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Everything posted by SeanRamey

  1. My question... Is there a way to disable the auto rudder in Arma 2? I recently tried flying, and I find it easy to fly around, but when it comes to dogfighting or ground support, the stupid rudder acts as if it doesn't want to do what I tell it to. Every time I try to aim at a target, I use the rudder to make small left/right corrections, but I can't... Simply because when I move the rudder left/right, it counters my input by moving the opposite direction right after I release the button, causing my aim to go right back off target. It's like the plane is stuck in position when this happens. It won't allow me to move the plane left/right slightly, because it always snaps it back to where is was after I release the rudder. This is incredibly annoying.
  2. I suggest that an Auto-Rudder Off option be added. This should've been added in Arma2. Without it, it makes it extrememly hard to aim an aircraft at other aircraft, or ground targets.
  3. I have just recently started to try flying, and it seems really easy to fly in the most basic ways, but if I try a dogfight or ground support, then I might as well crash into the target because that would be more effective way to aim. The rudder will move in the complete opposite direction that I move it after I release the button. My problem is that I simply can't aim the aircraft at anything as long as the rudder compensates for my moving the aircraft with the rudder, which simply makes it impossible to make small controlled left/right movements with a plane. It doesn't help aiming if somebody was moving your aircraft off target every time you tried to get it on target. My Suggestion: Make an option to turn it off. I realize that this may be a little late to add a suggestion, but I did anyways. I'm also going to post this in the Arma 3 suggestions so that the same mistake isn't made again.
  4. SeanRamey

    Way to disable auto rudder?

    Well that really sucks. It really hampers the flying simulation. I'm going to suggest that they make a way to remove it now, and in both Arma 2 and Arma 3, just in case they do the same thing in 3.
  5. SeanRamey


    I definitly think there should be flares since this is a combat simulation. Flares are not an absolute garantee that the missle will not hit you.
  6. Can somebody please tell me what the requirements are for ArmA 2. I cant find them.
  7. SeanRamey

    ArmA 2 requirements help

    I know, my PC has more than the recommended, and any graphics on this game look great!
  8. SeanRamey

    ArmA 2 requirements help

    Thanks, Now I know I should be able to run it with graphics on pretty high!
  9. I would like to know if my PC can run ArmA 2 pretty good. I have: Windows XP SP3 Gigabyte Ultra Durable 3 EP45-UD3P motherboard 2 gigabytes of Corsair DDR2 RAM Nvidia GeForce 9800 GT with 512mb DDR3 RAM with overclocking abilities Intel Core 2 Duo Processor with 3.2 GHz/3200 MHz Antec 500 watt Power Supply HANNS-G LCD monitor with a max of 1280 * 960 resolution I would like to run it at the best graphics possible while still maintaining about 50-70 fps
  10. SeanRamey

    Rivers and subterranian features

    quote<Originally posted by Cellus ----Such things aren't possible. I remember reading somewhere they would have done this if they could. This engine isn't those engines. ---->quote That is when you would start to make it possible. How do you think those other engines got that ability...just woke up one morning and it could do it? NO they had to make it to where they could do it.
  11. SeanRamey

    Fully destructible environments

    Well tanks really cant do that without damaging themselves a whole lot. And its still harder to do than most people would think with real tanks. However it would still be cool and it is very possible.
  12. I think that there should be Xbox 360 keyboard and mouse support for ArmA 2 but I dont think that the Xbox 360 will be able to handle all of the graphics and huge map and AI. I think that if it were to be released on Xbox 360 then ArmA 2 will definitly need to be reduced in graphics and map size. But if its possible then heck, Go for it!
  13. SeanRamey

    Muzzle smoke is cheap

    Yes, I definitly think that there should not be near as much smoke from small arms and not too much from big machineguns such as .50 cals. I also think that there should be absolutely no muzzleflash except for night time.
  14. SeanRamey

    Muzzle flash needs variation.

    I really think that during daytime there should be no muzzle flash, just smoke. (This is a Combat Simulation)
  15. SeanRamey

    Tank battles in Arma2

    I think ,since this is a Combat Simulation, that the tanks should not be able to just run over anything. The small trees and stuff sure, but not big trees, say 2-3 feet thick.
  16. I think that ArmA 2 should just have a CD key, not online activation. What about people who dont have internet? Some poeple dont have internet and its really annoying to go to the store, see a really cool looking game, buy it, go home and install it, then you get slapped with an "Internet Activation Required" message. Not having internet activation would lead to more sells because more people could buy and play it. Forget about trying too hard too deal with piracy, and just stick with a CD key. A CD key has never failed me, and its not hard to do. The only drawback is if you lose it. But that is why you take care of it and even make a backup copy of the CD key incase you lose the original. Also, another thing that would bring more sales is reducing the rating of ArmA 2. Currently it is Mature for blood, violence, mild sexual themes, and strong language. It would help if It didnt have any strong language, and no sexual themes. Or at least have an option. I figure the rating would go down to Teen then, and more kids' parents would allow them to buy and play it. (There are still people who have morals in this world) (I still cant figure out how sexual themes made it into a combat simulation.) (The reason I now have internet is because I bought Spore and I needed an internet connection to activate it... It ended up costing about $300 for hardware stuff. Then I played it and figured out it wasnt very fun at all... It lacked alot, but this isnt Spore forums so Ill leave it at that) (I also would like to have a DVD and a manual-physical book or computer file) (Am I Clear?)
  17. SeanRamey

    ultra realistic mode

    Here is what my suggestion is about the ArmA2 crosshairs. I think there should be absolutely no crosshairs, and that there should be no floating zone, so that the weapon shoots exactly at what you point it at. Only you dont know what you are pointing at until you fire it. Now I know that people will just start aiming at the center of the screen because thats were your looking, but no, ArmA 2 also needs to have an aiming point that is not exactly aimed at the center of the screen. Let it have some play to move around loosely. Have the aim kind of like a Wii. When you start to get around the edges of the sceen the view turns. (Is this clear, or do I need to explain in a little more detail on something?)