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Everything posted by koroush47

  1. Those big AAS servers have like 2 or 3. But there are 100 players, so it would work.
  2. Yeah it is insane, I'm hiding in some grassy area .. not even moving. And all of a sudden I'm spotted by some guy and get shot at. Either I get shot and die... or i get shot in the arm and I'm pretty much useless. Look at this thread: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?p=1436640#post1436640 It is a suggestion I just made for a way to fix this problem. If you agree then go support it and hope BIS works it out!
  3. I was looking in the server light last night and to my expectations the only games i saw was COOP and CL revolution. Where the heck are the PVP games? Not every1 wants to play COOP server admins. I don't find it fun shooting computers, it's not satisfying.
  4. koroush47

    What's so great about Teamspeak?

    Nothing, In game VOIP (if it works) will blow it away. Ventrillo is even better than it.
  5. koroush47

    will an e5200 run arma2

    Just get this: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819115056 It's great and it only costs 120. If you are going to overclock that e5200.. you will need skills and a nice fan for about 40 bucks. So getting this would be the better choice... Then you can OC it a few higher w/ the stock fan if you want, and then you have a higher than 3 ghz dual core running arma 2.
  6. koroush47


    What is superpowers so bad? What is the game like?
  7. gibs are real... Shooting a 50 cal MG at somebody does gib you know.
  8. koroush47

    Parachutes and obstacles

    When ever i HALO into trees my guy dies randomly.... Even if i don't touch the trees. Hehe.
  9. koroush47

    ArmA 2 worth buying?

    1920 x 1080 you start having problems. When you buy a 24 inch monitor you just don't run at 1280 1024 anymore.... For a system that owns the optimal requirements.... 1080 should be NP. Not the case for me. I hope they fix.
  10. koroush47

    ArmA 2 worth buying?

    even on new systems it runs crap so far. I still like the game very much, I'm just waiting for the patches to make it run good.. I exceed the optimal requirements and I still get mediocre performance.
  11. koroush47

    Why are there literally 0 PVP servers?

    You just need to keep on banning. :p A good game if you guys are willing to invest alot of money on a 150 player server or something would be what the berzerk servers are doing.. With the bases and the vehicles, but make it in a much larger scale, think the maps out a bit better, and add airplanes and all the good stuff that those servers lack. Then make sure it is low ping so it is a instant Fav for the players and get some solid admins to make sure that we don't have snipers with 50 cals also flying super cobras and shooting missiles then bailing into a sniper spot... I would do this if I had a stable income (lost my job because of sucky economy, currently a student.... )
  12. koroush47

    Why are there literally 0 PVP servers?

    Then run more of it.
  13. koroush47

    Why dont you use the ingame voice chat ?

    I don't use it because the severs don't have it on. otherwise i would 100%
  14. Oh man that is annouying. I've been teamkilled more than having the enemy kill me when sniping. ARMA 2 is a great game but some people who play are just plain noobs.. (it's like that in all games) All they need to do is push spacebar and check if it is an ally or enemy. A prone sniper isn't going anywhere, don't know why they are in such a hurry.
  15. Keep it to PVP only... Killing AI is just not fun, doubt the stories will be also. This happened to me today: I Was playing AAS on that huge 90 man server... I got my M24, ghillie suit, and Silenced M9 and headed out for the enemies first capture point. I told the pilot to drop me off at the trees and I used HALO to get down. After being shot at by an APC/Tank (not sure what it was too busy running) I finally found refuge in the forest line and crawled until I found the perfect spot over Stary Sorbor. I'm sitting here for 5 minutes and I see a car with russians coming up. The 3 guys get out and take cover while fighting our guys and one of them stay inside the automatic grenade launcher thing that it has. I think to myself that This guy is going to rape all of us with that thing (its seriously the cheapest gun in the game) so hes shooting his grenades and killing our guys so I decide to take action.. I was pretty close so I took the Aim two dots down and had a great shot on the guy.. I shoot but all I hear is "Click" :confused: :mad: I forgot to take ammo with me. :mad: So I try to run up to the guy with my M9 and shoot him and I get shot at and my guy goes prone and won't get up. Then I get sick of ARMA and exit the game and type this. :D How about you guys?
  16. koroush47

    ArmA 2 worth buying?

    Patches will increase performance. Our computers are all plenty strong to run arma 2. The optimization is bad thats why we get so low FPS.
  17. koroush47

    Why are there literally 0 PVP servers?

    All of that can be fixed. Someday...
  18. Like a list. Not asking on chat because some people don't reply.
  19. Look at this image 44kb Image This is a M24 Scope.. What I'm asking is at what range will the gun shoot exactly in the middle of the crosshairs? What about 1-Down? What range would that be? 2-Down? 3-Down? Etc etc... Thanks for anybody who can help. I'm trying to learn how to use the M24 scope 100%.. Oh and what range is the M107 zeroed in at in Arma2? Thanks guys.
  20. Actually the M24 scope in arma 2 is correct. Not sure about M107 though.
  21. Wow thank you. Where did you get this? I am wondering if it has the same info for M24 and M40A3 also.
  22. koroush47

    ArmA 2 worth buying?

    wow the arma 2 demo blows dude. Yes you can get the fps helper addons and then your fps will go higher. OR upgrade The real game is so much more.
  23. koroush47

    Flying the choppers!

    Auto-hover is for men. Men = lazy Auto hover = lazy Men = Auto hover Oh and Having a joystick with TrackIR makes you a much better pilot.
  24. koroush47

    Low FPS

    its the game not the computers