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Everything posted by AnimalMother92

  1. AnimalMother92

    Isla Duala

    agh cant wait, so many mission ideas!
  2. AnimalMother92

    FDF Podagorsk

    I get this too even with VFTCAS on.
  3. [MG]http://lh6.ggpht.com/_bB2rsfLxB64/SzsOi793TTI/AAAAAAAAAJI/qYCMP0Sn-eA/s720/arma2%202009-12-30%2000-23-23-13.jpg[/img]
  4. AnimalMother92

    What Mouse For ArmA2?

    Fits my hand perfectly, good weight, glides nicely. Buttons are very responsive and it has good durability. Plus it looks sick.
  5. AnimalMother92

    What Mouse For ArmA2?

    Razer DeathAdder and I love it. :)
  6. AnimalMother92

    WarFX Particles

    uhh happy new year :bounce3:
  7. AnimalMother92

    Running Arma2 from SSD

    with -world=empty its like 5 seconds from click to menu. loading chernarus is another story
  8. AnimalMother92

    Operation unknown wip

    dammit Kristian, where did my cat go?
  9. AnimalMother92

    Operation unknown wip

    awesome! and ace integration? kickass!
  10. AnimalMother92

    Running Arma2 from SSD

    well I've got all of Windows 7 64 bit and Arma 2 + all my mods running from the SSD and couldn't be happier. The only thing Windows is useful for is running Arma 2 anyways :rolleyes:
  11. AnimalMother92

    SJB SAS Pack

    Ronin reference? :rolleyes: Nice units!
  12. AnimalMother92

    Isla Duala

    wooooohooo!! cant wait anymore :D
  13. AnimalMother92

    Running Arma2 from SSD

    i got an Intel X25-M G2 SSD for xmas and coming from a VelociRaptor I can definitely say there's a big difference. Lovin my SSD
  14. AnimalMother92

    Essential Mods & Addons

    :butbut: i dont play CSS, please please not the harpoon!!
  15. AnimalMother92

    Essential Mods & Addons

    :confused: lolwut
  16. AnimalMother92

    Arma 2 Addon request thread

    MH-60L Direct Action Penetrator A modified UH-60 Blackhawk helicopter, the MH-60L Direct Action Penetrator (DAP) is a gunship operated by the US Army's 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (SOAR), or the 'Nightstalkers'. The DAP would not normally carry troops. Instead, it is used to provide close air support and escort for US special operations helicopters and ground troops. The MH-60L is a highly upgraded UH-60 Blackhawk. Additions includes a FLIR (Forward Looking Infrared) camera and terrain-following radar, upgraded transmission and a host of defensive countermeasures. These souped-up Blackhawks need all this extra kit to carry out the demanding and dangerous missions asked of them. A number of weapons can be attached to the helicopter via the external stores support system (esss), allowing for rapid reconfiguration to meet specific mission demands. Common loadouts include rocket pods, M230 30mm chain guns, AGM-114 Hellfire anti-tank missiles,and trainable 7.62mm miniguns. Integrated fire control systems and a head-up-display (HUD) allow the crew to aim the weapons. http://www.guncopter.com/mh-60-dap/ EcWFsXkdl4E
  17. AnimalMother92

    Essential Mods & Addons

    amazing video! now I'm filled with a desire for an MH-60L DAP in Arma 2 :D as for mods: ACE2+Zeus AI for all your gameplay needs, and War FX makes everything look better. Caa1 is good too, for getting all the Arma 1 islands. Most other stuff is up to personal preference
  18. AnimalMother92

    CAA1 public release

    it's a known issue. dont use the x modfolder. split it up with @caa1 and @oac_core and it works fine
  19. AnimalMother92

    Deadfast's Translations

    thanks again! good info
  20. thats actually a really good idea. you should make a ticket at dev heaven
  21. AnimalMother92

    CAA1 public release

    hey kju, sorry if this has been covered. which files do i need to add/remove to get the original vegetation for the caa1 islands and not the autumn plants? thanks!
  22. AnimalMother92

    Isla Duala

    :eek: Terrific screens, this island is a masterpiece for sure.
  23. AnimalMother92

    Thirsk Island

    very cool island :cool:
  24. AnimalMother92

    Six updater, ruining everything.

    haha ownt I love the SIX updater. If every mod used it, life would be really simple :)