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Herbal Influence

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Everything posted by Herbal Influence

  1. Herbal Influence

    3rd person versus Egoshootermode

    If you wanna annoy a lot of people and make them stay away from BIS-games: reduce freedom by less free server settings and make it more 'special' and reduced. And then you can feel really hardcore! Hardcore, but unrealistic - noone of us would enter real war with 1st-person-tunnelview ... The reduction of environmental awareness is extreme and deadly. Another thing that I look on with big sorrow, as I see numbers of players decreasing (http://arma2.swec.se/server/list): Add more and more mods so that a newcomer will need hours of additonal installing mods, missions and islands. I love mods but at the moment (espc. with BF3 coming out) as far as I can see it's quite unconvenient for a newcomer. Even I, doing BIS games since 2001, cannot explain which variant and composition of OA/Arma2, Combined Operations etc. you need to really find an enjoyable server. For newbies it must be a nightmare ... Add both of us big number of mods and reduce to tunnelview: You will feel very private soon. Unique even. Hardcore even. But you will feel very alone with your elaborated maps and missions ... on a vast map.
  2. Herbal Influence

    How many people still play this?

    How many still playing this? Here. I hope it is a reliable source.
  3. I am quite optimistic that Bohemia got new fans during the uproar against Battlefield. Why? Because there are a lot people, mostly over 25 years old, who are annoyed by fast pace run n' shoot, but like Arma2/AO for the possibility of stratetic long term planning/"programming" with editor and scripts. This sounds more serious to many. Second, the privacy invasion of Origin is deemed to be illegal, which makes even more clear that it's not a serious company. I personally do like the graphics of BF3 but I don't like the extreme amount of "head up display" - information which makes me feel like in an 1-Euro-per-game-arcade shooter. I don't like crosshairs etc. I don't like the multimillion dollar marketing of EA, makes me very suspicious for good reasons. On the other hand Bohemia acts like a newbie in terms of Marketing: Even though I play BIS games since 2001 I couldn't spontaneously answer whether you need Arma2 or only OA to enjoy online multiplayer gaming at the moment .... lost in diversion. And though I like missions, mods, addons, new islands a lot ... at the moment it is quite (in marketing terms: "much too!") difficult for a newbie to find an agreeable choice of online missions / servers.
  4. Herbal Influence

    Arma 3: Community wishes & ideas- NO DISCUSSION

    Please don't become like EA ! No spying. No permanent online-need. Reference: the most frequented jounal on politics shows an article on EA since a day on the front page with the main headline: "EA spying on users with BF3" and there is - for good reasons - an enourmos reaction in the forums!
  5. Herbal Influence

    Arma 3: Community wishes & ideas- DISCUSSION

    Please don't make the mistake of Battlefield 3. Please continue to allow offline usage and not-spying on your users. And allow non-DVD-usage after first upgrade. Thank you! On the most frequented jounal on politics EA is since yesterday on the front page with the main headline: "EA spying on users with BF3" and there is - for good reasons - an enourmos reaction in the forums!
  6. Well, then it will be important to document the statistic: 1.424 Rezensionen 5 Sterne: (102) 4 Sterne: (21) 3 Sterne: (21) 2 Sterne: (21) 1 Sterne: (1.259)
  7. Amazon.de is deleting more then 800 negative posts on BF3???
  8. Yeah, and in the Spiegel.de - Forums there is a post per minute. Great show.
  9. Herbal Influence

    Change Field of View?

    You might take a look here. Ooops ... sorry, didn't see it was on Take On only!
  10. Herbal Influence

    3rd person versus Egoshootermode

    For sure BIS will encourage freedom of choice as it has always done. But the beauty of it all is much more visible than in tunnelview - so it comes that for demonstrational purposes you choose 3rd view. I chose tunnelview quite often during a game, especiall when shooting - but not constantly.
  11. Thank you, BIS, that you don't do shit like EA does with BF3 ! On the most frequented jounal on politics EA is since a few hours on the front page with the main headline: "EA spying on users with BF3" and there is - for good reasons - an enourmos reaction in the forums!
  12. Herbal Influence

    Just want to say: Thank You BIS!

