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About Moklakins

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. I use urban patrol script in alot of my missions. It works fine when there are no enemys on the map, but when i add enemys the patrolling ai go into combat mode the moment they are spawned. Has anyone else had this issue?
  2. I am having an issue transfering my settings to my arma install i just made on a differnt partition. When i copy the arma profiles from my documents on the old partition to the new partition non of the settings copy over. Is there a seperate file thats keeps your control, video, etc settings?
  3. Moklakins

    Left Handed players, UNITE!!!

    Hmm im right handed and my left arm is stronger. Well at least it seems stronger when im lifting weights i have to really try not to favor my left arm.
  4. Moklakins

    Left Handed players, UNITE!!!

    Well i dont have to move my hand for crl, shift, \, delete, end page down and a few of the num pad keys which is enough for most fps. With arma its slow enough gameplay and i have been doing it long enough that it does not bother me.
  5. Moklakins

    Left Handed players, UNITE!!!

    Not really i have big enough hands where i dont have to move them much.
  6. Moklakins

    Left Handed players, UNITE!!!

    I've used them ever since my first PC game gnome i think they were used to accelerate.
  7. Moklakins

    Left Handed players, UNITE!!!

    Im also right handed and use my left hand for mouse. I use arrow keys for movement and hte num pad keys for alot of stuff such as numpad ins for reload.
  8. Because the only race that is required to make your game not racist is black people. Im hispanic and i personally dont care but you will hear some fuss from people like Jesse Jackson if you dont have black people.
  9. Moklakins

    Where/how/when to buy ARMA2:OA?

    Thanks! and can you confirm that the steam version of AO is securom free?
  10. Moklakins

    Where/how/when to buy ARMA2:OA?

    Alright now can someone tell me if AO will contain securom for retail. I plan on getting the combined operations version btw. Would love to have a boxed version of arma 2 and AO, since i already have Arma 2 on steam.
  11. Moklakins

    Pre-Order Of Operation Arrowhead???

    So any news about securom in the retail version?
  12. Moklakins

    Pre-Order Of Operation Arrowhead???

    Well at least in the US its being published by Meridian 4. That’s why I had hope that there would be no securom. If of coarse, it was the publishers and not the developers decision in the first place.
  13. Moklakins

    Pre-Order Of Operation Arrowhead???

    Do you know if the combined operations package will come with securom or not. I have arma2 on steam to avoid it and if this package comes securom free, i would love to have the boxed version of each.
  14. Well most people dont it does provide a small security risk though. Its been known to be a trojan back door.
  15. Even if they remove the DRM it still remains on your system and securom is really hard to get rid of.