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Herbal Influence

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Everything posted by Herbal Influence

  1. Herbal Influence

    Which Internet Browser Do You Use?

    It's interesting to see how much the statistics are different from average. It's a bigger part using FF than average. I think this is due to the fact that Arma2 community is technic addicted. Me, personally, do use Opera/Epihany (Linux) a lot for I don't like Google - the data miner - to get too much control of my data. Google financed 80 % of the budget for FF in 2008, I read. Just type in the adressbar: "about:config" and search there for "google" to see the impact of that. Did you know that important "cookies" aren't deleted at all though you told the browser to do so? The so called flashcookies cannot be deleted by browsers and so all data miners go to use them instead. You find them in the macromedia-folder in two separate subfolders ... just take a look and shake your head: Where have I been lately! Hope my wife/boss never sees this ... ;-)))
  2. Herbal Influence

    Don't think the game itself is buggy..its the scripting

    Yeah - that's so true. Once I had a boss and we had to broadcast messages at a weekly routine to more than a 300 "intellectuals". He said then said unto me: :D We have to read our messages six times before sending for you can be sure that 1. if there is a possibility to misunderstand something, about a 10 % will chose this possibility and blame us hard for writing "rubbish" :o and, worst of all, 2. they will never allow you to state the fact that 90 % of the receivers understood it correctly. Was a lesson to me for the effect took place also after reading it six times before sending. Sure a little less but ... seems like some of "Murphy's laws". Herewith I don't wanna critizise people claiming to have found bugs, but to show how immensely difficult it is to adress a big heterogene community with a complex message ("mission").
  3. Herbal Influence

    Time Bomb

    Just scroll the mouse wheel and you see something like "touch off bomb" and "deactivate bomb" .... and set time ... at last this was in OF so ... I will check now ... EDIT: yep, it worked
  4. Herbal Influence

    Game CPU-Optimization - no troubleshooting !

    Sorry - for you having problems. Hope we can welcome you soon on some multiplayer servers. But, sorry - been said several times AND in the threadtitle AND in the opening post here: NO troubleshooting here. There are plenty of threads open for that. ---------- Post added at 06:05 ---------- Previous post was at 05:58 ---------- That's what this thread is about: The thesis is that the CPU is under stress already and this not for no reason but for controlling the overwhelming complex scenery. Again, my reasoning: It lies in the nature of the game (complexity) and it would take pages if not a book to describe the complexity of the scenery. It cannot be compared to simple shooters like DR or BF2. (This doesn't mean you shouldn't try to optimize your system, look for bottlenecks etc. straight the opposite! - but NO TROUBLESHOOTING here!) ---------- Post added at 06:19 ---------- Previous post was at 06:05 ---------- Thanx for your post. Especially the hint to Amdahl, which is found - little more - precisely here. ---------- Post added at 06:21 ---------- Previous post was at 06:19 ---------- Nice formula! Thanx! ---------- Post added at 06:27 ---------- Previous post was at 06:21 ---------- Well - concerning the overhaul - I don't know. Let's wait for comments on this. You don't need no i7 just take a look at my signature - it costs around 60 Euros. ;) But sure you don't want to downgrade ... As for the coffee ... that's a real threa(t)d to performance ... :eek:
  5. Maybe you ordered them to swim by telling them to stay in V-formation? What about changing formation to "column" or so?
  6. Herbal Influence

    FlexiAI (WIP) discussion

    Fabrizio - interesting work. I like AIs of BI very much and I like them to get even better as they are now. One question: Do your scripts ask for more cpu-performance than normal AIs?
  7. Ok -- 59210 was only up for just a short time. First time I had graphic problems with any beta - flickering .. then dark for few seconds, then light again ... then slowly again dark. I install now the 59323 and hope it's done. EDIT: Cannot say for sure for it was too late for intensive testing, but the flickering seems gone again with Beta-patch 59323.
  8. Herbal Influence

    Game CPU-Optimization - no troubleshooting !

    Ok - I thank you very much for your learned comments on this and your test data. Lemme try, if I got it correctly and for this continue with the most "explosive" example ;) , like you did it: As DR threads the work to be done in 40 different channels - does this mean it doubles (at least the) possibility to get the work much faster done than when its threaded into 20 channels? (Not sure whether it's correct to speak of channels here - pls gimme better word?) I found two possible reasons why this might not be straight right: and what I could imagine as an "overhead" or "backoffice" problem: So why can we be sure Arma2 would run faster with 40 threads? Another question: As Masterfragg has shown the amount of threads did continously increase over OFP, Armed Assault and Arma2: Isn't this a true hint for that the engine was overhauled or optimized?
  9. Herbal Influence

    Game CPU-Optimization - no troubleshooting !

    Thanx so much for delivering all these data above! Can you tell what would be optimum/max/ in terms of numbers of threads? Why is "14" "extremely low", I mean, how can I know? "14" seems a lot to me if I can compare to a singleprocessor doing only one thread at a time? I know that single-core-cpus also do kind of multithreading - but how do differentiate? Should the multicore-cpu do x-times more threads? (x-meaning the number of cores) For all other readers: Here I found a nice (=simplest) explanation of multithreading. ---------- Post added at 08:18 ---------- Previous post was at 08:12 ---------- [/color] I tried that. I can't find the data on "Threads" ... :o Problem is, I am on Linux now and can only check again tonight. Problem might be, that my perfmon-language is german. I did a search for it, no nice explanations on perfmon found. In another thread, just opened, here I also found sayings about core-using.
  10. Herbal Influence

    Game CPU-Optimization - no troubleshooting !

