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Everything posted by AnimalMother92

  1. those are the only ones i noticed. so the fixed files are at the same download link? thanks nazul
  2. i've got that same bug ever since i used CSM2, i'm pretty sure it isn't ACE_SM, but maybe how they interact
  3. AnimalMother92

    WIP: Stuff you are working on 2!

    very cool, i like the helmet
  4. AnimalMother92

    Isla Duala

    @mr burns thanks! that's very handy
  5. AnimalMother92

    Operation Arrowhead Suggestion

    QFT! haha, same reason I never give out pistols in my missions :p
  6. just had a beautiful sounding firefight. M4s, 249s and 240 Bravos exchanging with AKs and PKMs sounded brilliant. Nice work!
  7. awesome! so the userconfig says so do we run this with @ACE_SM enabled or what? :confused: I tried launching it without @ACE_SM and it threw up some error about needing an ace pistol noise but in game everything sounded new and great. sorry just slightly confused. from what ive heard so far the noises are really nice!
  8. AnimalMother92

    Isla Duala

    but you need an addon to place the LHD in the editor, it's not their by default. so it adds unnecessary addon requirements. on the topic of stuff to add, any chance of a menu movie? i'm really enjoying this island :)
  9. AnimalMother92

    Isla Duala

    i'd put the LHD in the SW corner. seems like the best spot
  10. AnimalMother92

    Zeus AI Combat Skills

    thnx for the quick response Protegimus!
  11. AnimalMother92

    WIP: Stuff you are working on 2!

    New '08 units are rockin Bink. Nice sig btw :)
  12. AnimalMother92

    Final release of CAA1

    Thank you kju for all your hard work. I really appreciate all you've done especially with CAA1 and PROPER.
  13. AnimalMother92

    Isla Duala

    oddly they drive over it with no problem
  14. "AH64D" Place it in the editor, save it and it'll show the classname in the mission.sqm
  15. AnimalMother92

    FlexiAI (WIP) discussion

    he's got some new 1.05 test videos on his youtube channel. he's not dead it seems--just busy.
  16. haha awesome. still enthralled by that 1st video.
  17. AnimalMother92

    Operation unknown wip

    !!! can't wait to see these birds in ACE
  18. AnimalMother92

    Tracer Effects

    thank you!
  19. AnimalMother92

    WarFX Particles

    thanks for the update
  20. AnimalMother92

    WIP: Stuff you are working on 2!

    Nothin says step away from mai Humvee like a DMR in your face. :D
  21. AnimalMother92

    Isla Duala

    Rapidshare: Isla Duala Extra file
  22. AnimalMother92

    Isla Duala

    oh this would finally get mirrors as i have to leave :(
  23. AnimalMother92

    Isla Duala

    totally worth it though, and really fast from concept to production!
  24. AnimalMother92

    Isla Duala

    ooh he's stretching out the pain!
  25. AnimalMother92

    Isla Duala

    *puts pants back on* sorry... :o