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Everything posted by Nephris1

  1. If u have a look into their forums, the video seemed to be a leaked one, which shoulndt have been made public. Well that´s what i interpretate from Google translations.
  2. Nephris1

    ArmA Retro....

    +1 Although there will be the CWC2 mod, i always prefer "original stuff". I am also fed up of that high tech warfare, means the cold War Area was very cool, not really easy to do it with the units atm in ArmA2. But i am sure BIS will keep us suprising regarding new DLC. I doubt the new announced PMC DLC will be the last, so....
  3. Hi folks, i am trying to get a unit movinCommander into a tank. He shall use the open hatch position on the commander mg,but the light of the tank shall be turned off. I treid moveinCommander , with safe or careless mode the light is on of course. I further tried moveInTurret [t1 ,[position]], to get him to the right position in combat or aware mode - doesn´t work. Any ideas how to switch the light off in a vehicle? switchlight 2off" isnt workin either.
  4. Coolarrony ,danke dir. offtopic: Buliwyf from old Mapfact Forum times?
  5. Hi folks, stupid topic title but i wasnt able tofind a proper one. How can i create a linear timeline between the end of the mission and my outro? Lets say the mission can take between 30 mins and 2h. That means if the misison ends in night but the outro is at daylight the context would be logically destroyed. So can i port the time of the mission end to the outro?
  6. The artillery module is very well explained in their Biki http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Artillery_Module //[YourBatteryName, DispersionRadius] call BIS_ARTY_F_SetDispersion [battery, 500] call BIS_ARTY_F_SetDispersion;
  7. Nephris1

    Zeus AI Combat Skills

    Are you really taliking about Zeus_AI or Zcommon? Both are different folders. As with the latest Zcommon i get those probs, mensioned here, to controll the AI. The use of Zeus_AI folder is just fine.
  8. Great to hear m8! Couldnt test it right now. Any issues by using it in ArmA2 Vanilla ...means on Tschernarus?
  9. Nephris1

    Zeus AI Combat Skills

    Why dont u get it via Yoma, which provides always the newest Version. Use the older version called "Zeus_AI".
  10. Nephris1

    Zeus AI Combat Skills

    I was friggin around with a solution to make AI spotting enemy. CarlGustaffa helped me out at this point with a script solution he had. I dont know if he was able to develop it further, although it already worked in its version, when i used it, but it can end up in a complete flare-o-rama. This is the link to his script is here. Tell me if u need a complete demo version. All credits at this script belong to CalrGustaffa,it wasnt my work!
  11. I wasnt sure if that topic owes to "general" or "suggestions", cause probably there is already a workaround but i wasnt able to find it. Would it be possible to make OA features accessable also by Vanilla units? E.g. deployble weapons cant be used with USMC or Russian units. The "deployable weapons" need a fix at all, as not each is working properly, like the M2HD for instance. Same belongs to accessablitiy for backpacks, although this would need to get a colour adoption. Or is tis just not possible due to engine limitations between OA and Vanilla? edit:sry same topic content was suggested a few threads below.
  12. Nephris1

    ASR AI Rearming

    I tested your latest releases the past 2 nights, and am really satisfied with it. As it is a definate AI enhancement, could you imagine to collaborate togehter with Zeus?
  13. Nephris1

    Zeus AI Combat Skills

    I would once again refer to my post from the page before I yesterday tested the an older Zeus version, which folder seemed to be called "ZeusAI" when i downloaded it (i didnt change the name) and its newest pbo inside was from the 3rd September. With that version i had no problems in ordering my AI to hold fire. But several features like popping smoke or use of "far distance handgrenates", which were the most obvious i could notice directly,were not included. Would be great if that issue could be fixxed. Another suggestion and question would be if Zeus (what is a must be in our coops) could probably colaborate with Robalo_AS ?!As his latest updates like Rearm are really useful. I know it isnt Xmas...,but any thoughts about including the use of flares at night on enemy contacts? Keep up the good work Prot. and thx for ya efford.
  14. But why should _setSpeed = ["limited","[b]normal[/b]"]; make them run as "full" actually should do. I ll test it neverthelss, thx.
  15. Hi Silola, cheerz for the script version. Nevertheless my following prob refers to the pbo version. I got a problem with the beahviour of the units. I am using extern config with _setCombat = ["green","white","yellow"]; _setBehav = ["safe"]; _setSpeed = ["limited","normal"]; But some of the groups still keep running. Means they also use "full" speed mode, next to limited and normal. Any ideas what can cause that. The call refers to the "0" case, where i defined the behaviour zone = ["z1",[1,0,0],[5,2,30,15],[ ],[ ],[ ],[0,16,0,0]]exec "DAC\Scripts\DAC_Init_Zone.sqs" Greetz
  16. Nephris1

