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Everything posted by jblack9

  1. jblack9


    I LOVE THIS CAMPAIGN. However I'm having a problem with three of the missions. I keep getting an error when I try to play mission 2 and mission 3 because it says that a file I previously had has been deleted? Specifically A3_Air_F_HeLi_Light_001. I think the missions may need an update since the latest beta update? Thanks!
  2. jblack9

    Hidden Identity Pack v1.

    Yeah, I definitely have Hidden Identity installed, I don't know why I'm having this issue
  3. jblack9

    SCO Joint Forces Command [BETA]

    Awesome, thanks! big fan of your work!
  4. jblack9

    SCO Joint Forces Command [BETA]

    These are awesome, but when I use them the troops only spawn with handguns and say they are out of ammo, anybody know how to fix this?
  5. jblack9

    Hidden Identity Pack v1.

    I love this pack, but is anyone getting errors with it? For example when the game starts it says NATO pack requires spec4_fshemaghs and spec4_shemaghs. Both of those are from this pack. When I save missions and try to restart them I get an error that says this save relies on content that has been deleted spec4_fshemaghs and spec4_shemaghs. Anybody know how else to fix this?
  6. Can somebody please make a replacement config for these awesome units? I would if knew how too. Do these work well with the Arma3 development Beta?
  7. jblack9

    Forward-porting ArmA 2 content to ArmA 3

    I love the idea of this script, but I'm having a hard time getting it to work. Everytime I run it, the dos script keeps saying access denied over and over again. I've pasted my script below: @echo off setlocal set a2path=C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2 set a2oapath=C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2 set a2targetpath=C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\@A2Backport set a2oatargetpath=C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\@A2OBackport set a3path=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3 :a2 if not exist "%a2path%\arma2.exe" (echo ArmA 2 content not found. Proceeding to ArmA 2 OA & goto a2oa) echo Copying ArmA 2 content... rd /S /Q "%a2targetpath%\Addons" mkdir "%a2targetpath%\Addons" dir /S /B "%a2path%\Addons\*" | find /V "anims" | find /V "editor" | find /V "missions" | find /V "music" | find /V "ui" | find /V "water" | find /V "characters" >> %temp% \files.txt for /F "delims=," %%i in (%temp%\files.txt) do mklink /H "%a2targetpath%\Addons\%%~nxi" "%%i" del /Q %temp%\files.txt :a2oa if not exist "%a2oapath%\arma2oa.exe" (echo ArmA 2 OA content not found. Exiting. & goto end) echo Copying ArmA 2 OA content... rd /S /Q "%a2oatargetpath%\Addons" mkdir "%a2oatargetpath%\Addons" dir /S /B "%a2oapath%\Expansion\Addons\*" | find /V "anims" | find /V "editor" | find /V "missions" | find /V "music" | find /V "ui" | find /V "water" | find /V "characters" >> %temp%\files.txt for /F "delims=," %%i in (%temp%\files.txt) do mklink /H "%a2oatargetpath%\Addons\% %~nxi" "%%i" del /Q %temp%\files.txt :end echo Finished. Starting ArmA 3 cd /D %a3path% arma3 -nosplash -mod="%a2targetpath%;%a2oatargetpath%" endlocal
  8. Anybody have a replacement config?
  9. jblack9

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    I'd love green tracers for OPFOR, rather than their standard red tracers. Is anybody working on this? or is this an easy fix I can do myself, thanks!
  10. I'd love green tracers for OPFOR, rather than their standard red tracers. Is anybody working on this? or is this an easy fix I can do myself, thanks!
  11. Steam is fucking fine, I can't understand all the hate. Skyrim has a HUGE community fanbase and lots of Mods, and that game uses Steam, and the community got along with it fine! Armaholic will still remain far and away the most popular community website, and most people will download their mods from there, not Steamworks. People will still use SixUpdater to launch their game, just like people use the Nexus Mod Manager for Skyrim. I really don't understand all the Steam hate.
  12. jblack9

    Project CDF

    Is there a replacement file available for these units?
  13. Yeah I use the Palette version but want to use the full version
  14. Does anybody else get that roving band of blur effect when you install the FNV straight? anybody know how to get rid of it?
  15. was there ever a replacement made for this?
  16. jblack9

    US Army (OCP)

    How do i use the replacement config because these are awesome!!!!!!
  17. jblack9

    Binkowski's WIP thread

    These things look good to go!
  18. Guys I can't find anywhere to dled the latest userconfig, I keep getting a config error saying mine is too dated, can anybody pls give me a link to the latest userconfig?
  19. jblack9

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    where do I put all these different configs?
  20. has anybody put the latest version on YAS? Or is everybody just using six-updater
  21. jblack9

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Does anybody have this up on YOMA yet?
  22. jblack9

    Binkowski's WIP thread

    I didn't see those pics, can anybody show me what page?
  23. jblack9

    Binkowski's WIP thread

    Bink Thanks so much your work is so appreciated, any chance you would take your multicam skin and just do a quick reskin on the existing arma2 units so we can have some multicam troops?
  24. what's the latest version of this for ace, is a beta out?