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Everything posted by AnimalMother92

  1. AnimalMother92

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Hey Jarhead, Don't recall if this was working before or got broken somehow, but your HK416 sounds don't affect the M27 IAR. http://browser.dev-heaven.net/cfg_weapons/show/912037 http://browser.dev-heaven.net/cfg_weapons/show/912040 Hope you could check this out, thx :)
  2. AnimalMother92

    Tan M14 DMR and M14 Aimpoint.

    oh hot damn! thx :) > 100kb http://img826.imageshack.us/img826/3439/5049726199a349b13316b.jpg http://img840.imageshack.us/img840/2286/505034873459087c43f8b.jpg
  3. AnimalMother92

    Binkowski's WIP thread

    marsocks all the way dude. its what morgan would want ;) how else will we make our reblmen vs marsocks campaign featuring 40mm 203 launch??
  4. AnimalMother92

    ArmA 2 Game Launcher

    No, it means it doesn't matter..
  5. AnimalMother92

    WarFX : Blastcore

    You're a bit behind :p
  6. AnimalMother92

    WIP: Stuff you are working on 2!

    goddamit sabre...too awesome.
  7. AnimalMother92

    ToraBora "Sandbox Edition"

    SOP in Astan is to press Alt+E at the main menu..duhh
  8. AnimalMother92

    Custom System Loading Screen

    Well, I would say a good direction would be to get a simple loading screen replacement mod and dePBO it. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8328 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8470
  9. AnimalMother92

    WIP: Stuff you are working on 2!

    I suppose you missed this episode? :p http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1827686&postcount=910
  10. AnimalMother92

    6 DLC Suggestions (incl. USMC) POLL

    orly now? http://www.marines.mil/unit/iimef/2ndmeb/Pages/Female%20engagement%20team%20helps%20establish%20connection%20between%20Marines%20and%20Afghan%20women.aspx http://kitup.military.com/2011/01/army-considering-women-in-infantry.html
  11. AnimalMother92

    ToraBora "Sandbox Edition"

    Nice update, thanks Chill :)
  12. AnimalMother92

    Binkowski's WIP thread

    you tease :inlove:
  13. AnimalMother92

    Launching ArmA II CO With Mods & Beta

    Use SpiritedMachine's Arma 2 Launcher.
  14. AnimalMother92

    fox's small projects

    Nice work dude
  15. Maybe try -exThreads=7 and remove cpuCount/set to 6. Just a guess.
  16. Just wondering, are you playing as a Delta Force unit? Their headsets prevent deafness. If not, http://ace.dev-heaven.net/wagn/Bug_Reporting :) You can read about Features, some of which need a module to be placed (like Wounds).
  17. AnimalMother92

    fadeMusic in OA 1.57

  18. It will be easier with this Friday's update. :) http://dev-heaven.net/projects/ace-mod2/repository/revisions/ddbcfccd49d42213faba0c46813e882861eecdd2
  19. AnimalMother92

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Been playing around with the new stuff for a few days, really loving the new sonic cracks (and BAF sounds). Thanks Jarhead
  20. AnimalMother92

    Operation unknown wip

    Perhaps on Skype, or maybe he doesn't want to be contacted ;)
  21. AnimalMother92

    ToraBora "Sandbox Edition"

    Will the next version use the OA sky texture with the snowy mountains? Gotta say, I'm really loving this map, good work. Looking forward to ALICE support/other improvements :)
  22. AnimalMother92

    Zeus AI Combat Skills

    It hasn't moved :rolleyes: http://dev-heaven.net/projects/anm-missions/files
  23. AnimalMother92

    AH6 Little Bird HUD

    Cool, I'll send Mando a PM. Thanks Foxhound :) You can dePBO it and change the line requiredVersion=1.570000; so that it should run without 1.57
  24. AnimalMother92

    WIP: Stuff you are working on 2!

    oh yesh :inlove: no u :plain:
  25. AnimalMother92

    Zeus AI Combat Skills

    Guess so, oddly never noticed that before. Thanks.