    Zeus AI Combat Skills

    I expierienced the last sessions playing,a problem, that seem to be related to Zcommon, as i didnt noticed it without Zcommon, means Vanilla ArmA2. I order my team (player + 2AI) to hold fire. But as soon as they have enemy contact or are engaged their stance changes directly to "open Fire", without any command by me. I first expected this to be an issue with the AI handling in generell in ArmA2 but it is not,as it only happens with Zcommon. Has anyone else expieirenced this? Or maybe this "feature" is actually wanted?
  17. Nephris1

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 73968

    I can second the increased z-fighting in all stances but prone. To be honest i am doing hard to get the idea, why it still occurs in prone only....?? Helluva job Bis is doing in propering the game!
  18. Nephris1

    Arma2 & OA Post Effects

    Do you expect a physiological explanation?In that case the ophtalmological would be my first adress instead. He just tried to give ya a hand on how to turn it off or lower the effect If u suffering on it, turn it off and test if it works then for ya. You probably need some glasses or stronger ones if you already got one. At the end this is a gaming forum. And no, i am neither suffering on headache or similar.
  19. Nephris1

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 73643

    I got an error with the latest beta with the arty module. First i had it with Echos scripts he posted, and today i just checked it with a not complex call of Bis arty like [Arty2, getMarkerPos "tgt2", MyHETemplate2] call BIS_ARTY_F_ExecuteTemplateMission;[Arty2, 250] call BIS_ARTY_F_SetDispersion; As it is working without errors on vanilla versions and non beta i suppose it could be an error due the beta This is what the rpt tells Error in expression <tualShell = false;}; _spawnDist = 6; if (_virtualShell) then { if (BIS_ARTY_D> Error position: <if (_virtualShell) then { if (BIS_ARTY_D> Error if: Typ Objekt, erwartet Bool
  20. Nephris1

    ECHO fire director

    I run ArmA CO with the latest beta. The pack was downloaded by the link provided by Foxhound 1 or 2 pages before this post. I was using the demo mission, without editing it. Didnt check it with ArmA2 vanilla so far. @Das Attorney Could u pls post your expirience with the beta and its error in the arty module also to the beta thread? I tested it now with a simple call and received the same error with the beta but not on vanilla.
  21. Nephris1

    ECHO fire director

    Thx Foxhound worked! @Echo: I get an error and entries in the rpt,when i use the scripted version demo mission Error in expression <tualShell = false;}; _spawnDist = 6; if (_virtualShell) then { if (BIS_ARTY_D> Error position: <if (_virtualShell) then { if (BIS_ARTY_D> Error if: Typ Objekt, erwartet Bool File ca\modules\ARTY\data\scripts\ARTY_ShellFlight.sqf, line 71 I am using -showscripterrors. Neverthelss the script does its job. It is the best one on that topic i ever tested, thx for ya effort m8! Keep on the work!
  22. Nephris1

    ECHO fire director

    Since Armaholic is down, can s.o. plz provide a new mirror for Echo Fire Director plz?
  23. Nephris1

    ION, Inc.

    There are so many hints on the first 4 pages of this thread with even Biki links. Took me 3 mins of searching to get the login. OFP campaign.... Zipper gave actually the direct hint.
  24. Nephris1

    Zeus AI Combat Skills

    I updated via Yoma to the latest version and start my game always with -showscrpterrors. On each startup i get a :255 and rpt says: Error position: <> Error Ungültige Zahl in Ausdruck Error in expression <255:> Error position: <> Error Ungültige Zahl in Ausdruck with zcommon. Any ideas?