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Everything posted by trooper117

  1. trooper117

    British Troops DLC released & Official 1.01 Update

    Who cares.. I'm buying it.. :)
  2. trooper117

    Terrain details and grass...

    I've been on a real patrol in long grass in West Africa when an enemy patrol was spotted.. when you take cover and go to ground you just can't switch 'long grass off' so you have a better view..lol! If you can't see the enemy to fire back effectively, guess what you have to do?.. Yep, change position to somewhere where you can, or you have to have the balls to get your head and shoulders up or even kneel briefly to return fire then change position quickly again.. pretty similar to what you have to do in game really.. :)
  3. trooper117

    British 3 Rifle Infantry MTP

    Then you are a star!! Good work!
  4. Brilliant mate, thanks!
  5. trooper117

    Challenger 2

    Tried this before I saw the post above, if I had I wouldn't have bothered... As it is, no, I won't use it thanks, put it against any of the stock models we have in game and it looks out of place.
  6. trooper117

    British 3 Rifle Infantry MTP

    Absolutely top notch old boy!
  7. trooper117

    Damn this game! :)

    I had a million things to do this weekend.. then Op Arrowhead arrived and I haven't done jack! Loving the game I have to say.. It installed seamlessly with Armed Assault II to give me 'Combat Operations'.. The new content is much appreciated, and I've loved the look of Takistan and already been playing the missions that people are knocking up, and working my way through the campaign. Most of my mods seem to work with OA, and I think the 'expansion' section was a good move as well as it is just as easy to use the game method to employ and activate mods as it is one of the many launchers out there. Got a couple of bugs cropped up though in the 'boot camp' section.. 1. Cant complete the night vision phase as I have no option to save or even use the IR strobe, so I can't move on. 2. The 'Armour' phase is quite funny as after the driving phase and moving onto the gunner bit, my first target is invulnerable to sabot rounds and just keeps jumping around everytime I hit it instead of exploding, so again, can't complete that mission. :D
  8. trooper117

    Damn this game! :)

    Hehe.. see what I mean. Damn this game, why is it capable of taking over a grown mans life.
  9. trooper117

    Damn this game! :)

    Er, you are having a laugh.. :beam:
  10. trooper117

    Damn this game! :)

    Yep, installed the patch early on, and I know my way around the ArmaII turret command system.. as a test, I hit the truck with every single round (sabot and HE) that the tank possessed and it still just bounced all over the screen instead of brewing up.. lol! As to the IR strobe, I can select it at the ammo box but can only cycle through my rifle settings.. even though its showing in my gear menu it's not showing when I hit 'F'.. Unlike my other bootcamp missions where I can freely 'save' at any point, with these two missions that option is 'greyed' out in the menu and is unusable.. :( Having said that, I absolutely love the game.. always did with ArmaII anyway, but OA has made it so much better!
  11. trooper117

    Isla Duala

    Thanks mate.. looking forward to the next release..
  12. trooper117

    ***OA Compatible Mod List***

    No.. don't remove it mate.. this thread has saved me a vast amount of time trawling through alot of other posts already.. Thanks for starting it..
  13. trooper117

    Is thermal view ported into Arma2 also?

    Your points make alot of sense..
  14. trooper117

    British 3 Rifle Infantry MTP

    Er, I have an issued para helmet.. we are still using them. The Mk6A is still being issued to troops going out to Afghanistan, some, depending on their role are getting the Mk 7 as well.. eventualy of course, all will have it, plus multi cam, but as ever, cost and availability rears its ugly head..
  15. trooper117

    Will I be disappointed again?

    If you don't buy it you will never know will you? There could be hundreds of people on here saying 'buy it, it's fantastic' because in their eyes it gives you exactly what it says on the tin.. then you get it and think its crap.. it's all subjective and your preferences may be totaly different to the hundreds that love it.. Buy it and have done with it.. if you don't like it you can ebay it, believe me there will be others that will snap your hand off..
  16. trooper117

    HEAT warhead parameters (OA)

    HEAT rounds from tanks behave differntly to a HEAT projectile fired from say a launcher. I believe the HEAT round from the early T-55's had a 100mm rifled gun, but a rifled barrel will have a negative effect on the performance of the HEAT projectile when it hits the target. The HEAT round from early T-55's had to be specialy adapted for the rifled barrel. I think if I remember right that the T-55's Heat round would travel at around 1000 m/s.. A SABOT round is by design far more accurate and uses kinetic energy to simply punch its way through armour using a far higher MV and is far superior in its ability to penetrate.. It's been a while since I served on tanks so will have to look up a few of my old manuals to get something concrete.. Edit, quick check tells me that the T-55's main ability today would be mainly effective against light to medium armour. It's HEAT round had a max range of 2000-2500 m.. and could penetrate about 380mm of standard armour at 1000m.
  17. trooper117

    RH wip thread

    Those models look gorgeous!
  18. trooper117

    little compass thingy at the bottom right

    It's called the 'clock ray' method of target indication, one of several ways we teach our guys to identify and indicate targets, it's been used by the British army for donkeys years..
  19. Heat round at that range on a Hummer?.. C'mon, it should obliterate it.
  20. trooper117

    [OA]how to assemble static weapon?

  21. trooper117

    British 3 Rifle Infantry MTP

    Excellent stuff mate.. Been looking forward to these!
  22. Tried the search function but its not bringing up anything that directs me to an object viewer.. is there one that reads the files ingame, including modded objects, and produces a pic.. at the moment, going through anything in the editor is frustrating as I spend ages looking for the object I want.. Sorry if this has been covered before.. :o