    Thanx Opticalsnare - this will true be a help to some. But as I said this shall not get a troubleshooting thread but only concentrate on whether there are hints that the game *itself* can be optimized / is not yet optimized. My thesis is: The game needs what it takes, a very good cpu for good reason. This is to falsify. ---------- Post added at 23:18 ---------- Previous post was at 23:15 ---------- Thanx ! I tried it but got no information about "channels". I saw the nice graphic and the - green line for CPU-time wents up and stays over 80 percent during gameplay - the yellow line for "pages" stays continously at 95 % - the blue line moves between zero and at most about a 10 % I cannot see nothing bad in that? Am I wrong? ---------- Post added at 23:19 ---------- Previous post was at 23:18 ---------- Ok - thanx. Therefore we should try to find proof. I do even remember to have read something like that ...
  11. Herbal Influence

    Game CPU-Optimization - no troubleshooting !

    Ok - I deleted that OT-questions, for not to derail the topic here. But things have to keep readable here. I didn't get a clue about my question though I read - before ! - the mods sections question. One question remaining though. The most important.
  12. Herbal Influence

    B-52 Buff - Bomber

    Wow - nicely done. Even the reflecting superficional effects. And it flies perfectly well. I could manage to start/land at both Tscherno-Airports, but I think in reality it wouldn't work at south airport?
  13. Herbal Influence

    Game CPU-Optimization - no troubleshooting !

    @kju: wow! that's just a big list of tweaks! Questions: Does it increase performance by reducing quality of view somehow? -> this would be the proof that Arma2 can be optimized without reducing quality. (OT: Will I be able to join server after installing this? Isn't there one "big file" - do I really have to install about a ... somewhat 25 files to get the whole optimization?) Thanx!
  14. Herbal Influence

    Thank you Arma 2

    If you would have cared to read the whole thread which is comparably easy until now, you would have seen that explanation given by me?
  15. Herbal Influence

    Lisbon Treaty II. Ireland votes Yes?!!?

    I am ok with the EU on human rights. Has been a long way from eye to eye ... and getting away from deathpenalty. There have been hard times my anchestors had to learn from to form that ethics. But, though I am German, I find it completely correct that the Czechs say: "We don't sign LT, as we don't want Germans to come and get their houses in the CZ back." (EDIT: I don't know how "true" this point is - but primeminister Vaclac Klaus does progate so these days.)
  16. Herbal Influence

    Real Stats on ArmA better than myth head-lies

    I found this and it is explained here. Note that xfire is broadly advertising DR ... And no ... I won't implement anything like xfire ... do have spyware enough!
  17. Herbal Influence

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Good to put that correct. By the by: xfire is broadly advertising DR ...
  18. Herbal Influence

    Thank you Arma 2

    Mmm .... yeah, welcome! But does this mean we welcome all-the-more guys and girls heartily if 1. they confess having tried Dragon Rising, 2. confess they were deadly wrong even trying it AND (!) 3. heartily canceled pre-order? I think so. But that's ok. Since DR could (!) have been a real danger to split the milsim-community.
  19. Herbal Influence

    How Satisfied with Arma2 Are you??

    Did you do all upgrades? You may install the latest beta too. Just a hint because it runs so fine here.
  20. Herbal Influence

    ArmA2 / OA (low) performance issues

    Sorry mate, since you were talking about overclocking an i7 I thought you were runnig it. But you are on AMD as I saw now. As my Intel-sucks-thesis herewith is heavily damaged ... I am all the more interested in what you claiming is a lack of using ressources by Arma2: - cpu-channels and - pagefile you mentioned. I found that Arma2 uses between 55 and 89 %, mostly over 75 % during gameplay of both cores with my AMD x2 6000. How to check cpu-channels being there and being used? I opened a special thread here (no troubleshooting). Thanx!
  21. Herbal Influence

    Cpu war ?

    Yes. I do not know how it is with Intel sockes, but it did surprise me that it's possible to even put the newest AM3-CPUs into my old AM2-Board. (Whereas it's not possible to put an old AM2-CPU into a new AM3-Board. This way i still have "reserves" ... (see my spoiler). I should possibly open a special thread for the up-to-date AMDs to see how they are doing. I will edit in here, if I do. But why do you think Arma2 favors Intel CPUs? I got the opposite impression for their are so many Intell-ers blaming BI not to "have optimized the engine". (Something I cannot believe still - it's just what it is ... it's cpu-demanding and not for no reason). That's interesting. I didn't know that. Perhaps this time AMD is the winner therefore ...
  22. Herbal Influence

    Dragon Rising vs. Arma2

    Thanx but the Mods will take you soon to here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=87936
  23. Herbal Influence

    Arma 2 dedicated server for freebsd/linux/etc.

    It's not really enojoyable to run Microsoft-Windows in a virtual box on Linuxserver to compensate this. It's nice pings but - for whatever reason ! - very low bandwith which leads to unplayable situations. Or has anybody a technical hint how to increase bandwith?
  24. Herbal Influence

    Playing against a mate over the internet?

    Just open a multiplayer mission, say, like Deathmatch and tell him to get into it. That's all.
  25. Herbal Influence

    How Satisfied with Arma2 Are you??

    Mmm ... that indeed explains a lot .... might even make my Intel-sucks-thesis be a failure .... :o Above 25 fps I am absolutely happy. Even in "corridor"-teamdeathmatches or other DMs ... But before another fraps-war comes up: I somewhere read that this is indeed very individual feeling, i.e. persons differ a lot about what fraps are sufficient for biological or mental reasons - I don't remember. Maybe my brain works slow enough .. ;-) EDIT: Please don't refer to the herbals like being those from certain plants. My last cannabis experience is about a ... ... 12 yrs .. or so .. old. ;-)