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Everything posted by burdy

  1. Ah alright. I'm a bit new to in depth coding (past copy and pasting from others and making changes here and there) so excuse my ignorance ;)
  2. Been playing a bit today, and found some bugs, mainly how Spawn on squad appears to be broken. Most of the time you try to respawn and nothing happens, leaving you spectating from behind. The only way to fix this is reslotting by the player. Some players do not spawn with helmets for some reason.. An odd glitch :P. Logistic heli's seem to be 50-50 In functionality. Sometimes they work, others they just endlessly circle or don't show up at all. Also, did AI Logistics make it into .7 ? Saw your videos of AI heli insertions but have never experienced it myself. Last bug report is that the civilian module seems to be broke. Have not seen a single civie since updating too .7 Btw a Few questions - can you use more than two opcoms? I was trying to make a 3 way battle (indie v west v east) and it appeard all west units spawned as east .. And TAOR marks only act as the force's spawn points correct? I'm using it that way (as spawn points) and want to make sure it's only being used as that and not limiting the armies movement (e.g army not leaving spawn due to TAOR marker defining where there responsibility should be)
  3. Bystrica (A3MP) W/ The Marine and Russian Naval Inf Pack (Mars + Cha_rus) EDIT : Just copy and pasted the mission over too Stratis. Same Deal. EDIT 2: Threw together a quick mission on Atlis with Just vanilla units too see if it was a Mod thing. The Mil Display never even showed for this. On top of that - the intelligence display of friendly units appears to have a 1/1.5 km maximum distance in every direction (N,E,S,W). I can see units within 1.5ish KM of myself, but they disappear after that.
  4. Appears the Mil Sector Display Module is broken? Refreshed when I tell it too (e.g 1 minute) , all of the zones appear, then bam it vanishes, only to wait for the next cycle. Also - Intelligence showing nearby friendlies appears to be broken as well. I see the "KIA" and Occupied marks showing, but the Friendly marks are nowhere to be found.. Set the distance too 99999 and nothing.
  5. Any word on if and when ALIVE compatibility will be added?
  6. If you guys incorporate ALiVE support W/ A3 in the future . .
  7. Hmmm... So I downloaded your latest patch (SQF entitled "IntLight") , placed " null = [] execVM "IntLight.sqf";" into my SQF, and nothing is happening. No lights from any vehicles. Bug ?
  8. EDIT : Got it working. Appears that your code you gave was a bit off with the ( ) at the end {if((!isPlayer _x && behaviour _x == "AWARE")|| _x==_ldr) then { _x SetPos [(getMarkerPos _dest select 0)-10*sin(_dir),(getMarkerPos _dest select 1)-10*cos(_dir)]}} forEach (if(_ldr == leader group _ldr)then{units group _ldr}else{[_ldr]}); BTW - An issue with the code (that doesn't effect me but may effect others browsing) is that (!isPlayer _x && behaviour _x == "AWARE") sets it so if the AI are in the behavior defined they TP, not the other way around. E.G "COMBAT" = AI only TP if they are in COMBAT mode, not any other.
  9. Err... I dont think your understand what im getting at (or maybe its me not understanding the scripting lingo :p ). Taking out the "Isplayer" at the end or putting a "!" limits the TP too ai only - excluding the Squadleader. I'm looking for it too work in 2 ways : IF PLAYER IS NOT SQUAD LEAD ) Run as a normal TP (Just himself TP'ing.. That appears to be working) IF PLAYER IS SQUAD LEADER) Run as Group TP but ONLY for himself and AI . E.g an illustration would be this : There are two players, Todd and Bill. Todd is a member of group one and Bill is SL of group one with 3 additional AI under his command (as well as, of course, Todd). When Todd runs the TP, only himself would move from point A to point B. When Bill runs the TP, only himself AND the ai move from point A to B, with Todd remaining untouched.
