ggb?? Thanks in advance.