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About harkkam08

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Thanks guys those suggestions have seemed to give me a bit more control.
  2. Hey guys, I did a test where i loaded just these mods using six updater to make sure that ASR was not the issue 1. ACE 2. ACEX 3. ACEX_RU 4. CBA 5. CBA_A2 6 CBA_OA 7. JSRS And i set up a simple scenario with one opfor and one blue force, the opfor was on airfield tarmac in takistan and i the blue force was on a mountain side above. The problem I am having is getting my AI units to listen when they come under fire, they hit the dirt and they dont get up and move at all. For example if I want them to take a position 50m to my right near a house, I give them that command and they dont move at all and just lay there shooting at the guys, while taking incoming fire. The same problem happens with ASR turned on in addition to the mods listed above. Now the only way I have gotten my AI to listen under fire is using Zeus, and I know its old and the ai does some funky stuff when I load zeus, but I need to find a way to get my AI to move under fire What could be happening? ---------- Post added at 02:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:53 PM ---------- Sorry can the mods please move this into ASR thread, I thought I was replying in that forum. I dont know how it got here.
  3. harkkam08

    ASR AI Skills

    Having some trouble using ASR and TPW and TPWC, vs Zeus. When I play with ASR, when I come under fire, all my units get frozen and stop listening to my commands. I tell them to move 50m and get out of the line of fire but they dont. The enemy Ai will just lay down in the middle of the street and shoot back even though its the worst place for the AI to stop. I tried Zeus and my team always listens to me even when under fire, and the Enemy AI never waits in the middle of the street they run away looking for cover and try to flank you. I'm running ACE as well. I'm not seeing the results of this mod and I am confused maybe I'm doing something wrong. But I'd like to make ASR work because it has all these new features
  4. One compliant is how your squad doesn't respond correctly to your commands, when you tell it to move to a certain point he will more 5 meters or more away from what you pointed. Two and most importantly can BIS improve the way commands are given, make the interface more 3D, for example in some games you have a icon that you can drag around and put behind objects telling where the soldiers to go, the command system is so clunky, with the text options is there a way to group or present it better so in battle i can issue commands faster to my troops Also I really feel arma 2 is lacking and thats the ability to load injured soldiers on to a helicopter in a stretcher or a vehicle. Usually he either dies in field or you can heal him back to full strength. I would like the option that a medivac of some sort be called in by land or air and then your injured solider is loaded on to the vehicle and he is then transported away to safety, rather than instant heals in the field. But being able to transport the injured body is something that I really would like to see.
  5. One compliant is how your squad doesn't respond correctly to your commands, when you tell it to move to a certain point he will more 5 meters or more away from what you pointed. Two and most importantly can BIS improve the way commands are given, make the interface more 3D, for example in some games you have a icon that you can drag around and put behind objects telling where the soldiers to go, the command system is so clunky, with the text options is there a way to group or present it better so in battle i can issue commands faster to my troops Also I really feel arma 2 is lacking and thats the ability to load injured soldiers on to a helicopter in a stretcher or a vehicle. Usually he either dies in field or you can heal him back to full strength. I would like the option that a medivac of some sort be called in by land or air and then your injured solider is loaded on to the vehicle and he is then transported away to safety, rather than instant heals in the field. But being able to transport the injured body is something that I really would like to see.
  6. harkkam08

    RUM Assets

    Hi draper I'm still having the same problem, for some reason my character relays enemy coordinates to my artillery some how and the artillery starts launching shells on its own without me using the RUM system. Is there a way to stop this? I tried to the waypoint trick but it didnt work
  7. Hey guys I am making a mission where you are in control of a few groups via high command, ive also made these units playable and they are not part of my group. I am doing this so i can move them around and load them with equipment the way i want each solider to be loaded with since through high command alone i dont have access to the menu that each player does on his own. however when i team switch into another play from another group and then team switch back into my own player that other player stops responding to move commands from me. using high command I can get the group to move except him. He stays stuck. please help its really important for my mission thanks you
  8. harkkam08

    RUM Assets

    hey guys i love this addon. the only problem im having now is artillery being called on its own without me giving the orders. when ever an enemy unit is cited my artillery pieces take it upon themselves and start shooting without me having gone through the rum system. I also noticed that every player has access to the rum commands when your press 0 then 8, regardless or not if this person is named rum_cmd or not. I placed a soldier with no name and he had access to the rum commands even though the rum_cmd was not there. could they be connected?
  9. YUP! that fixed the flying through objects issue. I guess its the beta patch that did it. With the patch removed the tow missiles hit their target.
  10. Ive tried firing a strela and igla at a chinkhook in the us army. I am running a2 + CO and i am running it with a beta patch in six updater selected. When i use a metis tow missile the missile goes right through the helicopter i wanted to test to see if the mando system was working. ive noticed that when i have AI setup they seem to damage the helicopter faster. I tried playing as a helicopter and i put about 5 anti air AI guys and they damaged me but not destroyed me. It took 5 guys to damage me half way.
  11. Hey guys this is the first time i am using mando missiles and im trying to shoot down a helicopter and the counter measures or i dont know keep making direct hits ineffective. I even made a test level where the heli would just stay put and not move and for some reason the anit air missle still doesnt bring the heli down. I made sure i had a proper lock with the growl but still no luck
  12. harkkam08

    ACE for OA 1.11

    Hey guys I have tried to get the csw function working but no avail. I have changed the interaction button and self interaction button and tested that both of these buttons bring up menu's when standing next to other objects or when its just me itself. The problem is that I will pack a tripod from a csw transport crate and then hit the self interaction button and the other button and no menu for csw deploy appears. It was working about a week or so ago and now its stopped working. Ive used six updater to make sure everything is running up to date and I think the latest update might have broken it. Help please!
  13. Hey guys I am trying to create a mission where you start of as some rebels and you attack a base that has some empty grad rocket trucks. I am using the high commander module as well. Is there a way to make this truck become a part of my high command menu and then be able to point and click artillery where i want it to go. Most scripts already give you arty and what not I want the arty to be avaliable only after youve taken the piece from the enemy base
  14. Hey guys U just bought Arma 2 and OA on Amazon and when I try to install it I always get a CRC mis match failure. I am frustrated because I want to play the game. I have legitimate cd keys, what would happen if I downloaded pirated versions from a torrent site but used legitimate cd keys. Would it work. I have bought the software and not looking for a free ride. Other people have had this problem as well and I dont know what to do
  15. Hi guys, Im building a mission in the fallujah map and I have everything ready to go all I need is a spawn script for the bad guys. I have tried up and down searching for scrpits tried about five different systems like dac and UPSmon but the problem with each one is that they always throw their AI in their as well and I want to maintain the integrity of the Zeus AI. So DAC and UPSMON are no go. Basically I want to spawn groups of takistan militia, when the player activates the trigger by walking over a certain area. I just would like the units to load and be able to give them simple waypoint orders and tell them to go into guard mode or hold mode. I have tried to search many scripts but I Im having a hard time implementing the ones that dont come with a readme with instructions. I really want to finish this mission, is there a script that explains and makes it easy. just looking for something basic really.