  10. Okay this works good {if((!isPlayer _x && behaviour _x == "COMBAT")||isPlayer _x) then { _x SetPos [(getMarkerPos _dest select 0)-10*sin(_dir),(getMarkerPos _dest select 1)-10*cos(_dir)]}} forEach (if(_ldr == leader group _ldr)then{units group _ldr}else{[_ldr]}); Now how can I edit this too make it so the SL TP that moves all units in the squad only moves the AI units in the squad and not the human units in the squad?
  11. Just about what im looking for - SL can teleport with all units (JUST AI AND NOT PLAYERS) in Team. Essentially the first script you sent was closer (for reference).. So for example if the SL TP's somewhere, only him and his AI will go with him, not the human players. The non SL part is working perfectly, however :) . Question - how do I implement the "COMBAT" Behavior thing as well (The one that leaves behind only specified AI)? This is what I got (and I know its incorrect, but not a clue on how to correct it). {if(!isPlayer _x && behaviour _x == "COMBAT") then {_x SetPos [(getMarkerPos _dest select 0)-10*sin(_dir),(getMarkerPos _dest select 1)-10*cos(_dir)]}} forEach (if(_ldr == leader group _ldr)then{units group _ldr}else{[_ldr]});
  12. 1.40 is out! Be sure too update as this adds a lot and changes a lot. New versions are on the way as well. Using Lowlands as the Framework so porting should only be a copy and paste job (in theory) :)
  13. Hey .kju Just came by to say thank you for all of the work you have put into ArmA and hope it continues on into your new gamemode :) Question - was this realwar concept ever released for Op Flash? I believe I remember hearing about it from its website (which is long gone now i'm assuming) and it sounded like it resembled something like this http://www.1944d-day.com/gameinfo.html . Do you have any info/screens/anything about the old realwar from OP Flash? Sounds like it would be something fun to revisit :)
  14. Hey, So from browsing this thread i'm getting a little bit of a mixed message. To make this clear - without Headless Client, UPSMON works perfectly fine without any editing to the config and all that, correct? Also, I did not see anything in this thread about this, but does Multiplayer work perfectly fine with this script? In past experiences with caching in ArmA MP I've had some weird moments with AI despawning and spawning right in front of the player (Guessing from desync and a delay from spawning and despawning). Flying aircraft also appears to get finicky, as all the units must cache and decache pretty rapidly if the player is in a fast mover. Are all of these gripes absent from this script? If so, I can see this script being a go to option for a quick FPS Boost in larger missions :) Cheers
  15. It appears that doing that script only allows teleportation of the SL + AI - not other players in the squad. So for example Im looking for the TP to work as an individual thing (where players can TP wherever), but if there an SL, they bring there AI with them (and if there AI are not in combat behavior... Couldn't grasp what to do from your comment on that). Currently the last part (minus behavior) works, but the individual TP does not (only SL players can). Sorry for my total noobieness - hope to gather some stuff from all this :)
  16. By AI in firefight I mean if there behavior is combat.. So i'm guessing that would be something along the lines of "if (_ldr behavior "COMBAT") then {};" ? and this is what I gathered from your post. Currently this doesn't execute. Any idea where I went wrong? {_x SetPos [(getMarkerPos _dest select 0)-10*sin(_dir),(getMarkerPos _dest select 1)-10*cos(_dir)]} if(!isPlayer _x||(_x == leader group _x))then{forEach units group _ldr}; if(_ldr!=leader group _ldr)exitWith{}
  17. Play tested last night - Ran into some pretty big issues with JIP and MP in general (as scripts tend to be clientside + triggers, you get a whole array of issues when bringing it too MP without the proper codes in place) . A big update fixing most MP issues with syncing will be coming out later today/tomorrow. I recommend waiting too V1.32 is out for playing this mission online (SP should work fine, however.
  18. Updated post with Armaholic link. Thanks man. Any chance this could be placed on one of the XTRA servers for playtesting?
