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Everything posted by AnimalMother92

  1. A.C.E. Mod for Operation Arrowhead (Standalone and Combined Ops) Release notes (with Download Links): http://ace.dev-heaven.net/wagn/ACE_1_6 Documentation: http://ace.dev-heaven.net/documentation Bug reports/feedback/suggestions on our issue tracker please: http://ace.dev-heaven.net/wagn/Bug_Reporting sGyAhssD_eQ Video by Kristian Thanks to all people involved, enjoy! Especially to all of you who tested it and reported problems to help us to improve ACE even more! Follow us on Wave / Steam / Twitter for realtime updates and important announcements.
  2. AnimalMother92

    fox's small projects

    His motivation depends on his mood, and his mood depends on his relationship status :rolleyes:
  3. AnimalMother92

    WIP: Stuff you are working on 2!

    Looks cool prowler. Weren't you also working on a Chechnya map?
  4. AnimalMother92

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 76934

    [76871] Reduced lod switching in dense (forsest, town) scenes. That sounds promising. BIS ftw, srsly.
  5. AnimalMother92

    FOB Blaník & Prostějov signs?

    Interesting. Also I remember unPBOing the OA missions and finding a Dum Spiro Spero mission where you played as Czech SF but I don't recall seeing it in the scenario list. Hope we find out more soon.
  6. Dude...I just put these pants on. C'mon! ;)
  7. AnimalMother92

    Battlefield BC2: Vietnam

    Got it yesterday on PS3, really enjoying it. I love the detail on the weapon models. Makes for a nice break from Arma :)
  8. AnimalMother92

    Skype Down! Skype Down

    Skype has gone downhill over time imo. I rarely use it these days.
  9. Thanks for the patch, merry xmas! Looking forward to returning to my computer after break and letting Steam download all my Arma games for 12 hours :p
  10. AnimalMother92

    New idea. Drugs wars.

    On a more srs note, it could work in Arma. *throws inspiration @ BIS* JQMkGtux_OU
  11. AnimalMother92

    VBS2/3 Discussion thread - the one and only

    Couple new vids on the bisimmedia Youtube channel :) hk1oozqRyG0 Ob_OuPfUgYk
  12. AnimalMother92

    ToraBora "Sandbox Edition"

    Looks beautiful, can't wait to try this after my holiday
  13. AnimalMother92

    WarFX : Blastcore

    Thank you! Sorry I wasn't around to test :o Definitely looking forward to trying this out
  14. AnimalMother92

    ArmA 2 AC130

    It was the first Gulf War, one got hit by a SAM in the morning because it was staying out to support friendlies :(
  15. http://dev-heaven.net/issues/15639
  16. AnimalMother92

    ArmA 2 AC130

    Yup that's the one I was thinking of. Regarding the "illegal" bsns: read this.
  17. AnimalMother92

    ArmA 2 AC130

    Yes, there was one made but iirc it used a lot of the BIS C130 model and had to remain an "underground" release.
  18. AnimalMother92

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 76815

    2 chopper bugs fixed in 1 beta? Nice one BIS
  19. AnimalMother92

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Thanks! Have a good holiday :)
  20. AnimalMother92

    ARMA 2: Private Military Company 1.00 released

    BTK Cargo Drop script anyone? :p
  21. AnimalMother92

    ARMA 2: Private Military Company 1.00 released

    You've always been able to do that...
  22. AnimalMother92

    User mission requests!

    Just use the replacement pack and play any ChDKZ mission as CRA :)
  23. AnimalMother92

    New idea. Drugs wars.

    I thought we already agreed on reblmen vs Somali Pirates as the next DLC?
  24. It's been discussed many many times. Please use Search or check the documentation. Looking forward to the ticket. Yup and that's pretty good since there are no MLODs for changing the A2 content itself :)