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Everything posted by Necramonium

  1. Necramonium

    campain not available ?

    I dont care much about the campaign, in previous ARMA it was buggy as hell and the only way i could finish it was to use the end mission cheat. They put more attention to multiplayer this time for the release and the singleplayer campaign comes a bit later, i don't mind. MP is where most of the fun is.
  2. Dont mind the guys with sand up their vagina's, they seem to be able to not stand for some reason that people can actually like this game over other games these days for some reason. Nice video, nice flying, and may i ask, how many times did you have to redo it... Cause sometimes it gets so close you had to crash somewhere. :p
  3. Necramonium

    First impressions on Altis from a Lemos resident

    Must be really strange to be able to play on the island you grew up on... Btw, just google Lemnos and see the google earth version, and turn on Photos too see allot of the island.
  4. I don't know how, but weren't there some bipods in this game? I can clearly remember using one in one of the early showcases where you are a sniper and you had to call in artillery, i replayed that mission a month ago and no more bipod...
  5. Necramonium

    Body armor

    I do have to say i hate the Extended Armor, on AI. You shoot him 5 times, he just stands there like he is being shot with bb's. And than turns around and kills you in one shot. This extended armor needs to go, doesnt matter how many armor you wear, you cant survive 5 rounds!
  6. Necramonium

    Unrealistic weapons damage

    I just hate when im playing in Domination, you shoot a enemy, and he barely reacts to the hit, like he got hit with a paintball. What is even more horrible is when you shoot a guy full of lead in like 10/20 meters away and he still manages to turn and shoot you dead IN ONE SHOT!
  7. Necramonium

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    I also noticed that my CPU is barely even trying and still get low fps, in mp that is, i know that is mostly because of the servers not being optimized or something, but i discovered somethings strange, when im in a MP server, and get low fps, i press escape for the menus, and suddenly i see the game's fps become good again!!
  8. I have no idea how to play this, when i join a Stratis/Altis Life server, i get a mission failed immediately when spawned in. I know you need TS and be in the server, but the info on what TS server to join, is nowhere to be found!
  9. You are forcing people to use TS and their mic? Sorry, but talk about being pushy. If i dont want to play without a mic all the time thats my decision...
  10. Necramonium

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    I have to say, the AI at the moment is horrible, especially enemy AI, and there is also something horribly wrong with their damage models. Sometimes bullets go straight through them, you have to shoot them 5 times before they die, even with headshots! While i can be shot from 500 meters with one bullet and drop dead instantly.
  11. Necramonium

    Arma 3 Alpha won't start

    My game worked perfectly yesterday, now it wont even start, i see the executable in Task Manager appearing for a second and than disappearing again, also can't find a log file, disabled my AVG, also didn't work, gonna try restarting my pc and steam.
  12. For a alpha this runs very smooth, i have seen beta's and full games that ran absolutely crap!
  13. Necramonium

    How good is the AI...?

    Haven't played it too much too see the AI, but one thing i found was that they managed to find me constantly in the Scuba mission even when i was deep under water.
  14. I also get the LOD switching, it really is a game killer as you see the textures popping from low to high and vice versa when zooming in and out as someone showed in this video:
  15. Yeah, its the LOD switching for sure, as this video shows:
  16. i looked into my profile file, but i don't have a clue what to edit for the trees object detail, the grass i can live with, but the trees look like blobs in the distance.
  17. I have my game totally maxed out, but for some reason trees in the distance still look like they are set on Low. Grass also seems to disappear after a few feet, and when walking i see it popup after a few feet. Can i change this with postFX? Here are two screenshots for example:
  18. I have my game totally maxed out, but for some reason trees in the distance still look like they are set on Low. Grass also seems to disappear after a few feet, and when walking i see it popup after a few feet. Can i change this with postFX? Here are two screenshots for example:
  19. Necramonium

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    Been playing the first mission, and is it me, or is the A.I almost dead on accurate with their accuracy.... But the thing that is ruining it for me, is the damn A.I that STILL can see through trees,bush and grass. Is it that hard to fix it? In Dayz they managed this.
  20. I have noticed that you can't refill your water bottle in ponds and small lakes in-land, so if you don't find soda cans, you are screwed when you are way up north... Btw, would be nice if you could fish eventually. :)
  21. I was being sneaky going through a construction yard in the middle of no where, went in one of the those big concrete sheds, closed the door, and than it squashed me against the wall, i bled out, and suddenly a zombie out of nowhere came running for me bashing me, i shot him with a bolt, but i kept on shaking after healing up, i need a blood transfusion... :( And than the server had to be restarted and i could not get in any other server anymore, all full or not responding.
  22. 1.5 is released, all the servers transferred to 1.5, but Six Updater don't seem to have it up yet. And seeing the Dayzmod.com website download link is hosting stuff that i don't identify with the full mod. It seems i have to wait till six updater has got the latest version.
  23. Just had my first big play session in the game, went to the nearest town, met up with a guy, than suddenly out of no where zombies spawned around us, we managed to get on a roof and waited out a bit, searched through a town where i managed to find allot of good stuff, map, food, a winchester rifle, compass, combat knife, watch, chemlights, matches, when me and the dude travelled to Cherno, some idiot with a revolver was randomly shooting at us... Dead, everything lost... And because we get stuck at the death screen, i had to alt-tab and quit and did not want to continue now. :(
  24. You still don't get it, if you know that zombies are around, and you shoot your gun, they WILL react to the noise... A gun shot can echo miles away, and they will react to that, have you ever watched zombie movies/series? Towns are a huge hazard to go, they can mob you in a instant.
  25. I am more amazed that people can actually play it, have been trying for 4 days now.... :(