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Everything posted by Nephris1

  1. Nephris1

    Female Soldier (beta wip)

    Nice one but... tits ... we need tits! Like that honey from ArmA1 AAN has.
  2. Fantastic ,spread me coffee over the keybord this breakfast by seeing your catch! Nice catch! Any words by the caught to that?
  3. Nephris1

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 73478

    Modmanager? Why do you post then? Or at least post what addon you are using and u suppose to make the Javelin weaker. My heavy arms weapon still work as always with that beta, so no need to worry from my side (with enabled and disabled mods)
  4. a timed trigger should work with {_x setDammage 1} foreach (nearestObjects [log1,[],100]) awhile you call your logic "log1"
  5. Is a scripted version already around?
  6. Nephris1

    CiA co-op night

    Hi folks is the server running on the latest patch in the meantime? Had the past months quiet fun, so would be glad to join ya again! I know you are no freinds of 3rd partyAddons....as me....besides complete replacement mods. But have u ever thought about playing with DAC 3.0?
  7. Isnt it already by default since a patch ... i think 1.50 or 1.05. It was introduced by a beta patch and i guess it was b4 OA. So a real clarification, maybe by a dev, or s.o. who has really a clue about it can make a statement about it. My ArmA2 is running great (i7 920), so i never really thought about disabling HT, even less since cpucount was introduced. Neverthelss a liable statement would be cool, otherwise this myth will reach the Mythbusters anytime....:p
  8. Nephris1

    Buggy rocks

    Jesus, AnimaMom , your videos are almost slapstick....:D:D
  9. I doubt it is in Standalone OA, as the campaign itself was created on Cherna, with Cherna units etc. I cant check atm,sry. But perhabs it is a kind of relict, they forgot to remove. If it would really be in OA Standalone the campaign is not functionable but at least u cant use the path for the resource. Neverthelell i am in doubt.I ll check the pbos in the OA addons folder tomorrow. Would be coul if s.o.who owes OA only could check it either. The path to the screens is ca\missions_ew\img\ and was default added in Version A2:1.05 Just in case s.o, is interested in the screen script of EW @CG: can u give me a link to your latest Domi release, as i would like to use it as "reference material" to learn and study.
  10. Nephris1

    Zeus AI Combat Skills

    Is it possible to deactivate several features in a mission? Lets say for a sniper e.g.
  11. If u test sth, test it without mods. Nice release! Could become an initial mission at the beginning of a campaign!
  12. Hi, is it possible to disable the actionentry at objects with ladders? I am talking about objects i set via editor.
  13. @FKplace: i guess u missed the meaning of my post, as it was directed to Gerdumbass initial rush. No need to hurry anyone to release a mod, as it is absolutely up to a mod when and how stuff get releasd, and it is absolutely up to you when,if and how u play a mod. And again the well known principle of all mods and addons kicks in: It will be released ,when it is done. If u want it earlier, do it yourself or make a mod team get paid.
  14. Nephris1

    [OA]how to assemble static weapon?

    Good. Already expected me to be too stupid using it.
  15. Nephris1

    Zeus AI Combat Skills

    hi Pro, i loaded the latest release via yoma. After starting and checking my rpt i get a bunch of those entries Destroy waypoint not linked to a target: Near target acquisition is slow and may even select friendly unit. Destroy waypoint not linked to a target: Near target acquisition is slow and may even select friendly unit. ..... .. .
  16. Nephris1

    [OA]how to assemble static weapon?

    Sorry for diffing this old thread,.... but i am not able anymore to assemble any weapon fromthe backpack. Has a bug sneaked into the past patches or am i just to stupid to perform the correct action. I wear the mg backpack (mg2,kord or dshkm, tested with each) and infront of me lies the corresponding tripod backpack. The only action menue i get is "take the xyz bag", no "assemble..." anymore. Any ideas,hints?
  17. If the mod would be released tomorrow, and wouldnt work due some bugs, that couldnt be eliminated, coz guys like you rush an early release, you would be for sure the first complaining about a not working mod. So loose the reins and wait for thing that will happen or not. And if you cant, grab O2 or 3DMax, start making models yourself, import them ,create the config, create and apply textures, do beta testing, apply the scripts, do beta testing (also on dedicated envirement) and offer then one of your demanded and finished addon of your "wish list" to the Libmod. That will shorten the time to wait for the mod and prevent you from making senseless posts, as u will then understand what it means creating an addon, not mentioning a complete Mod.
  18. Nephris1

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 73116

    Have to correct myself, this happens not everytime.
  19. ??? This is actually an issue since OFP, as he reload anims are gestures and cant be "globally synchronized (plz correct me if i am wrong). I dont know how it is on Listen Server, but the dedicated gameplay was always sufferingunder the reload bug.
  20. Fantastic news! Really too bad, Bis isnt able or didnt want to spend their time to deal with it. Thx Cyborg!
  21. Nephris1

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 73116

    I discovered a new old bug introduced with the latest beta, i already had with a beta in Arma2 vanilla times. When i shut down ArmA2 OA the game hangs again, so i ve to close it via Alt-Tab-entf. Anyone else expierienced that one?
  22. Hi friends, Bis is doing a great job refering to their beta patches and some fixes to bugs i even didnt notice. But some objective features didnt reach their attention yet, like the incoming sound for artillery shells (i know the rockets have incoming sound). So how is it possible to (pre)load sound for artilery shells? I guess this is possible only for artillery outside the BIS module, means a scripted artillery. Do i have to check the distance to its explosion point and load then the sound at e.g. _shell distance _expPlace < 10 or sth like that? I also treid to change the script used in EW i think artystrike = [] spawn { for "_i" from 0 to 10 do { for "_n" from 0 to 100 do { _missile = "M_Maverick_AT" createvehicle [ (position artillery select 0) - 300 + random 600, (position artillery select 1) - 300 + random 600, 500 ]; _missile setdir 90; [_missile,-70,0] call bis_fnc_setpitchbank; _missile setvelocity [0,0,-444]; _missile spawn { waituntil {isnull _this}; _dis = rah1 distance artillery; if (random 1 < (200 / _dis)) then { _sounds = if (rah1 distance artillery < 400) then {["explosion_1","explosion_2"]} else {["explosionsmall_1","explosionsmall_2"]}; _sound = _sounds call bis_fnc_selectrandom; playsound _sound; }; }; sleep ((0.1 + random 0.2)); }; sleep 10; }; }; Although the sound here refers to a detonation sound, i think we could lower the distance and replace an incoming sound. However the script works with missiles only. I am by far not skilled enough and am just able by try & error to get to a result. So my aim was to get an incoming shell sound loaded before a shell hits the ground and detonates.
  23. Nephris1

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 73116

    Great sports ya doin! Thx a lot!
  24. Nephris1

    Zeus AI Combat Skills

    I want refer once again to my post one site before. I updated to the newest compatible version. For testing again i ran ArmA2 vanilla. But the problem still exist. I noticed that it seems to be a problem with the generell waypoint behaviour,why i also opened a thread to the troubleshooting forum. In combination with ZeusAI a limited combat and limited stealth waypoint makes the AI to not even move. As tomorrow is weekend and free time, i ll create a fraps video.