  19. Hello. Currently I am trying to make a radio script. The player activates the song from the action menu and it plays within the helicopter. Currently the script has 3 parts : Heli.sqf //Defining Array _House = False; _Hill = False; _Hunted = False; _Rigby = False; _Ramblin = False; _HeyHey = False; _Dress = False; _Happy = False; _Hunted = False; _CCR = False; //Helicopter Menu's Function // addaction ["MENU NAME", "SQF LOC", "ARRAY"] HeliRadio = { _x addaction ["House of the Rising Sun", "True\_House.sqf", "", 0, false, true, "", ""] } foreach [h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,h7,h8,h9,h10]; { _x addaction ["Hill 137", "True\_Hill.sqf", "", 0, false, true, ""] } foreach [h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,h7,h8,h9,h10]; { _x addaction ["Hunted Down", "sound\_Hunted", "", 0, false, true, ""] } foreach [h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,h7,h8,h9,h10]; }; to either hill or house.sqf (both consist of *name of array* = true) to Radio.sqf //Defines what Heli player music // EXAMPLE : x = x [Who,What,How Far away you have to be] _Music = nearestobjects [player,[h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,h7,h8,h9],.5]; //Script run ///House of the Rising Sun waitUntil {house;}; if (true) then {(vehicle player) say3d "house" foreach _Music;}; while {house} do { if (house) then {hint "Radiowave 'House of the Rising Sun' taken"}; sleep 248; hint "Radiowave 'House of the Rising Sun' open"; house = false }; }; ///Hill 137 waitUntil {hill;}; if (true) then {(vehicle player) say3d "hill" foreach _Music;}; while {hill} do { if (hill) then {hint "Radiowave 'Hill 137' taken"}; sleep 248; hint "Radiowave 'Hill 137' open"; hill = false }; The problem is, when I run hill, it does not run. It presumably is waiting for "House" to trigger. So how do get around this (e.g going around the scripts in no order). Also a few side questions- 1) Instead of writing all the h's out, how can I define the h's in a array and use them ? (E.g foreach _definedarray) 2) The conditions for the addaction isnt working well. How can I make the condition be met when the player is inside one of the defined helicopters? Thanks!
  20. Alright Got it working. Turns out on the INIT that some commands were before the Music variables and the INIT didn't like that.. Anyway, thanks a ton for everything!
  21. When I run the mission I get "WARNING : NIL VARIABLE OVERRIDDEN : RESTART MISSION OR CHECK ADDONS" and my game freezes up.
  22. Couldn't find anything in the RPT. So the code goes from here (INIT of vehicle) this addaction ["House of the Rising Sun", "Variables\playhouse.sqf","h1", 0, false, true, "", "driver _target == _this"]; To the INIT.sqf //House of the Rising Sun Public Variable playhouse = ""; "playhouse" addPublicVariableEventHandler {[_this select 1] execVM "True\House.sqf";}; //event handler ran on all machines to trigger when playXXXX is changed to Variables/playhouse.sqf playhouse = _this select 3; publicVariable "playhouse"; // new playXXXX variable value sent to other non-local machines, to trigger eventhandler [playhouse] execVM "True\House.sqf" //for client (activator) to play script. to True/House.sqf (missionNamespace getVariable (_this select 0)) say3d "house"; hint "Radiowave 'House of the Rising Sun' taken"; sleep 248; hint "Radiowave 'House of the Rising Sun' open"; playhouse = ""; Keep in mind there are multiple songs and vehicles - and for those its essentially the same process just different names.
  23. Seems music doesn't not play for any client now (minus those who run it). Dont understand whats going on
  24. I have a dynamic CooP mission in the works .. Should be out soon (once I iron out the bugs).
  25. Been testing MP with some buds and the music is dodgy at best. I believe if the track is played without another client in the vehicle with you , the other client will not be able to hear the track. Also, running your version of the script, the "sleep" command appears to be ignored (to an extent), as in the "Radiowave" hints go off as timed, but I can run the script as many times as I want (so I could in theory loop it x amount of times). The most stable version of the script was the one I made a few posts up. Is there anyway to keep that completely intact while addressing the issue of vehicle player being ran on every vehicle a player is in (so essentially my original question) ?