    Thank you, BIS, that you don't do shit like EA does with BF3 ! On the most frequented jounal on politics EA is since a few hours on the front page with the main headline: "EA spying on users with BF3" and there is - for good reasons - an enourmos reaction in the forums!
  13. Herbal Influence

    3rd person versus Egoshootermode

    Thank you galzohar for your sober and reasonable explanation. I am quite sure we all would already be dead, if we were to join real life with that what I call tunnelview. We would have been already hit by some civil cars in our civil town after 30 min downtown. I call it tunnelview because in real life your viewing angle is much bigger than that, what you see on the screen without 3rd view. Do you notice, without turning your head, someone standing 90 degree of you? In real life: yes, you sure do. In tunnelview: you are dead. Noone of us would enter war with blindfolds ... But as galzohar pointed out: it is a compromise. My personal preference is the same as Hund's quoted above. Sure 3rd view allows to "cheat" compared to real life, but it also reduces the beauty of the game (movements of character/avatar no more visible and extreme, irrealistic reduction of environmental awareness). I never forget we already had this discussion in 2003 there was a "3rd-view is unrealistic!"-shoutier who nevertheless routinely killed himself when he damaged his vehicles or found himself too far away from the place he wanted to get to ... What do I want to say? We all chose the realism we want. That's the games flexibility. I love to constantly change between tunnelview and 3rd view during a big crcti mission ... that's in "veteran mode" which shows all the beauty of the game. Before I began this thread the fraction of gamers who loved 3rd view were often cut off and called being noobs. It was a long and slow process for the ones who called themselves the "more reality-oriented" gamers to learn that they in fact cut themselves off a big way from reality by putting their blindfolds on and run-and-shoot-in-a-doom-mode of gaming only. BIS games are far too beautiful for just the doom-mode of gaming.
  14. Herbal Influence

    3rd person versus Egoshootermode

    Up here, two years ago?, a war veteran and chopper pilot explained that he considers flying a chopper without 3rd view unrealistic.
  15. Herbal Influence

    CRcti Proman

    I don't find a server .... EDIT: Ok, there seem to be two of them: Insert "angry" or "united" in your filter and you will often find them.
  16. Herbal Influence

    Gun politics

    I already said exactly that a few posts above. The technics are fascinating ... but some things are to deadly to play with them.
  17. Herbal Influence

    Gun politics

    As much as yours might be based on a) million dollars advertisement and lobbying from the guns & weapons industry since decades, b) pseudo-freedom "amendment 2" - historical - grandfather views, (nice hint above: wheres your Abrams in the garage?) c) archaic machoism? Yeah, you are really cool. You are strong. With your gun, you are a real man. But without .... ?
  18. Herbal Influence

    CRcti Proman

    Can you recommand a server where I can try it? On my PC it's a bit slow with a bunch of units getting their private tanks each ... ;-)
  19. Herbal Influence

    War with Facebook

    Here you can see what happens if you ask for the data that facebook stored about you (that's a right in the EU to do so). It's also available in German language here. And my personal opinion on facebook is: facebook is not only violating EU law, it's dangerous for democracy. Why? Because it makes people silent. Why? Because people lose their courage when they don't know what other mighty organisations know about them. They do no more dare to speak up. Silence. What silence? The very silence you can observe with that politician or manager you really would like to open his mouth. That's the story. Silence. facebook wants us to believe the Arabellion shows its good for society. That's wrong. The Arabellion would have taken place without facebook. But many people that tried to start the Arabellion before and now in China and Syria and Iran using social networks have been tortured and killed because it was so easy for the "threatened dictators" to find out who thinks what and who plans what. Secret services USE facebook. They are no dumb assholes. And they would be if they wouldn't use facebook and other "social" networks .... Zuckerberg: "These idiots, they trust me ... " facebook is not a problem if you only want to scare hedgehoggs in your private garden or play cops & robbers with BIS-games, but as soon as you want to "open up your mouths" people hesitate. They hesitate to fight for their basic rights. Everybody with brain hesitates. You always ask yourself: May this harm me? May someone use information about me against me. You do this if you are going to ask your neighbour to repair his dangerous car, roof or his way of playing with weapons in the backyard or just to control his behaviour. And now politicians and managers hesitate a lot to tell facebook (but also Google) that they are violating peoples rights. And no, it's not about leaving facebook alone, opt-out ... it's following you on quite every page on the internet. And it collects a lot from non-members ... without informing or even asking. And if we are in a status now that even our "decision makers", our leaders, already shut-up, we are done.
  20. Herbal Influence

