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Everything posted by burdy

  1. Hope they look into 26297, annoying when you cant play your favorite game when your computer far exceeds the specs required to run this game smoothly
  2. Problem 1- Something that effects how firefights play out is stance (survivability), if they fix this "Issue", AI's survivabilty would go up, more intresting and lifelike firefights. Problem 2- A issue that makes this game a pain in the ass to enjoy when you get 17 fps on a mission with over 50 people. (And I have a good computer mind you)
  3. http://dev-heaven.net/issues/23559 and this http://dev-heaven.net/issues/26297 need fixing
  4. burdy

    ASR AI Skills

    Alright, and could I run ASR and ZEU togther and get a better AI opponent? (not in same folder, but in seperate- ex. -mod=@ZeusAI;@ASR) Or should I just stick to one
  5. burdy

    ASR AI Skills

    I was wondering, do the AI perform just as well if I combine ASR AI and Zeus AI into one folder?
  6. I would think I5 760 @ 4 ghz would be enough
  7. Its not only MP, Found out its in SP as well
  8. Bump- Problem still big- missions That I get 40 % usage, friends get around 90% (worse CPU's, about same GPU)
  9. Guys look when the OP posted this.. lol
  10. Just updated from the latest beta to the RC and I get 20 less fps 0.o
  11. No, changes the version of the game to 1.60
  12. The Latest- Significant Improvement (which hopefully leads to more improvement)
  13. I Tried it out and it was a signifigant Improvment! Nice Job! Question though- I was getting good solid FPS in takistan (40-60 in big missions) But Chernaus I was getting 18-20 (launched Arma2CO_beta.bat) do the tweaks affect Chernaus? and does the memory allocator help with the FPS? Great work though :D! EDIT- Hmm after playing around with missions like flashpoint Chernaus, my FPS will stay at around 20, then randomly jump to 40 for a couple seconds, then back to 20.. really odd :o, any Idea why this is happening? using malloc-3
  14. Guys try getting the latest bata patch, the Changelog said "engine tweaks" and its 40 MB.
  15. Do those engine tweaks have anything to do with this ---http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=127236
  16. burdy

    Framerate loss in MP

    http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=127236 Join the club- Vote up the issue
  17. The issue is also in SP, just not to such a big extent (like 10% higher gpu usage in SP)
  18. Some people say it's 4096- so I just set it to 9999 for the hell of it
  19. Tried maxframesahead- no dice... dur..:(
  20. For me it improved performance in general
  21. I have found a way to get a extra 20 or so % GPU Usage (and higher FPS, could now play missions like Warfare BE with more they playable frames). What I did was download the latest beta. Then in the exe's Target line, I put "-nosplash -cpucount=4 -exthreads=7 -maxmem=9999". Now go into your Nvidia Control Panel. Make sure your settings are set as the Following- Anisotropic Filtering- Quality AA Gamma- On AA Mode- App controlled AA Trans.- Multisample CUDA- All Max Pre Render Frames- 8 Multi Display/Mixed- Single Display Performance Mode Power Management- Prefer Max. Performance Texture Filtering, Anisotropic Sample- Off Texture Filtering, Negative LOD bias- Allow Texture Filtering, Quality- Quality Threaded Opt.- On Triple Buff.- Off V-Sync- Use 3D app settings One last thing, when your in the game, set it to High Priority! Actually made a diffrence for me. Now this isnt going to make your games completley lag free, but its a step in the right direction.
  22. They should improve multicore support in general
  23. I would think a 4 ghz CPU would be enough for any modern game