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Everything posted by kylania

  1. I tried the above example and the group did move into each slot, but then immediately started to reform into formation... I ended up splitting the squad into individual soldiers and they remained where i put them.
  2. I'm getting this same error with apparently the same program. We are using the upgraded Norrin's hpp file. 10MB Server.RPT and a bunch of these errors too: Any ideas? These errors show up even if Norrin's Revive is turned off, so something else is at work here.
  3. kylania

    Random concerns about ARMA 2

    ... :icon_rolleyes: Try using flares. War doesn't happen on your schedule and if the conditions aren't perfect for you the enemy won't give you a pass and let you come back later. Seriously... listing this as a problem pretty much invalidates your entire list. :)
  4. Here's the list of "good" names to use to replace "cityBase4" in the above example: http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1324350&postcount=49
  5. setPos + setVelocity can certainly come up with some entertaining situations. Every seen a Huey going -1000 bounce 200m in the air, gracefully? :)
  6. How are you respawning the vehicle? Since you'd probably have to put the refill script stuff in that process to have it take.
  7. I've updated this file to include ArmA2 vehicles and vehicle weapons now. This does however remove ArmA1 unique vehicles from the program.
  8. I just put a warning trigger (like, BLUFOR PRESENT) with a hint saying "Proceed and die", then a bit further past that one that kills them. :) as detailed in the post you linked. Since that post is all screwed up with HTML, here it is reposted:
  9. After a quick test my idea was a failure. :) My idea was to make the search light operator "watch" or look at an invisible object, but he didn't.
  10. Maybe use a mixture of Gamelogics and doWatch?
  11. Thanks for the mouse smoothing option. With it off the game was totally unplayable, now it's smooth as silk and I don't have to run away from my fireteam to avoid my speakers dying anymore. THANKS!
  12. One of the links above said 160km for Takistan and 70km for Zargabad.
  13. Shot near him only, there are eventhandlers for hit and damaged, but not 'shot at'.
  14. Got it working. :) First place the Functions module on your map. Then place 6 random civilians named c1 - c6. Finally place your sniper (named sn1) on your hill and put this as his init: this setUnitPos "DOWN";this disableAI "MOVE";this addEventHandler ["firednear", "sn1 enableAI ""MOVE"""];null = [] execVM "snipe.sqf"; That'll make him stay prone and fire until someone fires within 60m of him, at which point he'll be able to move. snipe.sqf is as follows: _targets = [c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6]; // list of target objects _count = count _targets; while {_count > 0} do { sleep 5; _idx = _targets call BIS_fnc_randomIndex; _target = _targets select _idx; sn1 sidechat format["Next target is: %1",_target]; while {alive _target} do { sn1 doTarget _target; sn1 doFire _target; }; _targets = [_targets, _idx] call BIS_fnc_removeIndex; _count = count _targets; hint format["%1 left...",_count]; }; sn1 enableAI "MOVE; He'll call out randomly selected targets that are left and snipe each one in turn. Once all 6 are dead he can move again.
  15. Look into doTarget, doFire and disableAI maybe?
  16. You need to synch the Trigger (type = Switch) to a HOLD waypoint before the search and destroy one. I'm not entirely sure you can do this with them sitting on the ground though. Your idea about crew on the ground first, might be it though. After testing they only sometimes actually took off, so you might be better off spawning them dynamically when you want the attacks since no one will actually see them take off. If you wanted to be able to destroy them before hand, just have the script check that their placeholders are alive before it triggers or something
  17. kylania

    Revive Script

    gnarly, from my experience (reviving with 0.7 damage and only medics can heal) it was a horrible experience. On paper having medics be important is a great idea, but gameplay wise everything took forever and was a pain. :)
  18. galzohar, two things. 1. I want that gun. :) 2. Try driving the vehicle away from it's spawn point and destroying it. I have a feeling that it's because you're spawning them instantly at the same location they are that's causing some of the bouncing. It's rare that a vehicle will be destroyed and respawned that quickly in place and if it does happen bouncing vehicles are probably the least of your worries. :)
  19. Is this supposed to work with Steam? My game crashes instantly now. Works now, but wow, it feels like my mouse isn't connected at all to my weapon now. Uck.
  20. US Forces training on Russian Weapon Systems From what I can understand from your posts though is you think we should cripple the game because you don't want to see Russian VEHICLE weapons on US VEHICLES? That's a bit absurd to be honest, but whatever. Hard coding in limits to the game to combat that (which has never actually happened has it?) just doesn't make sense. As the link shows, even in "realism" both sides can use the equipment of the other. Maybe I'm misunderstanding you, but I'm pretty sure you're not really grasping the ArmA 2 system fully.
  21. kylania

    Side Chat

    I thought all ___Chat commands were local only and needed to be broadcast for others to see it?
  22. You should wait for answers to your questions in other threads before posting an entirely new thread, especially since the answer you wanted was already given twice anyway. :)
  23. name_of_plane flyInHeight 800; Though, what that actually does is instruct the plane to climb to 800. To START a plane at 800 you need to do what Tajin said, Set it's Position using setPos to 800. A position consists of an X value, Y value and Z value. X is basically forward/backward, Y is left/right and Z is up/down. The position values are kept in an array of three numbers, like [0,0,0] or [200,10,800]. To simply move the plane upwards 800 you keep the first two values and change the third to 800. The "getPos this select 0" and "getPos this select 1" are just commands to figure out the first two numbers for us.
  24. kylania

    Ranking system, why not?

    You play to complete the mission. Anyone who doesn't comprehend that is playing the wrong game or hasn't found whatever unique ArmA2 mod will create the type of gameplay they want. But really, stick to consoles if you want shinys and ranks. This isn't Call of Duty.