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Everything posted by p75

  1. Yes you're right, mate, my bad. Gun and sound are good, one minor complaint is the scope, which is not really my type of scope I'd like to see. And the animation is not totally fluid when pulling back the bolt. I haven't checked the M24 to see if it lacks there also. Shoots like a beast. I'd give it an 8, could use some more high res textures.
  2. p75

    A-10s wont use their main gun

    Is there a command you can use in the init so that the plane only uses it bullets?
  3. Thanks guys, that worked!
  4. I read somewhere it is possible to have your soldier carry the laser designator by putting a string in the init field. Can someone post the exact string so I can use it. Thanks!
  5. p75

    Full Screen NVG

    Ah, ok, can someone else jump in to advice?
  6. p75


    Yes, I believe so.
  7. Nice work, great job! Looking forward to it.
  8. 8800GTX 756 MB here, running Win 7, 2 GB, x2 6400+
  9. I would love to see this.
  10. p75

    Full Screen NVG

    What should I exactly do, mate? Paste those two lines in the init block?
  11. Have the same issue also when I scope in on an object with a sniper rifle. Probably a bug? Driver issue?
  12. I have exactly the same on 1440*900, running evrything on very high, all settings, I turn on AA and it kills my fps to a halt. Really strange, normally it takes a hit, but this is out of contents. Grtz
  13. p75

    Full Screen NVG

    Is it possible to make it black and white instead of green? Kinda colorblind for green. Say, something like the FLIR effect on the apaches?
  14. Thanks mate, the particle effect is the bullet, right? Dawg, where can I find the script commands as I'm all new to this. I'd like to get into it. PS: could you check your pm for the other question I had? Is there any way to prevent the bouncing, I've tested some more, but it is quite irragular. Also, many time when I start a mission the first shot seems to be fired below the actual ground. Awaiting your input, appreciating your effort, thanks!
  15. Hi All, I need some help as I have some questions: - Is there a Night Vision addon which makes it more black and white than greenish? If so, where can I find it? (I tried searching the forums, but couldn't find it.) - I installed the ACE mod (amazing work), because I love the M-110. The only thing which disappoints me is the sound of the M-110. Could I edit that sound of the Ace mod for my own use? How do I do that? I'd really like to add the sound which is found here: - Where can I find some guides how to create a personal mission?
  16. Thanks for your input, Tajin, yes, that movie shows great promise, it shows the actual bullet, I hope Dawg can make it the same. I would be interested in how these scripts are working so I can help tuning them for community use. Cheers
  17. Great job! I'll test it! Update: Missing the CZ550 and Mk12SPR. (don't know the exact spelling). I'll update more with a review later. ---------- Post added at 06:53 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:50 AM ---------- Ok, I did a quick test, let me start by asking if you could explain the code as to what does what? Remarks/Improvement notes: - Bullet sometimes bounces when hitting the ground at a certain angle - Close up is alittle too close, camera should be removed back - Option with and without Blur Positive notes: - Better feeling of immersion - Really useful for learning how to aim correctly on moving targets - plain awesomeness when you hit your target from 1500 meters away and see the impact :-) ---------- Post added at 06:59 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:53 AM ---------- Dawg, could you alter the script so it shows the bullet with a short trace as in this movie:
  18. It would be highly appreciated by all snipers! Thanks in advance!
  19. Hi guys, I'm trying to use a bullet cam script for the M110SD sniper rifle with ACE for Arma, but I can't find class name for the bullets it uses. The line where it needs to be looks like: _list = ["B_127x99_Ball_noTracer","B_762x51_noTracer",............]; Can someone help me out? I found: ACE_20Rnd_762x51_SB_M110_PDM in the docs folder of ACE, but I think that is the magazine name and not the bullet name. All help will be greatly apprciated,
  20. Hi guys, I'm trying to use a bullet cam script for the M110SD sniper rifle with ACE ( version 1.08) for Arma, but I can't find class name for the bullets it uses. The line where it needs to be looks like: _list = ["B_127x99_Ball_noTracer","B_762x51_noTracer",..... .......]; Can someone help me out? I found: ACE_20Rnd_762x51_SB_M110_PDM in the docs folder of ACE, but I think that is the magazine name and not the bullet name. All help will be greatly apprciated
  21. Hi mate, It is an addon (mod) and changes the whole experience for the better! Tons more weapons, effects, gameplay etc.
  22. Great mate!!! This worked, I'll test it also in Arma 2. Superb work!!! Could you explain the script abit? I'll now test it for a hour or two and send you my updates if it needs any fixing. Superb work again! Thanks bro, works in Arma 2 also, pm'd you.
  23. So, I make a cam.sqf and place it in my custom mission with the following code: ================================================= <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">unit addeventhandler ["fired",{_this execVM "cam.sqf"}] cam.sqf: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_projectile = nearestobject [_this select 0,_this select 4]; _list = ["B_127x99_Ball_noTracer","B_762x51_noTracer","R_M136_AT","M_Javelin_AT","M_Stinger_AA","R_PG7V _AT","R_PG7VR_AT","M_Strela_AA","R_Hydra_HE","R_57 mm_HE","R_80mm_HE","M_Sidewinder_AA","M_TOW_AT","M _AT5_AT","M_Hellfire_AT","M_Vikhr_AT"]; if((_this select 4) in _list)then{ setacctime 0.5; _camera = "camera" camCreate [0,0,0]; _camera cameraeffect ["internal", "back"]; while{alive _projectile && alive _camera}do{ _camera camSetTarget _projectile; _camera camSetRelPos [0,-13,1.2]; _camera camCommit 0; sleep 0.001; }; if(alive _camera)then{sleep 1}; _camera cameraeffect ["terminate", "back"]; camdestroy _camera; setacctime 1; }; See bold part for ammo, hope they are the good ones? And then in the init field: ==================================== this addeventhandler ["fired",{_this execVM "cam.sqf"}] Correct???
  24. Sorry, mate, my bad. I'm using it for both. Now, I'm testing it on ARMA with Ace mod installed. Later I will test it on ARMA 2. How should the addeventhandler line exactly look like? unit addeventhandler ["fired",{_this execVM "cam.sqf"}] What should I put for unit?