    CRcti Proman

    Thanx a lot Muecke, downloading! By the by: Where can I find the camera view of units now?
  21. Herbal Influence

    Gun politics

    Narrow, simple and clear. On the reasoning above, that not the recorded gun carriers do the daily killings but only the illegal ones: The possibilities of getting a gun is (obviously) much higher where guns are "everywhere", like e.g. in the US. Private-hobby-gun-fans have to bear that in mind: You are responsible for the ubiquitous availability of guns to everyone. Once the desease is spreaded ... it's not possible to hedge it in. Even primary school pupils .... go to school with guns in a US state ... was on the news. For m16 lovers the newest of the neverending stories go like this. Some of us, would lock their doors and call the police ... ah, no, it's already there. The other would lie behind their window and wait for him. I choose to be in the first group, as I could go on with my work. ;-)
  22. Herbal Influence

    Gun politics

    I completely agree with Baff1 and again I am astonished what wonderful threads and posts there are on this forum. (I recently tried to find a serious thread on Android for my smartphone ... all spoiled with kids of the sort I don't really like .... unbelievable.) I personally see that guns are a million business and industry is advertising as hell, lobbying like hell, financing 'studies' like hell ... and Baff1 arguments simply remain true. Every single one. I wanna stress the fact that weapons also change persons attitude. They make them feel stronger. That's why they buy them. But why do you need to be stronger in civil everyday life? What's going wrong? Don't you feel strong enough? Seems to be a naive question ... I live on this planet since more than 40 years now and I do not even KNOW a single person who would have ever needed a weapon. But I have seen people getting into a personal crisis and then misusing them. Who doesn't get into a crisis all his life? And there are very few weapons here. In Germany. Am I peacefully dully naive? Sure - compared to an Israelian or Palestinian guy ... but there's war and here's peaceful civil life. (From my point of view.) Therefore, yes, I frown at persons (and I avoid them) who 'love' weapons. I do not want them in my neighbourhood or as close friends because they treat something as 'hobby' or 'sport' which is deadly. Every now and then. Instruments of war should not be in a hobby room together with a billard table. That's - my point of view - utmost decadent. What I absolutely understand is the fascination of the technique and the beauty and fascination of a piece of intelligent technique, may it be a gun or a machine/engine/computer/smartphone. But thats all that can ever fascinate me about a gun. And then I would drown it into a deep, deep lake. But I like to play cops & robbers with ArmaII ! ;-)
  23. I would like BIS to stay and be ahead of other gamemakers. :) Therefore I recommend to entertain the thought of blurrying and thinning out windowframes etc. that hinder the sight when within a vehicle/plane. This would give a far more realistic view. The trigger should be the focus point of the gamer: If he focusses on the instruments these should be shown sharp. When focussing on the horizon the frames of windows etc. (all inside objects) should blurr and also (!) thin out, especially hindering frames of windows. The human brain exactly does that: blurr and thin out hindrances of sight. And it does that automatically when you focus on far away things instead of focussing on the instruments in front of you. At the moment BIS does simply show sharpened and detailed both levels: the faraway sight and the close-by things. http://vimeo.com/4346695 In reality noone would use such a vehicle/plane for it would be much to much narrowing the natural view. :eek: In other words and for example: The frames of a window are in fact and reality quite not at all any more visible if they are blurred because the eyes focus on something far away.
  24. Herbal Influence

    A new dimension: inside vehicles&planes - optics

    Ok, CarlGustaffa, thanx. What about binding it simply to the zoom in/out - function that we already have?
  25. Herbal Influence

    CRcti Proman

    Thanks for the answer. But couldn't you just lay it on another key-combination? That was one point of crcti that I enjoyed very much for I like quite a lot to play as a commander strategically and securely in base and nevertheless like to have news from the front ... :o Or do watch colleagues doint their part closely ... And in fact it's the very reason I don't play warfare BE Edition.